
Smile blooms the heart Filial piety harmonious family - remember Xu Xiaotian and his laughing filial piety happiness method

author:Huaxun Frontier

Laughing at filial piety,


Bo parents smiled happily,

It is the best filial piety.

One laugh to solve a thousand sorrows, two laughs to dispel a hundred diseases, three laughs to gather blessings. Xu Xiaotian led the students to recite these golden sentences in the classroom, opening the hearts of everyone and injecting positive energy of happiness and happiness. Promote the happy culture of laughter and filial piety, resolve the contradictions between father and son, husband and wife, and parent-child in the family, and play a wonderful role in the smile to bloom the soul and the god of filial piety and harmony.

Smile blooms the heart Filial piety harmonious family - remember Xu Xiaotian and his laughing filial piety happiness method

Xu Xiaotian is an optimist, with a bright smile and infinite positive energy flowing from the corners of his mouth. He always passed on joy and joy to those around him. He is a family education instructor and the founder of "Laughing Filial Piety and Happiness". In 1976, he lost 11 relatives, including his parents, in the Tangshan earthquake, and suffered major trauma to his soul and once lost the ability to laugh. Later, he cured his "depression" by teaching himself "smile therapy". He also became acquainted with laughter and became a laughing expert after decades of research and practice. He founded the "Xiaoxiao Happiness Academy" into schools, enterprises, communities, spread the culture of laughter and filial piety, and in the past few years, he has given hundreds of public welfare lectures, thousands of hours of volunteer action, and benefited millions of people. He uses the hardships of life to feel happiness, uses laughter to interpret happiness to life, measures happiness with the value of life, and creates happiness by spreading laughter culture.

Ancients Cloud: Filial piety comes first. Xu Xiaotian advocates: Hundred filial piety and laughter for the soul. He believes that the "laughter" of smile and the "filial piety" of filial piety are two homophonic and different meanings, which are closely related. The "laughter" of the smile is the external expression of people's happy mood; while the "filial piety" of filial piety is the act of repaying the kindness of children to the elderly. The words "laughter" and "filial piety" are connected to form a "laughing filial piety culture".

Smile blooms the heart Filial piety harmonious family - remember Xu Xiaotian and his laughing filial piety happiness method

The first "laughing" word, the "Explanation of Words", says: "Bamboo gets the wind, and its body is as humble as a man's laughter." Meaning: Open face with joy, or speak out. Laugh, hi also. The second word, "filial piety", has an old man on the top and a son on the bottom. When you are young, you have children, and when you are old, you will grow up. The virtuous circle of heavenly happiness is the natural law of family harmony. Laughter is the heart, filial piety is action, harmony is the fundamental, and happiness is the result. Children smile at their parents every day, and old people must be very happy. If children see their parents smiling happily, they must also be happy. It can be seen that the "laughter" of a smile is the soul of filial piety.

Smile blooms the heart Filial piety harmonious family - remember Xu Xiaotian and his laughing filial piety happiness method

Filial piety,

The old man laughed,

A smile of filial piety.

The story of the seventh filial piety of the ancient twenty-four filial pieties, "drama and entertainment": There is a hermit named Lao Laizi in the Chu Kingdom, who returns to the southern foothills of Mengshan Mountain to escape the chaotic world, cultivates himself between the fields, and lives a normal life. He was a great filial piety, in order to make his parents happy, he often wore five-colored clothes, and played like a child with a rattle in his hand to make his parents happy.

What is family happiness? Husband and wife laugh and love, white head to old age. Children smile at each other and do filial piety, speaking of their parents' hearts, doing what their parents need, and sending them to the end of their lives. Children smile at the next smile and educate, so that children can learn happily and grow up happily.

Laughter in the happy life of the family, the energy is huge and immeasurable. The first word "laughter" can dominate the four combinations: heaven and earth, man and family. The second word of "filial piety" can reach the five elements, so that yin and yang can be born together, home and everything are prosperous, and people and hundreds of karma are prosperous.

Laughter is the cultivation of the human heart, and laughter is the cultivation of life. Xu Xiaotian opened the "Xiaoxiao Happiness Academy", advocating that happy families start from "laughter" and proposing the new concept of "being a person, running a family, and laughing at the world". He said that the human heart is the home of the soul, the pulse of energy. The family path is the source of strength, people and karma are prosperous, home and things are prosperous. Virtue is the honor of beauty and the foundation of success. Virtue carries things, and acts in the right way. When the heavens are in accordance with the heavens, they should walk according to the law; they are born in harmony with the land and nature; and the people are harmonious, forming a rainbow of all things.

Smile blooms the heart Filial piety harmonious family - remember Xu Xiaotian and his laughing filial piety happiness method

There is a billionaire who has been working hard in the north for 20 years, spending tens of thousands of yuan to buy a fur coat, returning home during the Spring Festival to give filial piety to the old mother, but he did not expect to be rejected by the old mother. Mentioning this matter in the "Laughing Filial Piety Happiness Academy", he has filial piety and the ability to fulfill filial piety, but he cannot fulfill filial piety, which is very distressing. Xu Xiaotian enlightened that filial piety is wise, and it is not possible to do it with money. Can an old mountain lady wear a fur coat? I can't bear to be diligent and thrifty for a lifetime! It is better to drive the old mother to the old man's store, let her choose her own clothes, and the son can swipe the card. As long as you make the old mother happy, you have fulfilled your filial piety.

A girl said that her parents often quarreled, and when they quarreled, they would throw things to get divorced. She was scared and didn't want to be the child of a single-parent family. So always persuade the fight, persuade this end and persuade that end. Today's persuasion is good, tomorrow it will be a fight again. For example, day after day, year after year, from elementary school to high school, parents quarrel or endless, it is really a wrongdoer. She took her parents to the "Xiaoxiao Happiness Academy" to listen to the lessons, and when she returned home, she did not quarrel. She finally saw the loving smiling faces of her parents and no longer worried about divorce. This is really the daughter's filial piety, the parents laughing, and the whole family enjoying the pottery.

Smile blooms the heart Filial piety harmonious family - remember Xu Xiaotian and his laughing filial piety happiness method

A smile is a flower on the lips,

Laughter is a look on the face.

Laughter is a fire in the heart,

Laughter is an oral song.

There is a couple who hope that their son Will become a dragon, forcing their children to play with their lives every day, not letting him go out to find classmates to play, not allowed to watch TV and watch mobile phones, and not allowed to play games on the Internet. Every day, I memorized ancient poems at home to learn English, read textbooks and answered exam questions. Forcing the child to run away from home and commit suicide frightened the parents' souls. Come to the Xiaoxiao Happiness Academy, learn the Happy Aesthetic Education Method, let the children laugh and have fun, get out of the parents' education curse, and re-generate interest in learning.

When a person laughs, he is only happy with himself; when the whole family laughs, it is his pleasure. Xu Xiaotian hopes that the "Law of Filial Piety and Happiness" will spread to every corner of the motherland, improve the happiness index and happiness index of the Chinese people, spread positive energy, and realize the beautiful Chinese dream.

Text/Photo by Zhuang Huiling