
College Entrance Examination English Topic 11 Grammar Fill-in-the-Blank "High Frequency Test Center Analysis Collector's Edition"

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College Entrance Examination English Topic 11 Grammar Fill-in-the-Blank "High Frequency Test Center Analysis Collector's Edition"

I. Narrative

1. 【2020 · National Volume I】

Read the short text below and fill in the blank space with 1 appropriate word or the correct form of the word in parentheses.

China has become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. The unmanned Chang’e-4 probe (探测器) - the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basin. Landing on the moon’s far side is (extreme) challenging. Because the moon’s body blocks direct radio communication with a probe, China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. The far side of the moon is of particular (interesting) to scientists because it has a lot of deep craters (环形山), more so the familiar near side. Chinese researchers hope to use the instruments onboard Chang’e-4 (find) and study areas of the South Pole-Aitken basin. "This really excites scientists," Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brown University, says, "because it (mean) we have the chance to obtain information about how the moon (construct)" Data about the moon’s composition, such as how ice and other treasures it contains, could help China decide whether (it) plans for a future lunar (月球的) base are practical.






65.than find

67.means constructed



This is an explanatory essay. China became the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon, and the article mainly introduced the significance of the launch of Chang'e-4, China's unmanned lunar probe.

61. Examine tense. The unmanned lunar probe Chang'e-4 — whose name is inspired by the ancient Chinese moon goddess — landed last week in the Aitken Basin in Antarctica. Here is the predicate of the sentence, according to the time adjective last week can know that the general past tense should be used, so fill in touched.

62. Examine adverbs. Meaning: Landing on the far side of the moon is extremely challenging. The empty modifier adjective challenging should use the adverb form of extreme, so fill in extremely.

63. Examine the definite clause. China must first send an artificial satellite into a point in lunar orbit, where it can send signals to spacecraft and Earth. Analyzing the sentence, we can see that the empty place leads to a definite clause, the antecedent is a spot, and the relational word replaces the precursor in the subordinate clause as a place adjective, and the where guide is applied. So fill in where.

64. Examine nouns. Meaning: The far side of the moon is of particular interest to scientists. According to the unprecedented adjective particular, the empty space should be filled with nouns, interest is uncountable nouns, and be of interest to sb. means "(something) makes someone interested". So fill in the interest.

65. Examine prepositions. Sentence meaning: Because it has more deep craters than the familiar side. According to the unprecedented comparative level more so, the preposition here is dan, which means "than ... more". So fill in the thanan.

66. Examine non-predicate verbs. Chinese researchers hope to use equipment on Chang'e-4 to discover and study the Aitken Basin in Antarctica. The purpose is indicated here, and the infinitive should be used as the purpose adjective. So fill in to find.

67. Examine the temporal consistency with the subject-verb. "It really excites scientists," says Carle Pieters, a scientist at Brown University, "because it means we have a chance to get information about how the moon is structured." According to the above "This really excites scientists", it is also used here that the subject is it, so the empty predicate verb uses the third-person singular form of means, so fill in the means.

68. Examine the consistency of tenses, voices, and subject-verbs. Ibid. Analyzing the sentence can be seen that here is the object clause predicate verb, the relationship between the predicate construct and the subject the moon is passive, the passive voice should be used, and then from the context can know that the general present tense should be used here, the subject the moon is singular, so fill in is constructed.

69. Examine adjectives. Data on the composition of the moon, such as how much water and other wealth it contains, could help China decide whether its plans for a future lunar base are practical. ice is an uncountable noun and should be modified with much, so it is filled in with much.

70. Examine pronouns. Ibid. According to the empty noun plans, the adjective part-of-the-fact pronoun its should be used here, so fill in its.

2. 【2020 · National Volume II】

Deorating with Plants, Fruits and Flowers for Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a (celebrate) marking the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. This is why decorating with plants, fruits and flowers (carry) special significance. They represent the earth (come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings.

These are some of the most popular in many parts of the country:

Oranges: Orange trees are more decoration; they are a symbol of good fortune and wealth. They make great gifs and you see them many times (decorate) with red envelopes and messages of good fortune.

Bamboo: Chinese love their “Lucky Bamboo” plants and you will see them often in their homes and office. (certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must. Bamboo plants are associated health, abundance and a happy home. They are easy (care) for and make great presents.

Branches of Plum Blossoms (梅花): The (beauty) long branches covered with pink-colored buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations. The plum trees are first to flower even as the snow is melting(融化). They represent the promise of spring and a renewal of life.







67.with care




【Article to the effect】This article is an explanatory text. The article describes the meaning of decorating the Chinese New Year with some plants, fruits and flowers.

61. Examine nouns. Chinese New Year is a celebration of the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Indefinite article a followed by noun form. So fill in the celebration.

62. Examine the subject-verb consistency. Sentence Meaning: This is why decorating with plants, fruits and flowers has a special meaning. This is a predicate clause, and the subject of the clause is the verb noun phrase decorating with plants, fruits and flowers, so the predicate verb is in singular form. So fill in carries.

63. Examine non-predicate verbs. Meaning: They represent the revival of the earth and good wishes for a new beginning. The predicate verb in the sentence is require, so here it is a non-predicate verb. The relationship between the noun earth and the come back to is the active relationship, so the present participle is used as a post-definite. Therefore fill in the back.

64. Examine phrases. Orange trees are more than just ornaments; more than more than just, not just. So fill in the thanan.

65. Examine non-predicate verbs. Meaning: They are good gifts, and you will often see them decorated with red envelopes and good luck messages. In the sentence theem refers to the orange trees in the preceding sentence, and the relationship between the decorate is passive, so the past participle is used as an object complement. Therefore, fill in the decorrated.

66. Examine adverbs. Meaning: Of course, during the holidays, this plant is an absolute necessity. Prepositional phrases do temporal adverbs, so only by changing into adverbs can the sentence structure be compounded and used as adverb forms. So fill in Certainly.

67. Examine phrases. Meaning: Bamboo plants are associated with healthy, affluent and happy families. be associated with... Relate. So fill in with.

68. Examine non-predicate verbs. Meaning: They are easy to take care of and are also suitable as gifts. Examine the "be + adjective + to do" structure here. Fill in to care.

69. Examine adjectives. Meaning: Beautiful long branches are covered with pink buds, making a beautiful decoration. Modified noun batches, in adjective form. So fill in the beautiful.

70. Examine the article. Meaning: When the snow is still melting, the plum blossom is the first to bloom. This indicates a specific meaning, so the ordinal word first should be preceded by the article the the. So fill in the the.

3. 【2020 · National Volume III】

In ancient China lived an artist paintings were almost lifelike. The artist’s reputation had made him proud. One day the emperor wanted to get his portrait (画像) done so he called all great artists to come and present their (fine) work, so that he could choose the best. The artist was sure he would(choose), but when he presented his masterpiece to the emperor’s chief minister, the old nan laughed. The wise old man told him to travel to the Li River~perhaps he could learn a little from the greatest artist in the world.

Filled with (curious), the artist packed his bags and left. he asked the villagers on the banks of the river where he could find the legendary (传奇的) artist, they smiled and (point) down the river. The next morning he hired a boat and set out (find) the well-known painter. As the small boat moved, (gentle) along the river he was left speechless by the mountains being silently reflected in the water. He passed milky white waterfalls and mountains in many shades of blue. And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds (surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears. The artist was finally humbled (谦卑) by the greatest artist earth, Mother Nature.


62.finest chosen



66.pointed find




This is a narrative essay. It mainly recounts the vivid paintings of a painter who one day when he presented them to the prime minister, the wise old man told him to travel to the Li River – perhaps he could learn something from the world's greatest artists. The painter finally discovered that the greatest artist in the world was Mother Nature.

61. Examine the definite clause. Meaning: There was a painter in ancient China whose paintings were almost lifelike. Here is the definite clause to modify the precursor word artist, and the antecedent is used as a definite word in the clause, so the relational pronoun whyse is used. So fill in the whoose.

62. Examine the most advanced. One day, the emperor wanted someone to paint him a portrait, so he invited all the great painters to show their best works so that he could choose the best. Combined with the meaning of the sentence, the emperor wanted the painter to have the best work, indicating "the best" where the adjective most advanced finest applied. So fill in the finest.

63. Examine verb morphology. The painter was sure he would be chosen, but when he gave his masterpiece to the emperor's chancellor, the old man smiled. In this sentence, the subject he and the predicate verb choose form a passive relationship, and would is followed by the verb prototype. So fill in the be chosen.

64. Examine nouns. Meaning: With curiosity, the artist packed his bags and left. with is a preposition, followed by the noun curiosity as an object, indicating "curiosity". So fill in curiosity.

65. Examine the connecting words. When he asked the villagers on the river bank where he could find the legendary artist, they laughed and pointed to the lower reaches of the river. This sentence is a temporal clause that means "when... time", and the verb asked in the clause is a transient action verb, which cannot be guided by while, so when or as is used to guide. Capitalize the first letter of the sentence. Therefore, fill in When/As.

