
One of my military careers went from clerical to dry

author:Ode to three songs

After I served as a clerk for the second time in the Tenth Company, the company commander and instructor I served were transferred out one after another, and the natural company was replaced by a new company commander. So, what impact will the replacement of the company commander and instructor have on my progress and future development?

The new company commander was succeeded by Comrade Yang XX, the former company commander of Fu. He was enlisted in the army in 1966 by An Wei Huaibei City, his education level was not high, he often spoke with a language disease, he liked to bring "this play, this play", especially when facing the cadres and soldiers of the whole company, one of his right hands was very unnaturally shaking, probably nervous, and the soldiers would laugh secretly underneath.

The company commander is a decent man, decent, does not cross the thunder pond, and belongs to the "old eight board" style of grass-roots company cadres. His military quality, driving skills are excellent, he has a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, he can bear hardships and stand hard work, and can be described as a competent company commander.

The newly replaced instructor, Comrade Li Xx, joined the army in 1970, from Changchun City, not tall, dark complexion, initially Chinese, from the position of instructor of the first team of teachers to this point. He was articulate, able to speak well, talking about anything endlessly, talking about it, and full of oratory talent. His distinctive body language is the constant shaking of his right shoulder, and when he speaks, eats, relaxes, and entertains, he always shakes involuntarily and uncontrollably, and also makes the soldiers laugh or talk privately.

Good eloquence, probably the common characteristics of northeastern people, in the northeast crowd I have been in contact with, both men, women and children, can speak the Tao, and have a cheerful personality, enthusiasm and unrestrained, very good contact. This new instructor has strong work ability and high prestige.

In the face of such a company commander and instructor, it is not known whether my position will change. It was at this time that the tasks of the Tenth Company also underwent major changes.

What's changed? My unit has a brick kiln factory outside the barracks, and in order to solve the problem of bricks for barracks construction, every year a company must take turns burning bricks for self-built barracks.

This year it was our turn to be ten consecutive. The commander and instructor of the tenth company were replaced, and the step-by-step transformation from the execution of transportation tasks to the main focus on burning cellars was changed. Naturally, the burning of the cellar is a particularly arduous manual labor, and for this reason, when a few comrades heard this, they could not help but feel some hard work, and some soldiers even said that if they went to the cellar, it would be better to demobilize and go home to farm. For a time, the warriors were in a lower mood. At this moment, in order to be able to successfully complete the task, the company held a mobilization meeting of the whole company in a timely manner. The main speaker of the congress, of course, was Comrade Li Xx, an instructor who was good at speaking, and he first talked about the great significance of carrying out this task, especially when it came to the fact that military personnel must take obedience to orders as their natural duty, and this arduous task is the tremendous trust that the regimental party committee has in this company. Finally, in the most concise language, he asked aloud, "Do the comrades have the determination?" The following unanimously chanted "Yes!" Mission accomplished resolutely! Then, the representatives of each class and platoon came to the stage to express their determination, and at the same time wrote a "free discussion book" to each other, and the scene was full of emotion and full of fighting spirit. This is the fine tradition of the troops, and after accepting a certain major task, they must make a mobilization before the battle to arouse their fighting spirit and boost their momentum, so as to enhance their determination and confidence in accomplishing the task. The task of the instructor is to be good at pre-combat mobilization.

Pre-war mobilization is a science and art, with a certain degree of skill, which requires the mobilizers to explain to comrades the importance, purpose and implementation of this task in a targeted and targeted manner, in the most concise language and passionate speeches. The key is to be crisp and full of passion, and never fall into the rope, drag the mud and water. Otherwise, the meaning of mobilization will be lost. The pre-war mobilization of the instructors of the Tenth Company received good results.

After the battle was mobilized, the whole company entered the brick cellar factory and began a year-long task of burning bricks.

Then my job is to continue to serve as a company clerk, and the work will not change. To continue to do a good job in serving the whole company in the dry war, I am running on both sides of the company headquarters and the cellar factory, and the location of the company headquarters cannot be lost, and the brick cellar factory must take into account both, and it is also too busy to be handed over. The main reason for going to the brick factory is to understand some good people and good deeds that have emerged in the work of collecting and burning bricks, and to highlight the typical examples, especially the people and things that are not afraid of hardship and tiredness, and to strive to be the first, to write manuscripts and report them to the party committees at the battalion and regimental levels for commendation, and at the same time to use them in the company briefings.

