
The property market has suffered a "painful period", why can't house prices fall? What are the reasons for high room rates

author:Distant mountains talk room

The current property market is in the most sensitive period, not only home buyers and families with multiple houses feel anxious, management departments and developers are also very worried, the property market has been commercialized for more than 20 years, and the result is that buyers, developers, etc. have become large debtors. The number of abandoned houses has increased, and large housing enterprises have also broken the capital chain, and even bankruptcy, and small housing enterprises are even more vulnerable.

The property market has suffered a "painful period", why can't house prices fall? What are the reasons for high room rates

Second-hand houses cannot be sold, but buyers are waiting and waiting, and families with multiple houses are more and more negative assets and supply cuts, while homeless people feel that house prices are too high to accept. The property market is experiencing a "painful period", why does this phenomenon occur?

First, multi-suite families would rather be vacant than cut prices

Families with multiple houses are not all speculators who hoard and sell at a price. Many families are prepared for their children because they inherit their ancestral property, or buy a house for their children when conditions are good, and some families buy because of unit group purchases. These families generally have a small amount of loans, repayment is not a problem, and some families buy houses in full. In the past few years, families who bought houses rarely had the awareness of speculation and investment, so they were not very sensitive to the rise and fall of house prices. Now that the property market is down, they are not in a hurry to "cut meat" and sell it. Neither rented nor sold, it remained vacant because the cost of vacant homes was low and there were no expenses other than a small amount of property fees.

The property market has suffered a "painful period", why can't house prices fall? What are the reasons for high room rates

Second, homeless people feel that house prices are too high to enter the market

Some homeless people miss many opportunities, from the average price of a few thousand yuan to feel too high, want to wait for the fall when the time to buy. The result is that house prices have risen more and fallen less, and the full amount has become a down payment and no house has been bought. Now, the government regulates the property market, and in many cities, house prices have fallen, and they want to wait for a further decline. Indeed, the current housing prices are a great burden for wage earners, and many families are two or even three generations who have taken out a mortgage at the same time, that is, families that have hollowed out 6 wallets. The result is that sellers don't want to cut prices, even if they do, no one buys, they think that house prices will fall, which is the real situation of the current "no market".

The property market has suffered a "painful period", why can't house prices fall? What are the reasons for high room rates

Third, lower incomes are difficult to support current housing prices

Why do some cities have seen house prices fall for 4-5 years, and the decline is also more than 20%, and buyers still feel that house prices are getting higher and higher? Because these years are a special period, the impact of the epidemic and economic transformation on enterprises is very large, the salary of home buyers has generally declined, and overtime pay and year-end bonuses may not be available. For example, real estate, education and training, the Internet and other industries have also seen a large number of unemployment, the impact of physical stores is also very large, employment difficulties and many other factors, feeling that the house price is higher. Of course, with the end of the global epidemic, the success of economic transformation, personal income and other factors, buyers' feelings about the property market will change. Current income, it is difficult to support such a high house price.

The property market has suffered a "painful period", why can't house prices fall? What are the reasons for high room rates

At a time when more and more abandoned houses are being cut off, why don't multi-suite families sell houses at a reduced price? What is the reason for the high housing prices? There are many people who hold these questions, and now here are a few reasons:

01, the difference in expectations for the property market

Although the ownership rate of urban residents in mainland China is increasing, and the total number of houses can accommodate 4 billion people, due to different expectations for the property market, cities have also diverged. Although the first- and second-tier cities have limited purchases, the demand is still increasing, resulting in high housing prices. Although the population outflow in third- and fourth-tier cities is serious, there are still more farmers who want to go to the city to buy houses, which gives certain support to the property market. Families with homes are reluctant to sell at a reduced price, and families without houses cannot afford to buy their current houses, and it is difficult for prices to fall even if they have no market.

The property market has suffered a "painful period", why can't house prices fall? What are the reasons for high room rates

02, the cost of urban construction has increased

Due to the extension of the city, the construction cost is also increasing year by year, and the dependence on land finance in some places is strengthening. Therefore, from land supply to the approval of development enterprises, loans, etc. are given certain preferential treatment. If the developer reduces the price, he will introduce a "limit order" to maintain the high price of the house price. Some families can only buy high-priced houses because of their children's needs such as schooling and marriage. Therefore, in counties with small population and property market, house prices are difficult to fall.

The property market has suffered a "painful period", why can't house prices fall? What are the reasons for high room rates

03, the assimilation of the concept of house purchase

The scarcity of affordable housing resources has led to many families with housing needs who cannot wait for low-cost housing or co-ownership housing. Because of the influence of the concept, it feels that only the house you buy is your own home, which limits the enthusiasm for renting. Families with good conditions buy multiple houses, poor family loans to buy houses, and people with investment needs can only choose to invest in real estate because of the narrowness of investment channels and the increase in risks, resulting in false demand and inflated prices in the property market.

The property market has suffered a "painful period", why can't house prices fall? What are the reasons for high room rates