66. Examine verb tenses. When he asked the villagers on the river bank where he could find the legendary artist, they laughed and pointed to the lower reaches of the river. According to the above they smiled and can be seen here the general past tense is applied. So fill in the pointed.

67. Examine non-predicate verbs. The next morning, he rented a boat and set out to find the famous painter. Combined with the meaning of the sentence means "to go to do something" phrase is set out to do sth., followed by infinitives as a purpose statement. So fill in to find.

68. Examine adverbs. Sentence meaning: When the boat slowly moves along the river, the reflection of the mountain in the water makes him unable to speak. Here the modifier verb moved applies the adverb grantly as an adjective, meaning "slowly.". So fill in gently.

69. Examine non-predicate verbs. When he saw the fog rising from the river and the dark clouds on the top of the mountain, he couldn't help but shed tears. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that the soft clouds(surround) the mountain tops are independent subject structures to do the adjectives, surround in the sentence to apply non-predicate verb forms, and the logical subject clouds constitute an active relationship, so the application of the current participle. So fill in the surrounding.

70. Examine prepositions. The artist was eventually impressed by the world's greatest artist, Mother Nature. Combined with the meaning of the phrase "in the world" is on earth. So fill in on.

4. 【2020·Shandong Volume】

Read the essay below and fill in the blank space with 1 appropriate word or the correct form of the word in parentheses.

Many people have the hobby of collecting things, e.g. stamps, postcards or antiques. In the 18th and 19th centuries, (wealth) people travelled and collected plants, historical objects and works of art. They kept their collection at home until it got too big until they died, and then it was given to a museum. The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, (form) the core collection of the British Museum opened in 1759.

The parts of a museum open to the public (call) galleries or rooms. Often, only a small part of a museum’s collection (be) on display. Most of it is stored away or used for research.

Many museums are lively places and they attract a lot of visitors. As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations (模拟) and imagine (they) living at a different time in history or (walk)through a rainforest. At the Jorvik Centre in York, the city’s Viking settlement is recreated, and people experience the sights, sounds and smells of the old town. Historical (accurate) is important but so is entertainment. Museums must compete people’s spare time and money with other amusements. Most museums also welcome school groups and arrange special activities for children.





40.are called





This is an explanatory essay. The article mainly introduces the origin of the museum's collection and the benefits and challenges that the museum brings to people.

36. Examine adjectives. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the wealthy traveled and collected plants, historical objects, and works of art. Here to modify the noun hope, you should use an adjective, make a final. So fill in the naturalthy.

37. Examine conjunctions. They leave their collections at home until they become too big or they die, and then the collections are donated to a museum. Depending on the context, the two possibilities are stated before and after, and the conjunction or: or should be used. So fill in or.

38. Examine verb tenses. For example, Sir Hans Sloane's 80,000-piece collection forms the core of the British Museum's collection, which opened in 1759. Here is the predicate verb, which, according to the temporal adjective in1759, should use the general past tense. Therefore, fill in the formed.

39. Examine the definite clause. For example, Sir Hans Sloane's 80,000-piece collection forms the core of the British Museum's collection, which opened in 1759. Here is the qualifier clause, the precursor is the British Museum, the relational word is the subject in the clause, and the relational pronoun wich/that should be used to guide. So fill in whyich/that.

40. Examine verb tenses and voices. Meaning: The part of the museum that is open to the public is called a gallery or exhibition hall. What is described here is an objective use that should use the general present tense; the subject and call are logical verb-object relationships, the passive voice should be used, and the subject is a plural concept. So fill in are called.

41. Examine the subject-verb consistency. Meaning: Usually, museums exhibit only a small part of their collections. What is described here is an objective fact that should be used in the general present tense, the subject a small part of a museum's collection is a singular concept, the predicate verb should use the third-person singular form, and the Most of it is stored away or used for research. Therefore fill in is.

42. Examine reflexive pronouns. In addition to viewing the exhibits, visitors can also play computer simulation games, imagine living in a different historical period, or stroll through the rainforest. Referring here to visitors, meaning "themselves", reflexive pronouns should be used. So fill in themselves.

43. Examine non-predicate verbs. In addition to viewing the exhibits, visitors can also play computer simulation games, imagine living in a different historical period, or stroll through the rainforest. Here with living are juxtaposed ingredients, together with imagine's bin supplement, imagine sb doing sth. "Imagine someone doing something". So fill in the walking.

44. Examine nouns. Meaning: Historical accuracy is important, but entertainment is also important. The subject here, located after the adjective historical, should use nouns meaning "historical accuracy". So fill in the acceptable.

45. Examine prepositions. Meaning: Museums must compete with other recreational activities for people's spare time and money. Here is the fixed phrase: compete for, meaning: "For... Competition". So fill in the for.

5. 【2020·Zhejiang Volume】

Read the material below, filling in the blanks with the appropriate content (1 word) or the correct form of the word inside the parentheses.

Some time after 10,000 BC,people made the first real attempt to control the world they lived ,through agriculture. Over thousands of years,they began to depend less on could be hunted or gathered from the wild,and more on animals they had raised and crops they had sown.

Farming produced more food per person hunting and gathering,so people were able to raise more children. And,as more children were born,more food (need). Agriculture gave people their first experience of the power of technology (change)lives.

By about 6000 BC,people (discover)the best crops to grow and animals to raise. Later,they learned to work with the (season),planting at the right time and,in dry areas, (make)use of annual floods to irrigate(灌溉)their fields.

This style of farming lasted for quite a long time. Then,with rise of science,changes began. New methods (mean)that fewer people worked in farming. In the last century or so,these changes have accelerated. New power machinery and artificial fertilizers(化肥)have now totally transformed a way of life that started in the Stone Age.



59.was needed change

61.had discovered





This is an explanatory essay. The article tells the history of the development of agriculture.

56. Examine prepositions. Meaning: After 10,000 BC, people for the first time really tried to control the world they lived in through agriculture. The analysis shows that "they lived _____" should be the definite clause of the previous noun the world, the definite clause guide word is omitted, and it can be inferred that the precursor should be the object in the clause, that is: they lived in the world. Live in+ noun meaning "to live somewhere". Therefore fill in in.

57. Examine noun clauses. Over the course of thousands of years, they began to rely less on the prey we collected from the wild and more on the animals they raised and the crops they sowed. Analyzing sentences, the object clause part lacks a subject, so the introductory word should be a "connecting pronoun". According to the meaning of the sentence, the meaning of "what" is missing here. So fill in what.

58. Consider the fixing combination. Meaning: Agriculture produces more food per capita than hunting and gathering. Combined with the meaning of the sentence, it can be seen that in this sentence, agricultural production is compared with hunting and gathering, and the comparative conjunction than thanan is used. more... than, meaning "than... More " so fill than.

59. Examine tenses. Meaning: As more children are born, more food is needed. Analyze the passive logic between the sentence, logical subject and need. At the same time, the time described here is the past tense, so the tense applies the past tense. The passive voice of the past tense is therefore applied here. Food is an uncountable noun. So fill in was needed.

60. Examine non-predicate verbs. Meaning: Agriculture allows people to experience the life-changing power of technology for the first time. Analyze the sentence, the simple sentence already has the verb gave, so the hint part needs to use non-predicate verbs. Analyzing the meaning of the sentence, the purpose needs to be expressed in an infinitive. So fill in to change.

61. Examine tense. Around 6000 BC, people had discovered the most suitable crops for cultivation and the most suitable livestock for raising. To analyze the sentence, there are no other verbs in the simple sentence except for the prompt word, so the tense of the verb is used here. Active logic is represented between the logical subject and the cue word. by + past time translated as "to... until", the sentence that follows is completed with the past. So fill in had discovered.

62. Examine the plural number of nouns. Later, they learned to adapt to local conditions, sow seeds at the right time, and in arid areas, use the annual floods to irrigate farmland. Analyze sentences, the part of speech of the prompt word is a countable noun, and the plural form is applied. So fill in seasons.

63. Examine non-predicate verbs. Later, they learned to adapt to local conditions, sow seeds at the right time, and in arid areas, use the annual floods to irrigate farmland. Analyze the sentence, make in the clause where there is no subject, so here you need to use a non-predicate verb. The relationship between make use of and the logical subject they represents an "active" relationship. So here I use the current participle form (doing) form as an adjective. So fill in the making.

64. Examine the definite article. With the rise of science, things have changed. With the rise of translates as "with... "Rise" is a fixed phrase. So fill in the the.

65. Examine tense. Meaning: The new approach means fewer people are engaged in agriculture. Analyzing sentences, there are no other verbs in the main sentence part, so here you need to fill in the tense. The overall tense of the article is the past tense, which should also be the past tense according to the principle of temporal consistency. The active relationship between the logical subject and the verb is represented. So fill in the active form of the past tense here. So fill in the minute.