In this way, fast forward to the "July 1st" Festival, I published a special issue of the blackboard newspaper "Celebrating the Fifty-seventh Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China", and it was this issue of the black pull newspaper that brought me good luck.

One day, I received a call from the company instructor, who asked me to immediately go to the Propaganda Unit of the Regiment Political Department to help with the work, and at the same time continue to serve as a clerk of the Tenth Company, and immediately report to the Propaganda Unit. Since then, I have gone from the company clerk at the most basic level to the organs of the regimental political office to help with the work, which is a place that many grass-roots officers and men yearn for, and I am even more so.

The Publicity Unit, as the name suggests, is the department responsible for publicity work. There are four sub-battalion-level units under the organs of the Regiment's Political Department: the Organization Unit, the Propaganda Unit, the Cadre Unit, and the Security Unit.

The duty of the Publicity Unit is to be responsible for all the tasks of the Whole Mission related to the propaganda work. For example, organizing preparations for large-scale meetings, combat mobilization before accepting tasks, sponsoring newspapers of regimental department organs, organizing cultural and entertainment activities for the whole regiment, carrying out literary and artistic performances of the whole regiment, organizing the examination and approval of film broadcast films, writing all kinds of speech materials for the head of the regiment, writing and submitting all kinds of advanced and typical materials to the organs at the next higher level, and losing no time in summarizing and popularizing all kinds of advanced and typical experiences and practices. The weight of its responsibilities, the breadth of its scope and the high level of its requirements are evident. At that time, there was only one head of the propaganda unit, Wang XX, who joined the army in the sixties, with a thin body, dark skin, a gentle personality, approachable, no official position, excellent eloquence, and a highly eloquent voice, the key is that I never use a speech, and I am very encouraging, which makes me particularly admirable, and listening to his speech is a kind of enjoyment. In addition, his writing is fluent, his skills are solid, his calligraphy is flowing, and he is a typical talent of my group. Another officer in the Publicity Unit is Fan xx. Enlisted in the army in 1970, a native of Changchun City, he is even more talented, known as a pen of the Automobile X Regiment, with quick thinking, extremely efficient writing, and large materials under his hands. His greatest characteristic is that he is never idle, where in public places, in meetings of different types of sizes, he is constantly writing, and no one knows what he is writing. Judging by how serious he is, you will think that he is making meeting records, but in fact, it is not, and only afterwards do you know that he is engaged in literary creation. Mainly to create various themes of reportage, medium, long, short stories, etc., do not need a quiet writing environment at all, its adaptability, admirable. Many of his works were later copied and delivered by me.

As a political branch of a regimental unit, in addition to the chief of the unit, who is paid for the battalion, the other officers are generally full or paid, but for the same purpose

These officers have extremely high requirements, especially for writing skills and writing ability, so they are selected from the whole regiment one by one, and they are the leaders in the writing, writing and writing of the whole regiment, and ordinary people cannot compare with them, they are called "the talents of the five regiments of the car" and "darlings".

It was in this environment that I started my new job. The unfamiliar environment and the high standards of work requirements naturally made me more stressed and even sometimes overwhelmed. Fortunately, at the same time as me, there was also a comrade-in-arms Yan Xx, who joined the army in 1976 and came from Weihai City, Shandong Province. He speaks slowly and softly, is gentle and elegant, does not show off, writes well and beautiful articles, and is typical of talents. Naturally we didn't know each other before, but the secondment brought us together, and in the process of working, we quickly became good friends.

Because we are all well aware of the importance of being seconded to work in the organs of the Regiment's Political Office, we are all extra cautious and cautious, and we do not dare to go beyond the minefield, and the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of our work are self-evident, and all work is scrambled to be in front of us, lest we fall behind.

As seconded soldiers, we usually assist the chief of the Propaganda Unit and Officer Fan in their work and fill in the gaps.

Over time, they began to weigh on us. After adapting to the first few days and feeling relaxed, all kinds of text materials of different sizes came to us and handed them over to the two of us to complete together. If he said that the material at the beginning was handed over to us to write, it was better to further examine us, to test how good our writing level was, and whether it could meet the needs of helping the work in the propaganda unit, we naturally understood in our hearts, so in the process of completing the writing task, we attached great importance to it and did not dare to slacken off in the slightest.

