
Advise you to be sure to win the CPA in year 4

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As we all know, the CPA exam requires candidates to pass 6 exams in 5 years, but today, Gordon Jun would like to advise all candidates to obtain a CPA certificate in the 4th year, otherwise we will face:

Extremely stressful preparation

The CPA exam is difficult, but the 5th year exam is even more difficult, and it is not only necessary to overcome the difficulty of the exam itself, but also the pressure of preparing for the exam in the final year.

In the last year, the last two subjects are left, and the pressure to prepare for the exam is much greater than that of the candidates who took the CPA exam in the first year.

Advise you to be sure to win the CPA in year 4

Accidental failure to pass, facing the risk of re-examination

We have made full planning when preparing for the exam, but there will always be some accidents, even if we have made sufficient preparations, under special circumstances, if we do not pass the exam in the last year, our first year of passing results will also be invalid, then the next year will be under the pressure of preparing for more subjects in the last year.

Advise you to be sure to win the CPA in year 4

Wear off your spirits and waste your time

Although we all have the determination to win when deciding on the exam, but once we experience setbacks, we will have some anxiety in our hearts, if we do not pass all the subjects in the fifth year, then we may have to start a new round of preparation, for the candidates, not only wasted time, but also mentally suffered more.

Advise you to be sure to win the CPA in year 4

The preparation for the 2022 CPA candidates has begun, in order to help everyone complete the "4-year plan", Gordon Jun sorted out some CPA customs clearance dry goods, six subjects, the need can be private message Gordon Jun [CPA] to receive.

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Advise you to be sure to win the CPA in year 4

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Advise you to be sure to win the CPA in year 4

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Advise you to be sure to win the CPA in year 4

▎This article was originally published by Gordon CPA, if you need to reprint or cite, please indicate the source!