2. 2020 Simulation Questions

(1) The first mock exam of the 2020 class of Tangshan City, Hebei Province

We always think it’s OK for us to leave our plants unattended during our vacation,but a recent study has led to a new (discover).

Some scientists tested tobacco plants and tomato plants by cutting off their stems(茎)and (stop)watering them. They then recorded their response with a microphone (place)ten centimeters away.

They found that the plants began to scream ultrasonic(超声波)sounds, which they believed could convey their suffering other plants. When the stem of a tomato plant was cut,the scientists found that screamed 25 ultrasonic sounds of suffering within an hour. The tobacco plant that had its stem cut (send)out 15.

The plants also seemed to respond to different (stress)with the different intensities(强度)of sound. The scientists observed that the tobacco plants let out (loud)sound when they were not watered than when they had their stems cut

The study answers the question plants can feel pain or not. It can change the way that we think about the plant kingdom,which has been (natural)considered to be almost silent.

61. discovery

62. stopping

63. placed

64. to

65. it

66. sent

67. stresses

68. louder

69. whether

70. naturally

This is an explanatory essay. Introducing a new finding from a recent study: By cutting off the stems of tobacco and tomatoes and stopping watering them, researchers found that plants can send ultrasounds to send feelings of pain to other plants. In addition, plants also make different sounds for different intensities of sound.

61. Examine nouns. In the sentence lead to "cause, cause", where to is a preposition, and then the new discovery is to do the object of toto, so use nouns. So fill in the discovery.

62. Examine verbs. Some scientists test tobacco and tomato plants by cutting off their stems and stopping watering them. The content after the sentence by is made of the adjective, which can be known by and, and the structure and form of the before and after should be consistent. So fill in stopping.

63. Examine past participles. The composite structure of with is: with + object + complement. When the logical relationship between complement and object is an animative relationship, the complement should use the form of past participles. In the sentence, the microphone and place constitute a dynamic-guest relationship, so fill in the place.

64. Examine prepositions. They found that the plants began to emit ultrasonic sounds, which they believed could transmit their suffering to other plants. Sentence in convey sth. to sb./sth.“ handful...... Passed on to someone or something" for a fixed collocation. So fill in the to.

65. Examine pronouns. When the tomato's stem was cut off, scientists found that within an hour, it emitted 25 ultrasounds of painful sound. Analyze the sentence pattern to know that in the time adjective clause when... The subject is the stem of a tomato plant, so the object clause that follows refers to the fact that a tomato plant emits ultrasonic waves. So fill in it.

66. Examine tenses. The tobacco plant that cut off the stem made 15 sounds (the painful sound of ultrasound). This sentence is a compound sentence, where that had had its stem cut is a definite clause and the rest is a master sentence. This experiment is in the past, the sound is active, and the tense should be used in the general past tense. So fill in the sent.

67. Examine the plural number of nouns. Meaning: These plants seem to have different responses to sounds of different intensities. In the sentence, "stress, worry" is a countable noun, combined with the previous differentiator to know the use of plurals. So fill in the fruits.

68. Examination of comparative grades. The scientists observed that when tobacco is not watered, it makes a louder sound than when the stem is cut off. As can be seen from the sentence, the preceding is to use a comparison level. So fill in louder.

69. Examine the connecting words. Meaning: The study answered the question of whether plants can perceive pain. whether ... or not "whether" is a fixed collocation. So fill in whether.

70. Examine adverbs. In the sentence, consider is a verb, which is preceded by an adverb to modify it, so fill in naturally.

(2) 2020 Hainan Province High School Senior High School Entrance Examination Research Test

If you come across an 85-year-old woman walking slowly with a walker in the Children’s Hospital of Soochow University, don’t take her as a patient. Instead, she is a doctorstill insists working in the hospital.

Sheng Jinyun, born in 1935,a famous expert in pediatric asthma(儿科哮喘),(treat)about 30,000 children suffering asthma so far. She is known.“ the most beautiful grandma doctor” by others. Currently, she still sees 40(patient)every day. Sheng has always stuck to her post though she had two bones(break)in a fall a month ago. So now she can only walk withhelp of a walker. Others don’t understand her. In their eyes, she(expect)to live a peaceful life in this old age. But she wants to cure more children.

One of Sheng’s most(impress)experiences happened in her 50s. She saw 146 patients from 7:45 am to 9:45 pm that day,(eat)nothing except some milk. Though awarded the “lifelong(achieve)physician in pediatrics ”at the 24th Congress of Chinese Pediatric Society in this October, Sheng seems not proud at all. She said it was her goal to be a diligent person and a good doctor.

36. who/that

37. has treated

38. as

39. patients

40. broken

41. the

42. is expected

43. impressive

44. eating

45. achievement

This is a biography of a person. The article introduces Sheng Jinyun, a well-known pediatric expert.

36. Examine the definite clause. Here doctor is the precursor word, referring to the person, and is the subject in the subsequent definite clause. So fill in who/that.

37. The examination is now completed tense. Sheng Jinyun, born in 1935, is a well-known pediatric asthma specialist who has treated about 30,000 children with asthma so far. Here Sheng Jinyun is the subject of the sentence, the singular third person, and according to so far, it can be known that the sentence is completed in the tense with the present. So fill in has treated.

38. Examine fixed phrases. Meaning: She is known as "the most beautiful grandma doctor" by others. Fixed phrase: be known as "As... famous". In line with the meaning of the sentence. Therefore fill in as.

39. Examine the plural number of nouns. Sentence: At present, she still sees 40 patients a day. Here patio means "patient", can be counted noun, and then according to the previous 40, it can be known that the plural of nouns is used here, so fill in the parthients.

40. Examine past participles as object complements. Sentence meaning: Although she broke two bones a month ago, she has been sticking to her post. Fixed structure: have + object + object complement. Here there is a passive relationship between bones and break, which is the object complement of the past participles. So fill in the broken.

41. Examine the article. with the help of "In... with the help of ". So fill in the the.

42. Examine the passive voice of the general present tense. Sentence meaning: In their eyes, she should live a peaceful life at this age. The sentence subject she is an singular third-person form, and there is a passive relationship between the object, and an objective fact is being told here, so the sentence uses the passive voice of the general present tense. Be expected to do sth "looking forward to doing something". So fill in is expected.

43. Examine adjectives. One of Sheng's most memorable experiences took place in her 50s. Here beyondences are nouns, modified by adjectives, so fill in impressionive.

44. Examine the present participles as companion adjectives. From 7:45 a.m. to 9:45 p.m., she saw 146 patients and ate nothing but milk. Here the sentence subject She and eat are active, which is now participles. So fill in eating.

45. Examine nouns. Here lifelong is an adjective meaning "lifelong", a modified noun, so fill in aievement.

(3) The second joint examination of the third year of the eighth high school in Hubei Province in 2020

Having a vegan diet might sound hard. However, in recent years, veganism (纯素食主义) has become one of fastest-growing lifestyle trends in the world.

According to HuffPost, more than 3 million people in the United States are vegans. In the UK, about 542,000 people (choose) veganism over the past decade.

What is driving this (grow) in veganism? It is because people want to protect the environment. Producing meat and dairy products (be) stressful for the environment. According to a study, global meat manufacturing causes about 18 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. This figure is (high) than all the world’s cars, trains and planes combined. Another reason is many of today’s young people believe it’s wrong to kill animals for food.

For many people, veganism (simple) means eating no meat, cheese or eggs, but going animal-free also applies to fashion and manufacturing. Every year more than a billion animals are killed (make) leather products from their skins. Now, many brands are looking for other materials . The sports brand Puma has made shoes out of pineapple leaves. Tesla is said to be removing animal-based leather its seats.

So, if you’re interested in (protect) the environment, you might want to give veganism a try.

42. have chosen

43. growth

44. is

45. higher

46. that

47. simply

48. to make

49. from

50. protecting

This article is for the news that veganism has become a fashion for lifestyles in the world. Another reason why people choose vegans is to protect the environment, and another reason is that many young people today believe that killing animals for food is wrong.

41. Examine the article. But in recent years, veganism has become one of the fastest growing lifestyles in the world. One of the following nouns are specific, to use the definite article the, so fill in the the.

42. When the examination is now completed. According to the Huffington Post, more than three million people in the United States are vegan. Over the past decade, around 542,000 people in the UK have chosen vegetarian food. The time adjective over the past decade sentence is to be completed with the present. So fill in the have chosen.

43. Examine nouns. Why is veganism so popular? The space is preceded by this modified, and the object of driving with this is to use the noun form of grow. So fill in growth.

44. Examination is a verb. Meaning: Producing meat and dairy products puts a lot of pressure on the environment. The subject of this sentence is a verb noun, a single verb noun is the subject, the predicate is singular, and the table is general, so this sentence should use is, so is.

45. Examination of comparative grades. This value is higher than the total greenhouse gas emissions of all cars, trains and planes in the world combined. There is a comparison level that needs to be used later than. So fill in the higher.

