
As an ordinary party member, Ma Xiaowei participated in the life meeting of the party branch's party branch on the special organization of party history study and education

author:Healthy China

In accordance with the unified deployment of the central government, on the afternoon of August 30, Ma Xiaowei, secretary and director of the party group of the National Health Commission, participated in the life meeting of the party history study and education special organization of the party branch of the personnel department of the National Health Commission as an ordinary party member, and together with the party members and comrades of the branch, deeply studied and understood the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech "July 1st", exchanged experience in party history study and education, found gaps, and proposed rectification measures. Relevant responsible comrades of the 20th Central Guidance Group for the Study and Education of Party History attended the meeting for guidance.

Before the meeting, Ma Xiaowei put forward clear requirements for the life meeting of the special topic organization, exchanged and talked with comrades of the branch committees of the party branch and representatives of party members, and comprehensively understood the construction of party branches and the ideological situation of party members. Through collective discussion and summary, individual communication and exchanges, party members of party branches conscientiously looked up existing gaps and deficiencies in light of the requirements of the party history study and education goals, and made full preparations for the opening of special topic organization life meetings.

At the meeting, the secretary of the party branch reported on the work of the party branch since the beginning of this year, especially the development of party history study and education, and briefed on the situation of examining the problems. In connection with the reality of ideology and work, members of party branches exchange and study experiences, carry out serious and serious criticism and self-criticism, find out their own problems, analyze the root causes of ideology, and propose measures for improvement.

Ma Xiaowei pointed out that through in-depth study of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, we have more deeply realized that the founding of the Communist Party of China is a groundbreaking event, and in China's thousands of years of history, the health problems of the working people have since gained a strong leadership force. Without the Communist Party, there would be no people's health cause; without the Communist Party, there would be no major strategic achievements in the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the current overall stable epidemic situation. It is necessary to persistently regard the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a major political task, take the spirit of the "July 1st" important speech as an important part of the study and education of party history, combine it with the study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on health and health work, combine it with the study of the party's leading the century-old struggle for health and health undertakings, and combine it with the study of the party's leadership of the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to carry out the great anti-epidemic struggle, and continuously enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards". Lay a solid foundation for ensuring the health of economic and social development.

Ma Xiaowei stressed that General Secretary Xi Jinping condensed and summarized the great spirit of party building in his important speech on "July 1st" and issued a great call to all party members. Party members and cadres in the health care system should carry forward and practice the great spirit of party building, actively respond to the great call, so that the study and education of party history is deepened, the awareness of reform is enhanced, the responsibility is re-strengthened, and the work style is tempered again, the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the new crown virus vaccination work are regarded as the biggest practical matters for serving the masses at present, the epidemic prevention and control line is strictly and tightly strengthened, the epidemic prevention and control line is resolutely prevented, the vaccination work is promoted in a sound and orderly manner, and the hard-won prevention and control situation is fully maintained. It is necessary to strengthen the propaganda of the "July 1st Medal" winners, such as Xin Yuling and Wu Tianyi, constantly deepen the reform of the personnel system such as professional titles and salaries, encourage the vast number of cadres and workers of the whole committee and the whole system, and transform the enthusiasm for loving the party and the country and the people radiated by study and education into a powerful driving force for work, into practical actions for doing practical things for the masses and solving difficult problems for the industry, into a positive and upward work atmosphere in which officials start a business, and strive to contribute to promoting the construction of a healthy China.

As an ordinary party member, Ma Xiaowei participated in the life meeting of the party branch's party branch on the special organization of party history study and education
As an ordinary party member, Ma Xiaowei participated in the life meeting of the party branch's party branch on the special organization of party history study and education

As an ordinary party member, Ma Xiaowei participated in the life meeting of the Party History Study and Education Special Organization of the Party Branch of the Personnel Department of the National Health Commission

Source: National Health Commission official website

Editor: Yang Minghao

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