
From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

author:Ann, the godmother of fashion

As soon as the spring many styles of wear began to bloom, various types and styles of wear bloggers also online, if you do not know what to wear in the spring, no matter follow the favorite bloggers to match, as long as you make good use of some dressing skills, no matter how to build is a fashionista.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring
Today I will tell you about the Miki blogger this spring love to wear, in fact, in summary is nothing more than a sweater + wide-leg pants this wear template, the combination of these two items in the Miki blogger in the highest rate of appearance, spring so fashionable and foreign, want to wear the same style of temperament of women quickly learn!
From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

Question 1: What pants are suitable for spring wear?

Answer: Wide-leg pants

Advantage (1) Cover the flesh is thin: The version of the wide-leg pants is relatively loose, so it is very friendly for women with fat mm and inferior leg lines, which can effectively avoid the wrapping feeling and bloated feeling brought by the tights.

Advantages (2) Show the laziness of spring: Wide-leg pants also have a significant advantage that they have a good sense of drape, so they will have a lazy visual effect when wearing it, which is very compatible with the atmosphere of spring.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring


Style 1: Knitted wide-leg pants

Knitted wide-leg pants are very suitable for early spring wear, first of all, its material has a certain degree of warmth, so it is more in line with the cold and cold weather in spring, and secondly, its material has a strong sense of drape, so it has a very extended line effect, and it is very leg long when worn.

It is worth noting that women with extra flesh on their stomachs carefully choose wide-leg pants of this material, and it is easy to expose shortcomings without three-dimensional support. If some women really like the feminine feeling brought by the knitted texture, they can try using a long sweater with knitted wide-leg pants, and the hem cover will make it thinner

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

Style two: Blazer wide-leg pants

Compared with the softness of the former, although the suit wide-leg pants are also soft and extremely draped, they do not appear to be without a sense of contour, so women with fat mm and pear-shaped figures can easily control this version of wide-leg pants.

The design of suit wide-leg pants can be used as both daily wear and to meet the sense of generosity required in commuting wear, and the practicality is extremely strong, and female friends want to easily get a versatile spring single that only needs to choose a solid color wide-leg pants, saving money and not easy to become obsolete.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

In addition, if you don't want to make the formality of wearing too strong when wearing suits and wide-leg pants, but want to enhance the casual and natural wearing effect, it is recommended to choose the check suit in the picture below as a match.

The following picture of this collocation comes with eye-catching characteristics, wearing it has both a sense of unity and eye-catching, even if the brown color is not bright, it can wear a full sense of detail, on this basis, with the same color belt and bag style will be stronger.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

Style 3: Denim wide-leg pants

If you can't find an invincible matching template in daily wear, then be sure to try the combination of denim wide-leg pants + sweater, which can be said to be a must-have in spring, and it will be popular for a while every spring.

Denim wide-leg pants not only have a daily wearing effect, put on will be more three-dimensional and contoured, so women with a slight fat or slender body can be assured of bold start,The meat covering effect is first-class, but it is recommended not to choose jeans with too soft material, it is easy to wear a soft collapse effect, not to mention, it will appear without texture.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

Question 2: Which is more suitable for spring sweaters or shirts?

Answer: Sweaters

Reason (1): Sweaters are warmer than shirts, and more suitable for early spring weather, and can basically be worn as a small coat when worn, lightly covering the flesh while maintaining warmth, which is simply a must-have in spring.

Reason (2): Because the sweater is made of knitted material, it has a gentle sense of atmosphere, which is very compatible with the season of spring, and it is absolutely important to easily wear the sense of atmosphere when a touch of sunshine is sprinkled down.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring


Style 1: Solid color sweater

The style of the solid color sweater will be more minimalist, so it is easy to give people a high-level visual effect when wearing it, and it will not look fancy.

It is recommended that when you choose a solid color sweater, choose the color according to your favorite style, such as the style is biased towards the gentle wind of women, suitable for choosing white, nude, pink, goose yellow; the style is biased towards the cute wind of women, it is suitable for fresh green, milk blue, cream yellow; women with a bright style will be more suitable for big red, dark green, rose red; the style is neutral female pick black and gray This basic color can never go wrong.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

In addition, if you want to make the wear more layered, you can try the sweater style of the irregular cut design in the picture below, which looks like a full highlight at a glance, and can also enlarge the lazy visual effect, which is not too suitable for wearing in the spring afternoon!

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

Style 2: Sweater cardigan

The practicality of the sweater cardigan is definitely a must, not only as a jacket but also as an underwear, no matter how you wear it, you can wear a sense of fashion.

When wearing as a coat, it is recommended that you choose a loose thick model, wearing it will have a sense of laziness, in addition to the tight thin model, the curvy sense of the upper body is super strong, not to mention the visual sense of the BM wind; as an inner layer or a single wear, it is recommended that you choose the style of the following figure that is slightly closed, which will be more able to modify the figure and wear it more knowledgeably.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

Style three: sweater vest

In the spring, if you feel that the wearing of sweaters is too monotonous, you may wish to try this way of folding sweater vests + shirts, which have both layers and details, and can also wear a sense of fashion.

But it is recommended that you do not choose too thick a material as a collocation Oh, learn Miki's selection skills, pick thin and loose style will be thinner, will not produce bloated feeling.

From Miki's outfit, it can be seen that sweater + wide-leg pants have the highest appearance rate, and they are fashionable and foreign in spring

After reading this issue of sharing, do you know what to wear this spring day? Learning wide-leg pants + sweaters with Miki bloggers can definitely make your fashion this spring several notches higher! We'll see you next time.