46. Examine predicate clauses. Another reason is that many young people today think it is wrong to kill animals for food. Analyzing the sentence, we can see that this sentence is a predicate clause, and there is no lack of components in the predicate clause, only a leading word is missing, and at this time it is necessary to use thatt to guide the predicate clause. So fill in that.

47. Examine adverbs as adverbs. For many people, veganism simply means not eating meat, cheese or eggs, but taking an animal-free approach applies equally to the fashion and manufacturing industries. Adverbs are used here as adverbs. Analyzing the sentence, we can see that the space is in the sentence to modify the verb means, and the modifier verbs to use adverbs, so fill in the moment.

48. Examine verb infinitives as object adjectives. More than 1 billion animals are killed every year, using their skins to make leather products. Analyzing the sentence, we can see that the space is in the sentence to do the purpose adjective, and the Verb Infinitive is generally used in English as the purpose adjective, so fill in to make.

49. Consider the fixing match. Sentence: Tesla, an American car manufacturing company, said it will no longer use seats made of animal leather. remove... from... For fixed collocation, meaning "put... from...... Remove/Remove". So fill in from.

50. Consider the fixing match. Meaning: So if you want to protect animals and save the environment, try veganism. In is followed by the preposition doing. be interested in doing... For fixed collocation, it means "to do... Interested", after in, use the verb-ing form, so fill in the productive.

(4) 2020 Hunan Hengyang City High School Third Model English Test Questions

Read the material below and fill in the blanks with the appropriate content (1 word) or the correct form of the word in parentheses.

Recently a new type of reusable mask developed by a Ningbo-based company (enter)the market. Unlike surgical masks, this new product, uses a nanomaterial membrane (纳米膜), rather than the (type) melt-blown fabric, to filter (过滤) bacteria and viruses.

Laboratory tests and third party report show that the mask has achieved the same quality standards of the N95 mask, which can filter 95 percent of tiny objects with a diameter of at least 75 nanometers. The masks are also comfortable, easy to breathe . What’s better, depending on the user's setting and wear time, the mask can (use)up to 20 times.

The mask can also resist repeated sterilization (杀菌) with boiling water, disinfectant,alcohol, meaning that people only need to change the filter after wearing it for 12 hours and wash it regularly in hot water at a temperature between 56 and 70(degree) Celsius for long-term use.

The mask is currently divided into two grades (price) at 6 yuan ($0.89) and 9 yuan,(respective). Both are equipped with two replaceable filters. Besides, compared with adult masks, the masks made especially for children are (skin-friendly).

41. has entered

42. typical

43. a

44. through

45. be reused / be used

46. or

47. degrees

48. priced

49. respectively

50. more skin-friendly

This is an explanatory essay. The article mainly introduces that a new type of reusable mask developed by a company in Ningbo has entered the market recently. Unlike surgical masks, this new product uses a nanomaterial membrane instead of a traditional meltblown fabric to filter bacteria and viruses. The article introduces some of the characteristics and prices of this mask.

41. Examine verb tenses. According to The Recently above, the application is now complete, and the subject is a Ningbo-based company, and the auxiliary verb is has. So fill in has entered.

42. Examine adjectives. Modify the post-noun fabric, apply the adjective tempical. So fill in the typical.

43. Examine the article. report is a countable noun, which in this case refers to a word that applies an indefinite article and that this is a word that begins with a consonant phoneme. Therefore, fill in a.

44. Examine prepositions. According to the phrase breathe through means "to give life". So fill in the through.

45. Examine verb morphology. In this sentence, the subject and the predicate verb form a passive relationship, which can mean "use" with use, or "use again" to apply reuse, and can followed by the verb prototype. So fill in be reused / be used.

46. Examine conjunctions. It means "The mask also resists repeated disinfection by boiling water, disinfectants, or alcohol," and "apply or." So fill in or.

47. Examine the plural number of nouns. degree is a countable noun, modified by 56 and 70 to apply the plural form. So fill in the degrees.

48. Examine non-predicate verbs. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that price applies non-predicate verb forms in sentences, and forms a passive relationship with the logical subject mass, so the past participle is used. So fill in the logiced.

49. Examine the adverb. Sentence meaning: At present, this mask is divided into two grades, the price is 6 yuan (0.89 US dollars) and 9 yuan. The adornment at 6 yuan ($0.89) and 9 yuan above applies the adverb perspectively, meaning "respectively." So fill in perspectiveively.

50. Examination of comparative grades. Meaning: In addition, masks made specifically for children are more skin-friendly than adult masks. Combined sentence meaning means "more skin-friendly" application adjectives are comparatively hierarchical. So fill in more skin-friendly.

(5) 2020 Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, high school teaching quality monitoring

Kitchen technology has reached new heights. So far, astronauts on the International Space Station (make)the universe’s first space-baked cookies. They are very first kind of food to be baked in space from raw ingredients. The astronauts said (eat) freshly baked food will make them happy while on the space station. It will be a comforting (remind) of home. This will be important for astronauts going to the moon or on the long journey to Mars.

Baking the space cookies once think) extremely difficult. On Earth, cookies take about 20 minutes (bake) in an oven heated to 150 degrees Celsius(302 degrees Fahrenheit). That was not long enough in space. The first cookie came out (total) undercooked.

The space bakers turned the oven’s temperature and baked the dough for (long)until they were successful. The fifth cookie they made took 130 minutes to bake. The space-baked cookies are now in a laboratory in Houston, Texas. Scientists will test them to see they are safe to eat.

41. have made

42. the

43. eating

44. reminder

45. was thought

46. to bake

47. totally

48. up

49. longer

50. if/whether

This is a news reporting article. Astronauts on the International Space Station made the first space baking cookie in the universe.

41. Examine tense. The temporal adjective is so far (so far), and the sentence application is now complete tense. So fill in have made.

42. Examine the article. Meaning: They are the first foods baked from raw materials in space. The ordinal word first should be preceded by a definite article, which means "first". So fill in the the.

43. Examine verb nouns. The astronauts said eating freshly baked food on the space station would make them happy. The empty is the subject, and the verb noun is often used. So fill in eating.

44. Examine nouns. Meaning: Eating freshly baked cookies in space will make people think of home. There are unprecedented indefinite articles and adjectives, so the empty use of singular nouns. It means "things that evoke memories; things that remind people". So fill in the renderer.

45. Examine tenses and voices. Meaning: Cooking in space was once considered extremely difficult. There is a passive relationship between baking the space cookies and think, and the sentence applies the passive voice. And according to once (once), the sentence applies the general past tense. And verb nouns are used as subjects, and predicate verbs use singular form. So fill in wast thought.

46. Examine non-predicate verbs. Sentence meaning: On Earth, it takes 20 minutes to bake cookies in an oven heated to 150 degrees, it /sth take time to do sth.

47. Examine adverbs. The empty modifier adjective undcooked (frying (or roasting, frying) to make insufficient heat) applies the adverb. So fill in totally.

48. Examine prepositions. Sentence meaning: Space roasters turned up the oven temperature and baked the dough for longer until they succeeded. turn up: Up, is a fixed phrase. In line with the meaning of the sentence. So fill in up.

49. Examination of comparative grades. Sentence meaning: Space roasters turned up the oven temperature and baked the dough for longer until they succeeded. According to the meaning of the sentence, the comparative level of long is applied, so the longer is filled in.

50. Examine conjunctions. Meaning: This space-baked cookie is currently in a lab in Houston, Texas. Scientists will test them to see if they are safe to eat. The void leads to an object clause that indicates "whether or not", so fill in whether/if.

(6) The first joint examination of the third year of jiangxi key middle school cooperative sports in 2020

Read the material below and fill in the blank space with 1 appropriate word or the correct form of the word in parentheses.

When you say that someone has a good memory, what do you mean? Are you saying the person has fast recall or that she or he absorbs information quickly? Or maybe you just mean that the person remembers a lot about the childhood. The( true ) is that it is difficult to say exactly what memory is. Scientists believe that a memory is made up of bits and pieces of information(store) all over the brain. Perhaps the best way to describe memory is to say that it is a process recording, storing and retrieving (提取) information. It is this process allows us to keep memories of past events and facts.

In order for information to be remembered, it must be recorded in the brain. And record) something in brain, you have to notice it or register it, usingor more of your five senses——sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Through practice and repetition the pieces that make up your memory of that information (strengthen).

Memory can be(negative) affected by a number of things. Poor nutrition and depression can affect the ability to keep information. Over-drinking alcohol can also lead to(damage) the brain over the long term. A vision or hearing impairment (损伤) may affect the ability to notice certain things, thus making harder to record information.

41. truth

42. stored

43. of

44. that

45. to record

46. one

47. are strengthened/will be strengthened

48. negatively

49. damaging

50. it

This is an explanatory essay. The concepts, processes and negative factors affecting memory are introduced.

