
Liang Yafeng, a good Chinese man: "For the rest of your life, go all out to protect it to the end"

author:Civilization Island
Liang Yafeng, a good Chinese man: "For the rest of your life, go all out to protect it to the end"

Character business card

Liang Yafeng

Liang Yafeng, a good Chinese man: "For the rest of your life, go all out to protect it to the end"
Liang Yafeng, a good Chinese man: "For the rest of your life, go all out to protect it to the end"

Liang Yafeng, female, born in June 1977, is the chairman of the Public Welfare Service Center of Aixing Zhumeng in Xiqing District, Tianjin. Since 2013, Liang has been committed to caring for children with autism. According to statistics, from 2013 to 2021, Love Star Dream Public Welfare has helped 378 families for a long time. In December 2021, Liang Yafeng was awarded the "China Good People List".

"Mama Liang I miss you"

"Happy New Year to Aunt Liang"

"Mama Liang loves you, hug"


On February 9, the "children from the stars", who had been away for more than a month due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the Spring Festival, returned to the Love Star Dream Public Welfare Service Center in Xiqing District, Tianjin.

When meeting with the busy Liang Yafeng, they would all be unable to suppress the joy in their hearts and come forward to say hello.

Liang Yafeng will also stop the work in his hand and respond one by one, or give them a big hug, or gently pat their heads, or happily clap with them.

This year marks the 9th year that Liang has embarked on the road of caring for children with autism.

In 9 years, there will always be people around me who will issue voices of incomprehension and opposition, and every time at this time, Liang Yafeng will respond with a smile: "Everyone has a meaning of existence, and the meaning of my existence is to guard these 'children from the stars'." ”

Sprout a wish to protect

In January 2012, the sudden death of his father dealt Liang Yafeng a heavy blow. During that time, she locked herself in her room and was depressed all day.

"You can't continue like this, you have to live a life full of sunshine in your heart."

Liang Yayu often had a voice jump out of his heart.

She tried to go out and walk into the nursing home and orphanage with her friends who were doing public welfare around her.

One day in the autumn of the same year, Liang Yafeng and caring people came to a rehabilitation center for autistic children.

There, the children gathered around them and asked some "strange" questions:

"Can I hold your hand?"

"Do you like black houses?"

"Shouldn't I make strange noises?"

In the face of these questions, Liang Yafeng answered them one by one with a sincere attitude.

On that day, the children's clear eyes and the strong and optimistic attitude of the parents deeply touched Liang Yafeng, and also made her germinate a wish ——

For the rest of their lives, they will take good care of these "children from the stars", hold up their hopes for the world and life, and let them feel the beauty of this world and life.

"The clean, pure smiles of these children shone into my heart like light, and they healed me, and they pulled me out of the trough of my life." Liang Yayu choked and said.

In June 2013, Liang Yafeng and volunteers initiated the establishment of the Love Star Dream Public Welfare Service Center.

Liang Yafeng, a good Chinese man: "For the rest of your life, go all out to protect it to the end"

Liang Yayu (left) works with Star Youth.

These children with autism

Known as "The Child from the Stars"

Some of them are reluctant to speak

Some people hear you talking but always turn a deaf ear

There are actions that always go against your wishes


Recognize a number,

Learn a word,

Master a craft


Liang Yayu and the teachers of the Aixing Dream Building Public Welfare Service Center

Keep repeating...

Although she was very tired, Liang Yafeng never gave up, and she and the teachers of the Love Star Dream Public Welfare Service Center carefully observed and speculated about the children's behavior, and tried to enter the world of the "stars" again and again.

Help more kids and families

Doudou (pseudonym), who was born into a single-parent family, is the first autistic child Liang has met.

"When I first met Doudou, he was just a 6-year-old." In the interview, Liang Yafeng said.

In August 2021, Doudou's mother died of illness, leaving behind an old mother in her 90s who could not take care of herself and a 14-year-old Doudou.

Liang Yayu and his friends and caring people held a simple funeral for Doudou's mother.

After that, she kept running around the civil affairs bureau, the street, and the community, handling the procedures for Doudou's help, and gave Doudou a warm home by her own strength.

Liang Yafeng, a good Chinese man: "For the rest of your life, go all out to protect it to the end"

Liang Yayu (center) and Bean beanie (right).

In order to help Doudou open his heart and adjust his mentality, Liang Yafeng took him to Tianjin's first auxiliary employment station, Xixiuyuan Sunshine Factory.