The first task entrusted to me was to write a study experience for the political commissar of the regiment, that is, "Combined with local economic development, how can the army escort the development of the economy?" The first one is so big that it was written in the name of the regimental political commissar, and it is conceivable that the pressure is great.

In order to successfully complete the task, I wrote this article well, I made full preparations, collected a large number of reference materials, listed the outline, and thought about it repeatedly before I began to write.

After a night of surprise overtime, it was successfully completed. The next day, the chief of the unit was very satisfied after reading it, and said that "the writing is very good", and encouraged me to "do a good job, there is a good future for development." "The completion of the first task also made me more confident in doing a good job in the future work, and gradually I also adapted to the needs of the propaganda work tasks, and gradually completed the various work tasks with ease."

Shortly thereafter, the party committee of our automobile x regiment carried out a three-month special activity of "party committee inspection, rectification, and reform" in accordance with the requirements of the General Logistics Department. Leading cadres at and above the regimental level, mainly members of party committees, must conscientiously find out the problems that exist in themselves, combine them with rectification, and come up with measures for improvement.

The specific method is that the meeting, presided over by Liu Xx, the political commissar of the league and secretary of the party committee, and attended by "a group of party committee members," on the basis of their mobilization, everyone spoke one by one, and the chief officer took the lead in self-examination first, and then proceeded in order.

In order not to affect the daytime military training and daily work, the meeting was all held at night. It starts at 7:30 p.m., no one is allowed to take leave, be late or leave early, and meetings are often held around midnight. Comrade Liu Xx, the political commissar who is in charge of this work, usually does not smile and is very serious, his face is always shady, there is no smile, the cadres and fighters are afraid of his majesty, and the officers and men have given him the nickname "Old Cloudy Day."

During the three-month "investigation and rectification" activities of the party committee, the two comrades we were seconded to have the main task of making meeting records and issuing briefings. In order to enhance the timeliness, it is required that the minutes of the meeting that night must be displayed in the "Bulletin" organized by the Regiment organs the next day. This has created a huge workload for us, and once the meeting is over, we cannot rest, and we must work overtime and overnight, regardless of the time of day. One person first sorted out the complete record of the speeches of each regimental commander, and after review by the chief of the propaganda unit, the other person began to engrave steel plates. Forty years ago, the printing technology was like this, the two of us took turns to engrave neat bold characters on the wax paper, and then printed with a mimeograph machine, how many copies were needed under the mimeograph machine, one person lifted, one person overturned up and down with an oil stick, and finally finished and bound, which was very hard.

More than three months of the day is basically spent in this way, overtime at night, that is, a nap during the day, fortunately, at that time, strong, energetic, recovery is very fast, will not affect the completion of the task. During this period, because of our excellent work, we were often praised and praised by the head of the regiment, especially the director of the Political Office Duan XX, and we were both particularly happy. Although the days during the help work were tense and hard, we never had any complaints, and always greeted every task with an optimistic and upward spirit, and completed it better.

During one spare time, the chief chatted with us and asked us how we knew how we had been drawn to work here. We said ' I don't know,' and he went on to say, "First of all, you two are working as clerks in the company, the blackboard report is good, the whole regiment has more than a dozen companies, you two do the best, and at the same time, I understand that you are all cadre seedlings and have a future for training, otherwise, it is difficult to come to the organ to help the work and it is difficult to explain." This gives us a boost in confidence.

Just as the party committee was successfully completing the work task of "investigation, rectification, and reform" for more than three months, one afternoon, I received a notice to go to the regimental health team for a physical examination after getting up the next morning. Yan xx, who was helping me at the same time, said to me very enviously, "Wow, go check your body, you have to dry up." After I listened, I was puzzled and said that it was impossible, right?

In the evening, there was one more person in the empty bunk in my room, a comrade-in-arms of the Fourth Company, who had also come to examine his body, and I was fully convinced that I really wanted to dry up.

For this reason, I lost sleep this night, which was an excitement I had never had before, and I had to stay up until dawn and quickly rushed to the regimental health team to participate in the physical examination. A week after the end of the physical examination, I was officially appointed by the Party Committee of the Regiment as the "Secretary of the Third Battalion Of the Automobile X Regiment of the Chinese People's Liberation Army", with an administrative level of twenty-three. I was twenty-two years old at the time, the youngest officer in my regiment, and I was very excited.

Since then, I have started my work, study and life after I have been dry. So what happens when you get to the battalion headquarters? New trials are still waiting for me! (To be continued)