41. Examine nouns. The definite article the modifier noun, and this emptiness is used as the subject in the sentence. Thus the adjective true becomes the noun truth. So fill in true.

42. Examine non-predicate verbs. The relationship between store and logical subject information is passive, so the noun is modified with past participles as postpositions. So fill in stored.

43. Examine prepositions. Perhaps the best way to describe memory is to say that it is a process of recording, storing, and extracting information. The phrase a process of means "... process". So fill in of.

44. Examine the emphatic sentences. Emphasis on sentence structure "it is/was + emphasized part + that/who + other", the emphasized part of this sentence refers to things, so use that. So fill in that.

45. Examine non-predicate verbs. In order to record something in your head, you have to pay attention to or remember it, using one or more of your facial features. Here to do infinitive table purpose, as an adjective. So fill in the to record.

46. Examine the number words. In order to record something in your head, you have to pay attention to or remember it, using one or more of your senses. From the meaning of the sentence, you can see that when you record information, you use one or more senses. So fill in one.

47. Examine the passive voice and tense. There is a passive relationship between the verb strøngthen and the subject the pieces of that information, the subject is plural, and the predicate verb also uses the plural. It is okay to state the facts in the general present tense or the general future tense table, meaning: "That fragment of information will be strengthened/will be strengthened." So fill in are strengthened/will be strengthened.

48. Examine adverbs. The adverb modifier verb affected, thus turning the adjective native into a negatively. So fill in the negatively.

49. Examine verbs. The phrase lead to means "cause"; to is a preposition followed by a noun as an object. Thus the verb damage becomes the verb dammage. So fill in damaging.

50. Examine pronouns. The real object of making is the to do infinitive after it, and the empty pronoun it is the formal object. So fill in it.

(7) 2020 Chongqing Senior High School "Second Diagnosis"

The past two weeks have been extremely painful, and (everyone) heart is extremely strained with the outbreak of the COVID-19 in China.

Right now, some 1.4 billion Chinese (spare) no effort in the fight against the outbreak. (count) medical teams from all over China are in Hubei Province assisting in the fight, and saving lives 24/7.

Chinese citizens have devoted themselves to the strict) measures of prevention and control. We have our hearts (set) on one goal — the race against time and fight against the virus. Every day, we witness heroic deeds from ordinary individuals, which brings tears to my eyes.

About 60 medical teams (consist) of 11,000 doctors and medical staff have been sent off from other provinces to Hubei.

Many medical personnel have voluntarily asked this dangerous assignment. A nurse, has worked on the frontline for a week, could only give an air hug to her visiting daughter from a safe distance.

Face masks and protective goggles (护目镜) have left deep marks on the faces of medical personnel after wearing them (day). The hands of some of the nurses have been scarred by constant disinfectant soaking. It’s hard and exhausting, the medical staff have remained firm in their tasks.

41. everyone’s

42. are sparing

43. Countless/Uncountable

44. strictest

45. set

46. consisting

47. for

48. who

49. daily

50. yet/but

【Article To the effect】This article is a narrative article. The article describes China's efforts to combat COVID-19.

41. Examine all qualifications. Sentence meaning: The past two weeks have been very painful, the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in China, everyone's heart is very nervous. Modified nouns are used as finals, and possessives are applied, in this case referring to "the heart of everyone". So fill in everyone's.

42. Examine verb tenses. Sentence meaning: At present, about 1.4 billion Chinese are making every effort to fight the epidemic. According to the preceding right now, the present tense should be used. So fill in are sparing.

43. Examine adjectives. Countless medical teams from all over the country have assisted in the battle in Hubei Province, saving lives around the clock. Modifier nouns should be used as determiners, and depending on the context should be countless/uncountable "innumerable, innumerable". Therefore, fill in Countless/Uncountable.

44. Examine the adjectives at the highest level. Chinese citizens are committed to the strictest prevention and control measures. According to the context and unprecedented, the adjective is used here at the highest level, meaning "the strictest prevention and control measures". So fill in the strictest.

45. Examine non-predicate verbs. Our hearts are all focused on one goal – to race against time and fight against viruses. set one’s heart on sth. "The desire to get something", here is haveth. Done structure, the past participle of set is the prototype. So fill in the set.

46. Examine non-predicate verbs. About 60 medical teams of 11,000 doctors and medical personnel have been sent to Hubei from other provinces. consist is an intransitive verb, and the non-predicate form is used here as the definite, so the present participle is used. So fill in the consisting.

47. Examine prepositions. Meaning: Many medical personnel voluntarily request this dangerous task. Depending on the context, the phrase here is: ask for "request". So fill in the for.

48. Examine the definite clause. A nurse who has been working on the front line for a week can only give her daughter who comes to visit her from a safe distance an aerial hug. Here is a non-restrictive definite clause, the precursor word is A nurse, referring to the person, the relational word in the subordinate clause as the subject, should use the relational pronoun who guide. So fill in who.

49. Examine the adverb. Sentence meaning: Medical staff who wear masks and goggles every day have deep scars on their faces. According to the meaning of the sentence, the adverb daily is used here as a time adjective. So fill in the daily.

50. Examine conjunctions. It's hard and tiring, but the medical staff still stick to their task. Structurally, it is necessary to connect the two sentences here, which is logically a transition relationship, so use yet/but. So fill in the set/but.

(8) The second round of review quality inspection of the third year of high school in Tai'an City, Shandong Province in 2020

Wu Yu, a nurse in the (three) medical team dispatched to Wuhan from Xiangya Hospital, Hunan, didn’t expect her wish would come true so soon.

On the eve of International Women’s Day, she made a special wish during on - camera interview Argentinian superstar footballer Lionel Messi could send her 8 - year-old son a jersey.

I believe a jersey from Messi would definitely encourage my boy (become) a member of the national youth training team,” the mother said. That night, the official Weibo account of Argentina’s national football team (respond): “Hello, nurse mother! After hearing your wish, we are going to send you a No. 10 Messi jersey. We hope your son can have a (bright) future after wearing his idol’s shirt! ”

Coming out of the hospital after a night shift, Wu received the good news the next morning. “I didn’t (real) expect this wish to come true because I just wanted to encourage my son,” she said. One of the (reason) she had requested to join the fight against coronavirus in Wuhan is that she wanted to set a good example son at the age of 8, (tell) him that no difficulty can stop people from chasing their dreams.

36. third

37. an

38. that

39. to become

40. responded

41. brighter

42. really

43. reasons

44. for

45. telling

【Article to the effect】This article is a narrative text. Wu Yu, a nurse mother, made a special wish in a television interview that Argentine football superstar Lionel Messi would give her 8-year-old son a jersey, and the dream came true. She took the initiative to participate in the fight against the new crown virus in Wuhan to set a good example for her 8-year-old son, telling him that there is no difficulty in stopping people from chasing their dreams.

36. Examine ordinal words. in the __________

37. Examine the article. On the eve of International Women's Day, she made a special wish in a television interview that Argentine football superstar Lionel Messi would give her 8-year-old son a jersey. The table here generally refers to "a television visit", followed by on-camera for the beginning of the vowel phoneme, so fill in an.

38. Examine isotopic clauses. sentence on the opinion. Analyzing the sentence composition, it can be seen that here the Argentinian superstar footballer Lionel Messi could send her 8 - year-old son a jersey for the subordinate clause, the subordinate clause and the previous a special wish is the relationship between the interpretation and the interpretation, so it is judged to be an allomorphic subordinate clause, and the meaning of the sentence in the subordinate sentence is complete, and the that guide is applied here, so fill in the that.

39. Examine the infinitive as a guest complement. encourage sb. To do sth. is an idiomatic collocation, commonly used as an object complement, so fill in to become.

40. Examine the general past tense. Sentence meaning: That night, the official Weibo account of the Argentine national football team responded. According to the context, this is the general past tense, so fill in the reserve.

41. Examine the adjective comparison level. Meaning: We want your son to have a brighter future after putting on the jersey of his idol. According to the meaning of the sentence, they send out the jersey of the idol, which will encourage the son and make the future brighter, so fill in the brighter.

42. Examine adverb usage. Analyzing the sentence composition, it can be seen that the adverb form modifies the verb here, so it is filled in really.

43. Examine the plural number of nouns. According to the preceding modifier one of the (... One) can be seen, here should be filled in the plural form of the noun, so fill in the reuss.

44. Examine prepositional fixation collocations. set an example for sb. Set an example", so fill in the for.

45. Examine non-predicate verbs. One of the reasons she asked to join the fight against COVID-19 in Wuhan was that she wanted to set a good example for her 8-year-old son, telling him that there was no difficulty in stopping people from chasing their dreams. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that the given word tell and the subject of the sentence she are active relationships, here as an adjective, apply the current participle form, so fill in telling.

(9) The second joint examination of the third year of the 15th high school of Xianggan and Anhui Changjun in 2020

Read the short text below and fill in the blank space with 1 appropriate word or the correct form of the word in parentheses.