This "workshop" is the first auxiliary employment station entrusted by the Xiqing District Disabled Persons' Federation and the Xiqing Civil Affairs Bureau in March 2019, built by the Aixing Zhumeng Public Welfare Service Center and Chuangmei Information Technology Co., Ltd. in Tianjin, providing employment channels for vulnerable groups such as the disabled.

Liang Yafeng hopes that Doudou can master certain work skills and independent living skills through daily training here, and improve the ability of language communication, hands-on and self-care of life.

In 2018

Liang's mother fell ill

As an only child, she is busy with herself

Spend day and night with your mother

She fully appreciates the difficulties of an only child caring for the elderly

It also reminded her of those autistic children

Most of them are also only children

When their parents are old, who will take care of them?

Who cares for these autistic children?

How can we achieve the "double pension" of parents and children?

Based on this thinking, Liang Yafeng and the volunteers of the Aixing Dream Public Welfare Service Center mobilized the parents around them to choose a site, raise funds, rent a house of more than 500 square meters, and establish tianjin's first collective dormitory for the mentally disabled in August 2021 to help more families of children with autism.

The collective dormitories are known as the "Star Community". The first partner to be welcomed to the dormitory is Doudou. Nowadays, Doudou has become more and more confident under the care and care of the teachers in the dormitory.

Speaking of the original intention of preparing for the collective dormitory, Liang Yafeng frankly said:

"A few years ago I had a dream of doing a retirement community for older people with autism, but in the end it was Doudou who made me decide to start it. Because of his story, I have accelerated the pace of realizing this dream. I not only want to give Doudou a home, but also teach him the ability to survive, but also give other children who also need help a better environment. ”

Pay attention to the development of children's skills

"A child who has been in the workshop for 3 years is finally speaking for the first time, and he is so excited."

On the afternoon of February 9, Liang Yafeng posted a message in the WeChat circle of friends, revealing happiness between the lines.

Looking at Liang Yafeng's WeChat circle of friends, it is full of photos of "star children" participating in flower arrangement, painting, yoga, baking and other activities.

During the interview, Liang Yafeng carefully counted the changes after the children came to the Love Star Dream Public Welfare Service Center to the reporter:

There are 10-year-olds who do not go to the toilet by themselves when they first arrive, and they still wear diapers and do not wet, but they have improved after a month;

Some children do not dare to talk to strangers at first, and slowly become "talkative";

Some children learn to bake, and some children learn to make coffee

In Liang Yafeng's view,

"Teach people to fish."

It is better to teach people to fish

If you want to make older autistic people

There is a better future,

It must be through the efforts of the whole society

The future can be expected

Dream around"

From 2013 to 2021, the Love Star Dream Public Welfare Service Center has long helped a total of 378 families with autism, and the children's self-care ability has been improved to varying degrees.

"In order to make the children better adapt to the society, my colleagues and I will strive to undertake various public welfare activities and provide as many platforms as possible for the children to go out of the house, integrate into the society, exercise and grow in practice." Liang Yayu said.

Liang Yafeng, a good Chinese man: "For the rest of your life, go all out to protect it to the end"

Volunteers from The Love Star Dream Public Welfare Service Center participated in the Xiqing District Volunteer Service Fair.

At present, with the efforts of Liang Yafeng and other public welfare people, a total of more than 40 star youths receive long-term services in the service center, and more than 400 star youth receive short-term services.

While sending surprises to children and parents, Liang Yafeng himself also gained a lot of touches.

Six of the 17 teachers at the base are parents of children with autism.

Over the years, under the influence and drive of Liang Yafeng, some parents of autistic children have joined this loving team, and some have given financial support.

"The support and affirmation of the parents has enhanced my sense of mission and responsibility." For these children, for the rest of their lives, go all out to protect them to the end. Liang Yafeng sighed.

On January 30, the day before Chinese New Year's Eve, Liang Yafeng wrote this sentence in the WeChat circle of friends:

"Not for the broken silver, nor for the soup for three meals, only for the ideal in the heart."

Her ideal, she said, is to guard this group of "children from the stars."

- End -

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▌ The source of this article | Spiritual Civilization Newspaper (February 18, 2022, A1 Edition)

▌ Original title | "The rest of your life, go all out to protect to the end" - Remembering the good Chinese man Liang Yafeng"

▌ Image source | Courtesy of respondents

▌ Edit | Li Shangwei

▌ Audit | Yang Jun Chen Xiaoyun
