
Mencius classic 30 sentences: self-cultivation, must not be read


The poor are good at themselves, and the poor are good at the world.

【Interpretation】 When you are not ambitious, you must improve your moral cultivation, and when you have ambition, you must strive to let everyone in the world get benefits.

Mencius classic 30 sentences: self-cultivation, must not be read


The rich and the noble cannot be adulterous, the poor cannot be moved, and the mighty cannot be bent.

[Interpretation] Wealth and nobility cannot make me extravagant and lascivious, poverty cannot make me change my temperance, and might cannot make me submit to my will.


Gentlemen do not complain about the sky, nor are they special.

[Interpretation] A moral person does not complain about God or complain about others.


Self-violence, do not speak with words;

Those who abandon themselves must not do anything with it.

[Interpretation] A person who harms himself cannot talk to him about valuable words; a person who gives up on him cannot make a valuable cause with him.


Poverty does not lose righteousness, and attainment does not deviate from the path.

[Interpretation] When people are poor, they must not lose their moral standards, and when they are developed, they cannot abandon their own principles of being human.


Those who are respectful do not insult others, and those who are frugal do not rob people.

[Interpretation] Humble and polite people do not insult others at will, and frugal and simple people do not prey on others.


The taboo of man is to be a good teacher.

【Interpretation】 The taboo of getting along with people is that you always like to be a teacher for others.


Nothing is done, nothing is desired and what is not desired.

[Interpretation] Don't do what you shouldn't do, don't covet what doesn't belong to you.


One cannot be shameless.

Shameless shame, shamelessness.

[Interpretation] Man cannot be without shame, and the shame of not knowing shame is the real shame.


People have no action, and then they can do it.

[Interpretation] Only when people know what cannot be done, can they do something, and if they want to do something, they must do something.


People tell them that they have been happy.

Interpretation: You are happy to hear others point out your mistakes. It means accepting opinions with an open mind.


A gentleman's guard, cultivate his body and the world is peaceful.

【Interpretation】 The gentleman's ethics begins with cultivating himself, and then makes the world peaceful.


Sincerity, the way of heaven also;

Sincere people, the way of man also.

【Interpretation】Honesty is the law of all natural things, and the pursuit of integrity is the moral code of being a person.


Fu Zhi, the handsome of qi also;

Qi, the charge of the body also.

【Interpretation】 A person's mind directly affects a person's integrity, and integrity is an important support for the commander's body.


The curse is that he who asks for it himself.

[Interpretation] Whether it is disaster or happiness, it is the result of doing things oneself.


A gentleman is not a good man.

[Interpretation] The greatest thing that a righteous gentleman can do is to treat others with kindness.


Those who obey people with strength, do not obey with their hearts, and do not support them;

Those who serve people with virtue, the center is happy and sincere.

[Interpretation] Relying on violence to make people obey is not sincere obedience, but the strength is not enough to resist; only by relying on morality to make people obey, people will be satisfied and convinced.


Those who love others will always love it, and those who respect others will always respect it.

[Interpretation] Whoever respects others will also respect him; who respects others, others will also respect him.


Do not threaten the long, do not threaten the noble, do not threaten the brothers but friends.

[Interpretation] (The principle of making friends) Do not rely on age, do not rely on high status, do not rely on the wealth of the family to make friends.


The voice has heard of love, and the gentleman is ashamed.

[Interpretation] If reputation exceeds the actual virtue, the gentleman will be ashamed of it.


Heaven will send down a great task to man, and he will first suffer his heart.

[Interpretation] Before heaven can place a heavy responsibility on someone, it must first temper his psychology and will.


Born in sorrow and died in comfort.

【Interpretation】 Being in the midst of anxiety and calamity can make people or nations survive, and being in comfort and pleasure can make people or countries perish.


Those who have wronged themselves, those who have not been able to be straight.

Interpretation: It is impossible to behave in a way that is not right, but in a vain attempt to teach others integrity.


It is better to believe in books than to have no books.

【Interpretation】 Reading books should not be stuck to books or superstitious books, but should be analyzed and dialectically looked at problems.


Indecent courtesy, unrighteous righteousness, adults do.

[Interpretation] A gentleman will not do acts that do not conform to etiquette, disregard and morality.


He who is an adult, who does not lose his pure heart, also.

A true gentleman will not lose his sincere, simple, and pure heart.


Everyone can be Yao Shun.

[Interpretation] Everyone can become a sage like Yao and Shun, encouraging people to make a difference.


A gentleman has lifelong worries, and there is no one who suffers from it.

[Interpretation] Gentlemen often think about long-term major events, and always reflect on themselves, so that there is no sudden disaster in front of them.


One day is violent, ten days is cold, and there are no one who can be born.

[Interpretation] (even if it is something very easy to grow) Exposing it to the sun for one day, freezing it for ten days, it is impossible to grow. Exhort people to do things with a beginning and an end, and to concentrate on them.


I am good at nurturing my mighty spirit.

【Interpretation】 I am good at cultivating the magnificent qi that I have, and cultivating the righteous qi in my heart with an open mind.

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