Happy Birthday to You is a happy song, the story behind it may not be known to all. Two sisters, Mildred Hill and Dr. Patty (write) a song for children (call) Good Morning to All. The song was sure to be success due totalents. The sisters published the song in 1893.

Thirty-one years later, a gentleman by the name of Robert H. Coleman published the song without the sisters ( permit). And (make) matters worse, he added a second verse, which was the familiar Happy Birthday to you.

Mr. Coleman's addition of the second verse (popular) the song and eventually, Happy Birthday to You, the one and only birthday song totally replaced the sisters' Good Morning to All.

After Mildred died in 1916, Patty took Mr. Coleman to court. In court, she proved that she and her sister owned the melody. Because the family (legal)owns the song, they are entitled to royalties from it whenever it is sung commercial purposes.

41. while/but

42. wrote

43. called

44. a

45. their

46. permission

47. to make

48. popularized

49. legally

50. for/with

This is a narrative essay. The article tells the origin of the happy birthday song known to women and children.

41. Examine conjunctions. Happy Birthday Song is a cheerful song, but the story behind it is little known. Analyzing the logical relationship between the before and after sentences, it can be seen that the conjunction of the table turn is used here. So fill in while/but.

42. Examine tense. Sentence meaning: Mildred Hill and Dr. The Patty sisters wrote a song to the children called "Good Morning, Everybody." Combined with the context, it can be seen that the background of this event is in the 19th century, and the action occurred in the past, and it is necessary to use the general past tense. So fill in wrote.

43. Examine non-predicate verbs. Sentence meaning: Mildred Hill and Dr. The Patty sisters wrote a song to the children called "Good Morning, Everybody." Analyzing the sentence, it can be seen that here call modifies a song as a definite, and the relationship between call and a song is passive, and the past participle form is used. So fill in the caled.

44. Examine the article. Meaning: Because of their talent, this song is bound to be a success. This refers to a specific success, using indefinite articles. Therefore, fill in a.

45. Examine pronouns. Meaning: Because of their talent, this song is bound to be a success. Combined with the meaning of the sentence, it is necessary to express that the sisters are successful because of their extraordinary talents, and consider using the adjective trait pronoun to refer to "their". So fill in their.

46. Examine nouns. 31 years later, a gentleman named Robert H. Coleman released the song without the permission of the sisters. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that the blank space is disposed of after the noun possessive as the object of the width, and it should be in the form of a noun. So fill in the mission.

47. Examine non-predicate verbs. To make matters worse, he added another part, the happy birthday song we are familiar with. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that make matters worse here as the purpose of the latter sentence, in the form of infinitives. So fill in to make.

48. Examine verbs and tenses. Sentence Meaning: The second melody added by Mr. Coleman made the song popular. Analyzing the sentence shows that predicate verbs are needed in the blank space, and the general past tense is used. So fill in the popularized.

49. Examine the adverb. Meaning: Because the family legally owns the song, they will be entitled to royalties when it is used for commercial purposes in the future. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that legal modifies the predicate verbow here, in the form of an adverb. So fill in legally.

50. Examine prepositions. Meaning: Because the family legally owns the song, they will be entitled to royalties when it is used for commercial purposes in the future. According to common sense, to express that the song is being "used for commercial purposes" here, you can use the accompanying preposition of width or the preposition of the purpose of the for. So fill in for/with.

(10) 2020 Anhui Province Anhui South Eight High School Senior High School Linmen Volume

Read the following material, filling in the blank space with an appropriate word or the correct form of the word in parentheses.

Have a go in Guizhou

Listed among the 52 places to go in the world by the New York Times in 2017 and "one of the most worthy regions in China” by CNN in 2018, Guizhou province has become a (promise) travel destination.

On Oct 22, it made another big list. Lonely Planet (rank) it among the top 10 regions to visit in 2020.

With its (locate) in southwest China, Guizhou has been praised by CNN as one of China's “natural jewels". The landlocked (内陆的) region has beautiful mountains, lovely lakes and distinctive karst (喀斯特)landforms.

Visitors can see an amazing view of 700,000 cherry trees in bloom in March. The area also boasts Asia's tallest waterfall, Huangguoshu, and Asia's longest cave, Shuanghe Cave. The China Tour Guide website calls Guizhou an unforgettable "wonderland".

Along with this beautiful scenery, a unique local culture also makes it (particular) eye-catching. "It's a good place to experience authentic minority cultures in China,” the domestic travel agency China Highlights noted. Guizhou is home 17 aboriginal ethnic groups, the Miao, Dong, Shui, Gelao, Yi and Tujia (include).

The region has a mountainous landscape, as a result of modernization has been slow to arrive, allowing many people (keep) their traditional lifestyles and cultures. For example, many of the Miao people still live in wooden houses on stilts(桩子),while the Dong people have traditional wind and rain bridges, providing shelter from the weather.

Food varies by ethnic group—sour and spicy (flavor) are common in Guizhou cuisine. “With its use of tomatoes and just a touch of chilli peppers, Guizhou cuisine is loved by anyone unwilling to try the spicier Sichuan cuisine," CNN said.

With picturesque natural scenery, colorful locals and impressive food, it’s no wonderGuizhou's name translates to “precious land".

41. promising

42. ranked

43. location

44. particularly

45. to

46. included

47. which

48. to keep

49. flavors

50. that

【Analysis】This is an explanatory essay. Guizhou has become a promising tourist destination in recent years, and the article mainly introduces Guizhou's natural landscapes, local culture and unique gastronomy.

41. Examine adjectives. In 2017, it was listed by The New York Times as one of the 52 must-see places in the world; in 2018, CNN called it "one of the most worthwhile places to visit in China," and Guizhou Province has become a promising tourist destination. According to the empty noun "travel destination", an adjective should be filled in here as a final word, promising meaning "promising, potential". So fill in promising.

42. Examine tense. Lonely Planet ranks it as one of the top 10 best locations in the world in 2020. According to the previous sentence "On Oct 22, it made another big list." It can be seen that the action represented by rank occurred on October 22, and the general past tense used in the previous sentence is also applied here. So fill in the ranked.

43. Examine nouns. Located in southwestern China, Guizhou has been praised by CNN as one of China's "natural treasures." According to the unprecedented adjective subject pronoun its, a noun should be filled in here, so fill in the location.

44. Examine adverbs. In addition to the beautiful scenery, a unique local culture also makes it extremely attractive. The empty modifier adjective eye-catching, applying the adverb form, so fill in the particularly.

45. Examine prepositions. Meaning: Guizhou is the hometown of 17 ethnic minorities, including the Miao, Dong, Shui, Gelao, Yi and Tujia. This question examines the fixed phrase be home to, which means "... Home;... Hometown". So fill in the to.

46. Examine non-predicate verbs. included is an adjective in the form of past participles, which in the sense of "including... "inside", often placed after the modified noun or pronoun, which plays the role of supplementary explanation. Therefore, fill in the inscribed.

47. Examine the definite clause. Meaning: This area is a mountainous landscape, so the process of modernization is relatively slow, allowing many people to retain their traditional lifestyles and cultures. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that here is a non-restrictive definite clause, the relational word refers to the content of the previous sentence, and the object of the preposition of offline in the subordinate clause is applied to the wich guide. So fill in whyich.

48. Examine non-predicate verbs. Here consider low's fixing pairing with low sb. To do sth., meaning "allow someone to do something", so the verb infinitive is used here. So fill in to keep.

49. Examine the singular and plural numbers of nouns. Meaning: Ethnic minority foods are also very different - Guizhou cuisine tastes mostly sour and spicy. According to the unprecedented "sour and spicy", this refers to the two flavors of "sour and spicy", and the plural of nouns should be used. So fill in flavors.

50. Examine subject clauses. Meaning: Picturesque natural landscapes, rich local culture, unique gastronomy, no wonder the name of Guizhou has the meaning of "precious land". it is no wonder that... it is a fixed sentence pattern, meaning "no wonder...", it is the formal subject, the sentence after that is the real subject, and the guiding subject clause. So fill in that.

(11) 2020 Jilin Province Changchun City High School Quality Monitoring (four modes)

Many schools started online courses for students to study. at home on account of the spread of COVID-19., the outcome turned out to be not satisfying, because the online education required teachers to carry out live stream courses using mobile phone software and properly interact with students, which provedchallenge for many teachers.

Some teachers discovered they left the microphones off before finishing the online courses, and others were frequently interrupted by(they) young children's shouting or crying. Sometimes they had to repeatedly reconnect to the platform duepoor Internet connection,annoyed both the students and the teachers. Some schools offered online courses for each subject including sports. Teachers found it awkward(give) instructions online because many children did not have enough space to move. Some parents complained that they had to join several different chat groups of different(subject) . They also hated to accompany their children taking online courses just to make sure their children were(full) concentrated instead of(play) video games.

Schools should not put any unnecessary academic burden on primary and secondary students through online classes, the Ministry of Education said on Wednesday. It was recommended that online courses(link) to infection prevention and psychological health guidance.

