
Sword Net 3: How crazy is the tumor in the game in reality? Human flesh slut humiliation, officially ignored?

author:Messenger of Flowers

Hello knights, under the Messenger of Flowers. Some time ago, 14 cancer tumors formed a group to harass the PVE environment, the knights must have heard about it, and they felt very angry after looking at it, fortunately, the official learned a lesson, not only forever sealed the ID card account of the cancer member, but also redistributed the salary, the most important thing is to adjust the GM intervention rules, no longer to the number of people as the focus of the selection of opinions, but more emphasis on humanization.

Sword Net 3: How crazy is the tumor in the game in reality? Human flesh slut humiliation, officially ignored?

In fact, in the game every day staged a tumor behavior (such as: brush faction channel, wild map injury and innocence, etc.) Some players feel that the red name in the game is strange, so there is nothing wrong with fighting and spraying each other; but there are also players who think that I don't know you, why should I affect innocence? This time, we will discuss the problem of cancer with the knights. There are not a few players who support the former view, most of them are hot-blooded PVP knights: "I think as long as it is not illegal and violates the official regulations, you can play as much as you want, where there are so many cancerous tumors, you turn red at the door of the copy to see my mood at the time, not moral kidnapping I should not play pve." 」 This is a game, don't move the set in reality, and everyone in reality is not necessarily more noble. ”

Sword Net 3: How crazy is the tumor in the game in reality? Human flesh slut humiliation, officially ignored?

To be honest, this passage is really not unreasonable. The game can be seen as an outlet for cathartic feelings, why bother with so much? But some players retorted: "When the opposite camp encounters a red name in the wild, it is a strange fight, there is nothing wrong with it." Vendetta neutral pve, malicious vendetta with the same camp, malicious opening of the same camp gang war, malicious disturbance in the pve group, is not engaged in the mentality of the cancer of what is the tumor? Because the tumor of the game has reached the point of collecting protection fees from the United Front Gang, Xishanju had to take action. "And the current camp tumor is very rampant, often see the camp channel network violence, human flesh rumors or sluts humiliate the other gang of female players to speak, the behavior is very foul, for this kind of people chivalry to see the hope can be right click a report."

Sword Net 3: How crazy is the tumor in the game in reality? Human flesh slut humiliation, officially ignored?

In fact, in the final analysis, it is still that sentence: if the rules of the game allow, you can play your own without breaking the law. The cancerous incident of the past few days led to punishment because it affected the order of the game and caused a very bad experience for other players, just imagine if you do a good job in the teahouse suddenly a few people kill themselves and bury the resurrection point, it will certainly be unhappy, and the pve is the same. Therefore, the knights must remember: normal game activities are completely OK, and cancerous behavior is not advisable.