41. However

42. a

43. their

44. to

45. which

46. to give

47. subjects

48. fully

49. playing

50. (should) be linked

This is an explanatory essay. This article mainly describes the online classes of students during the COVID-19 epidemic. The results are not ideal, narrated from the perspective of teachers, students, parents.

41. Examine adverbs. However, the results are not satisfactory, as online education requires teachers to use mobile phone software to stream live lessons and interact appropriately with students, which is a challenge for many teachers. Combined with the context of the context, it can be known that it is a transition relationship, so however is used, and the first letter of the first word should be capitalized. So fill in However.

42. Examine the article. Ibid. Challenge is a countable noun, which means that a general term is applied indefinitely, and challenge is a word that begins with a consonant phoneme. Therefore, fill in a.

43. Examine pronouns. Some teachers found that they turned off the microphone before completing the online lesson, while others were often interrupted by cries from their children. After the modifier young children's shouting or crying applies the adjective subject pronoun to indicate "their" application their. So fill in their.

44. Examine prepositions. Meaning: Sometimes, due to poor network connectivity, they have to connect to the platform repeatedly, which annoys both students and teachers. Combined with the meaning of the sentence means "due" the phrase "due to" as due to. So fill in the to.

45. Examine the definite clause. Here is a non-restrictive definite clause to modify the precursor word poor Internet connection, and the precursor is the subject in the clause, so the relational pronoun wich is used. So fill in whyich.

46. Examine non-predicate verbs. Since many children do not have enough room to move, teachers find it awkward to give instructions online. Here is "find it+ adjective + to do sth.", which means "discover to do something...", it is the formal object, and the real object is the verb infinitive. So fill in to give.

47. Examine the number of nouns. subject is a countable noun, and the plural form is applied by the dyfferent decoration. So fill in the subjects.

48. Examine adverbs. The adjective concentrated is modified here to apply the adverb fullly, meaning "completely". So fill fullly.

49. Examine non-predicate verbs. The above of is a preposition, followed by a verb noun as an object. So fill in the playing.

50. Examine the subjunctive tone. Meaning: It is recommended to connect online courses with infection prevention and mental health guidance. Combined with the meaning of the sentence means "and ... When the concatenate phrase is be linked to, and the recommend means "suggestion", the guided that clause should be used in a subjunctive, and its predicate verb form is the original form of the should + verb, where should can be omitted, and the tense in the main sentence is unlimited. So should be linked.

(12) 2020 Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, senior third grade mock test questions

Culture conflicts can occur anytime you travel, but every once in a while they happen in some truly unexpected ways. From shopping with many coins to (light) up a cigarette outdoors, these are strange and embarrassing travel mistakes (travel) would do their best to avoid. For example, is illegal to feed pigeons on the streets of San Francisco. The city (know) for the Golden Gate Bridge blames the common birds for spreading disease and damaging property. Anyone is caught providing food to San Francisco's pigeons could face a heavy fine. Moreover, citizens (encourage) to report pigeon feeders to the city's police department. For another example, you'd better think twice before you smoke in Singapore. Singapore has (serious) smoking penalty(处罚)in the world. Smoking in public will earn a tough fine. More (surprise), if you' re shopping in Canada, don't expect cashiers (accept) many coins as your sole method of payment. According to Canada's Currency Act, stores can legally refuse excessive amounts coins. With pennies, for example, customers' payments may be rejected if they try to use more than 25 0ne-cent coins at a time.

41. lighting

42. travelers

43. it

44. known

45. who/that

46. are encouraged

47. the most serious

48. surprisingly

49. to accept

50. of

This is an explanatory essay. The article points out that in the process of traveling in different countries and regions, people may be exposed to various unexpected cultural differences, and gives some interesting examples.

41. Examine non-predicate verbs. From shopping with lots of coins to lighting a cigarette outdoors, these are strange and embarrassing travel mistakes that travelers try to avoid. The white space here is juxtaposed with the previous shopping, making the prepositions of fromrom and to, respectively, and using verb nouns. So fill in the lighting.

42. Examine nouns. From shopping with lots of coins to lighting a cigarette outdoors, these are strange and embarrassing travel mistakes that travelers try to avoid. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that here is the definite clause of the omitting thatth, the blank space needs the subject, and from the back of the do their best to avoid, it should refer to some kind of crowd, obviously only in terms of traffics to represent "tourists". So fill in the travelers.

43. Examine pronouns. For example, feeding pigeons on the streets of San Francisco is illegal. Analyzing the sentence, it can be seen that here it is the formal subject, and the infinitive is the sentence pattern of the real subject "it is + adjective + to do sth.". So fill in it.

44. Examine non-predicate verbs. The city, famous for its Golden Gate Bridge, accuses birds of spreading disease and destroying property. be known for meaning "to... and famous", here know as a postposition of city, and the passive relationship between city and city, to use the past participle form. So fill in the known.

45. Examine the definite clause. Anyone found feeding pigeons in San Francisco will face a hefty fine. Analysis of the sentence structure can be seen that there are two predicate verbs in the whole sentence, considering the compound sentence, the sentence after the blank should be modified with anyone, anyone as a precursor word is a human attribute, and the relational pronoun can be used that or who. So fill in who/that.

46. Examine tenses and voices. In addition, citizens are encouraged to report pigeon feeders to the local police. In connection with the punishment for feeding pigeons, it is clear that the government encourages local citizens to report, and citizens are encouraged to use a passive voice. So fill in are encouraged.

47. Examine the adjectives at the highest level. Sentence: Singapore has the toughest penalties for smoking in the world. The comparative category given in the world from the sentence can be inferred, where the most advanced form of serious is to be used. So fill in the most serious.

48. Examine adverbs. What's even more surprising is that if you're shopping in Canada, don't expect the cashier to collect you a bunch of coins. Analyzing the sentence, surprise modifies the entire last sentence here as an adjective, and uses surprisingly to mean "surprisingly". So fill in the surprisingly.

49. Examine non-predicate verbs. What's even more surprising is that if you're shopping in Canada, don't expect the cashier to collect you a bunch of coins. expect sb. To do sth. means "expect someone to do something", i.e. the verb that follows it uses an infinitive. So fill in to accept.

50. Examine prepositions. Meaning: Under Canada's Currency Act, stores can legally refuse excessive amounts of coins. amounts of“...... quantity". So fill in of.

(13) The third mock exam of the third year of high school in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province in 2020

Read the material below and fill in the blank space with the correct form of an appropriate single room or word in parentheses

Our homes deserve a thorough cleaning at least once a year. Here are ways to deep clean your house.

If your closet (衣帽间) looks like a mass of balled up clothes, you can start by (take) clothes out by sections, and rearranging them the basis of usage. Unnecessary clothing items that are eating up space can (put) in a bag and kept aside for donations. Scarves for the ladies and ties for the (gentleman) can go into hangers for easy access.

We often miss out fans and air conditioners. With changing seasons, there (exist) a higher risk of catching a cold or flu, and a fan with dust can further increase that risk. Therefore, take a wet cloth and wipe off your fan (careful). As for your air conditioner, seeking professional service is probably the (good) option.

Lastly, properly clean your carpets and sofas with steam iron. Smaller carpets can be washed with water and detergent (洗涤剂), you really need a particular device to clean the larger ones. (remove) oily marks, you could use a solution of vinegar, water, dishwasher liquid, and baking soda to get rid of them.

41. taking

42. on

43. be put

44. gentlemen

45. exists

46. carefully

47. best

48. a

49. but

50. To remove

This is an explanatory essay on how to deep clean your house.

41. Examine the use of verbs. Meaning: You can start by taking out your clothes by categorizing them. Here by doing sth by doing something the way goes.... So fill in the taking.

42. Examine the use of preposition phrases. Sentence meaning: re-settle them on the basis of use. Here on the basis of sth. On top of that goes.... So fill in on.

43. Examine the use of the passive voice. Meaning: Unnecessary clothes that take up space can be put away in a bag and then put aside to donate. Clothing items are passive in relation to put and are placed after modal verbs, so fill in put.

44. Examine the singular and plural usage of nouns. Meaning: Women's scarves and men's ties are hung for easy access. Here the preceding and table juxtaposed structure, indicating that the subject before and after should be consistent, with the singular all use the singular, with the plural all use the plural. Thus fill in the plural form of grantleman.

45. Examine the temporal consistency of verbs with subject-verb. Meaning: As the seasons change, the risk of catching or getting the flu is higher, and dusty fans increase this risk. The whole chapter is expressed in general present tense. Coupled with the often miss in the preceding sentence is the general present tense. The modal verb can is used later, so it is inferred that this question must be filled in the general current tense form, and the subject is a higher risk of catching a cold or flu. So fill in exists.

46. Examine the use of adverb adverbs. Meaning: Therefore, carefully take a wet rag and wipe the fan clean. Here, based on the sentence composition, the careful here becomes the carefully modified verb phrase wireless off. So fill in carefully.

47. Examine the use of adjectives. As for air conditioning, seeking professional cleaning services may be the best option. Because the space is preceded by a thesaurus, and the combined sentence meaning can be known, the adjective is the highest level. So fill in best.

48. Examine the use of articles. Sentence meaning: Finally, use a steam iron to properly clean your carpet and sofa. It means "use a steam iron" so it is used as an article to refer to a generic, and the first letter of steam is pronounced as a consonant phoneme. Therefore, fill in a.


Consider the use of juxtaposed conjunctions. Meaning: Small carpets are cleaned with water and detergent, but you really need a special piece of equipment to clean larger carpets. Here, because the first half of the sentence says a small carpet, and the second half of the sentence says a large carpet, the meaning is obviously changed. This is the usage of the parallel conjunction to represent the meaning of the transition. So fill in but.

50. Examine the usage of verb infinitives. Meaning: In order to remove the oil stains, you can use such a method to solve the problem: that is, vinegar, water, dishwashing detergent and baked soda together to remove the oil stains. Here, according to the second half of the sentence you could use a can be inferred that the test point of this question is the verb infinitive as the purpose of the adjective. Capitalize at the top of the sentence. So fill in To remove.

(14) The second joint examination of the third year of jiangxi key middle school cooperative sports in 2020

Walt Disney, creator of the Disney Empire, was a pioneer in modem entertainment. Among his numerous (contribute) to the film industry is the concept of the nature documentary that he termed True-Life Adventures. Disney sent camera teams into wilderness areas for extended periods in order to film the natural world. Now entire television networks like National Geographic arc devoted the nature documentary, with viewers are able to experience the natural world in exciting and creative ways.

Aerial (空中的)photographers require skill and adventure) courage to take appealing photos of wildlife that will improve people's appreciation of natural world and perhaps advance scientific knowledge of animal behavior.

Aerial photography (accomplish) using hot air balloons, small aircraft or helicopters. When (photograph) from a plane or a helicopter, the photographer can lean out to take the unique views with the passenger side door removed. Of course, the photographer is secured inside the aircraft.

The job of an aerial photographer isn't always exciting. Remember that the air temperature(decrease) with altitude so an aerial photographer often wears insulated clothing and(possible)even a face mask while being exposed to the wind (produce) by the moving aircraft. Thephotographer can spend hours being cold and uncomfortable without encountering one special scene that will light up the editor's eyes.

41. contributions

42. to

43. which

44. adventurous

45. the

46. is accomplished

47. photographing

48. decreases

49. possibly

50. produced

This is an explanatory essay. The article mainly explains that Disney sent a film crew into the wilderness to shoot nature documentaries, and the article explains how aerial photographers shoot and all the problems they encounter during the shooting process.

41. Examine the number of nouns. contribution is a countable noun, and the plural form is applied by numerous decoration. So fill in the contributions.

42. Examine prepositions. Now, entire television networks, such as the National Geographic Channel, are dedicated to nature documentaries, and with it, viewers are able to experience the natural world in exciting and creative ways. Combined with the meaning of the sentence means "committed to..." the phrase is devoted to.... So fill in the to.

43. Examine the definite clause. Ibid. Here is the "preposition + relational pronoun" structure of the non-qualified definite clause modification precursor the nature documentary, and as the object of the preposition with the switch, referring to the "documentary" application of the relational pronoun wich. So fill in whyich.

44. Examine adjectives. The modifier noun course applies the adjective adventurous. So fill in the adventurous.

45. Examine the article. Aerial photographers need skill and the courage to take risks to take engaging wildlife photos that will enhance people's appreciation of the natural world and potentially advance scientific knowledge of animal behavior. world is a countable noun, and in this case refers specifically to the "natural world" where the definite article is applied. So fill in the the.

46. Examine verb tense voice. The subject of this sentence and the predicate verb form a passive relationship, and the statement of objective facts is generally present tense, the subject is photoography, and the predicate verb is in singular form. So fill in is accomplished.

47. Examine the omission of adverbial clauses. When guiding temporal clauses, subjects and be verbs that are identical to the main sentence are often omitted. The clause is completely Known as Why(the photographer is) photographing from a plane or a helicopter. So fill in photographing.

48. Examine subject-verb consistency. The objective facts stated here are generally applied to the present tense, and the subject is the air temperature, so the predicate verb is singular in the third person. Therefore, fill in decryptions.

49. Examine the adverb. Posthumously emven a face mask applies the adverb possibly, which means "possibly."< So fill in possibly.

50. Examine non-predicate verbs. Analyzing the sentence structure, it can be seen that product uses non-predicate verb forms in sentences, and forms a passive relationship with the logical subject wind, so the past participle is used as the definite. So fill in produced.

(15) 2020 Hebei Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School Senior High School Junior High School June College Entrance Examination Full Simulation Test

Read the material below and fill in the blanks with 1 appropriate word or the correct form of the word in parentheses.

Olympic and Paralympic medals for the Tokyo 2020 Games will be made from recycled mobile phones donated by the public.

Olympic host cities have (tradition) obtained the metal from mining firms. But Japan, lacks its own mineral resources, is keen on taking the theme of a sustainable future a step (far).

“A project which allows the people of Japan (participate) in creating the medals is really good, and helps raise the environmental awareness of our citizens,” said Tokyo 2020 sports (direct) Koji Murofushi. “the resources of our earth are limited, we need to recycle more and avoid waste. This program is setting an example.”

Collection boxes have been placed in local offices and telecom stores and they will remain there until the metal required (collect).

Members of the organizing committee put forward the idea to government officials and companies earlier this year and won their support.

As a result, the medals hanging around Olympic winners’ necks will carry even more meaning usual. People’s personal memories, once (store) in their smart phones and other handheld devices, will take the round shape of an Olympic medal, one of the most precious (prize) in sport.

41. traditionally

42. which

43. further

44. to participate

45. director

46. As/Because/Since

47. is collected/has been collected

48. than

49. stored

50. prizes

This is a narrative essay. The article tells that the 2020 (postponed) Tokyo Olympics will use discarded mobile phones donated by the public to make medals to achieve energy conservation and environmental protection, but also to make these medals more special.

41. Examine adverbs. What the Olympics host cities traditionally get their metals from mining companies. Here the modifier verb obtained, in adverb form. So fill in the trade-upally.

42. Examine the definite clause. But Japan, a country that lacks mineral resources on its own, is keen to push the theme of sustainable development forward. Here is the non-restrictive definite clause, the precursor word is Japan, referring to the object, the relational word is the subject in the subordinate clause, and it is guided by the relational pronoun wich. So fill in whyich.

43. Examine the adjective comparison level. But Japan, a country that lacks mineral resources on its own, is keen to push the theme of sustainable development forward. Here take a step further means "go further", using the comparison level. So fill in the further.

44. Examine non-predicate verbs. Meaning: It's good to get people involved in creating medals. allow sb. To do sth. means "to allow someone to do something," followed by the verb infinitive. So fill in to participate.

45. Examine nouns. Sentence meaning: Hiroharu Murofushi, the sports director of the Tokyo Olympics, said so. The blank space to be used here to indicate the identity of a person, obviously can only be director, meaning "guide, director, person in charge". So fill in the director.

46. Examine the reason adverbial clauses. Meaning: Because our land resources are very limited. Analyzing the sentence shows that there is a causal relationship between the preceding and following sentences, and it is necessary to use a connecting word to express "because", as, because, and since can all express this meaning. Therefore, fill in As/Because/Since.

47. Examine verb tenses and voices. Meaning: They will remain until the required metal has been collected. Here the subject the medal and the collective should be a passive relationship (people collect metal, metal is collected), and the termination of the action of remain in the previous sentence can be considered to occur with the collection, in this case with the general present tense; it can also be considered to occur after the collection, at this time to use the present time to complete. So fill in is collected/has been collected.

48. Examine prepositions. As a result, the medal hanging around the neck of an Olympic champion will even have a greater meaning than ever. According to unprecedented even more meaning, the preposition than that is used here is used, and here is a comparison between the present and the ordinary and the general situation in the past. So fill in the thanan.

49. Examine non-predicate verbs. Meaning: People's personal memories, once stored in their smartphones or other handheld devices, will become the circular shape of olympic medals, which are also one of the most precious prizes in sports competitions. Analyzing the sentence, it can be seen that the store and the subsequent sentences are the final words, modifying the subject memory, and the relationship between it and the memory is passive, and it is necessary to use the past participle form. So fill in stored.

50. Examine the plural number of nouns. Meaning: People's personal memories, once stored in their smartphones or other handheld devices, will become the circular shape of olympic medals, which are also one of the most precious prizes in sports competitions. Here is one of+ the plural form of a countable noun "meaning"... one". So fill in the variants.

College Entrance Examination English Topic 11 Grammar Fill-in-the-Blank "High Frequency Test Center Analysis Collector's Edition"

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