
China Tourism News praised the cultural tourism industry in the new district - Xiangjiang Happy City!

author:Xiangjiang New Area, Hunan
China Tourism News praised the cultural tourism industry in the new district - Xiangjiang Happy City!
China Tourism News praised the cultural tourism industry in the new district - Xiangjiang Happy City!

After spring, the snow and ice melt

But the major indoor ski resorts in Hunan are still full of people

Experience the fun of skiing

Cheering for the Winter Olympics has become a unanimous pursuit of everyone

Among these people, there are both skilled veterans and novices who are humbly asking for skiing skills, and "skiing + tourism + education" is becoming the new favorite of the ice and snow tourism market.

Xiangjiang Happy City

Tourists are enthusiastic about skiing

On February 13, in the happy snow area of Xiangjiang Happy City in the Dawangshan Tourist Resort in Xiangjiang New District, Hunan Province, Ms. Deng, a citizen, and her 8-year-old son Xiaolong were wearing ski equipment. "Since the opening of the Winter Olympics, whenever there is a skiing event, my son will watch carefully, especially when the athletes fly in the air, he will excitedly shout 'fly up, it's wonderful, I also want to go skiing', today is the weekend, and it is about to start school, I will take him here to experience it." Ms. Deng said.

China Tourism News praised the cultural tourism industry in the new district - Xiangjiang Happy City!

Skiing in the Happy Snowy Area photo by Gao Hui

After getting dressed, the mother and son duo entered the ski area, which was already experienced by many tourists at this time, and some novices clumsily moved their skis and carefully slid under the guidance of the instructor. The long skis made the little dragon look even shorter, and he was very excited and eager to try it for the first time. The ski instructor patiently said: "Don't worry, pay attention to safety, first learn the basics to avoid wrestling." Bend your knees, lean forward, the center of gravity should be stable, raise your head, don't be nervous, when the speed is fast, remember the inner figure eight brake... Don't be afraid to wrestle, it's best to fall sideways when you fall..."

Xiaolong listened carefully to the instructor's instructions and moved his skis. "Hiss..." Only after sliding 2 meters, he fell heavily to the ground, but he was not discouraged, laughing and saying, "It's too exciting, skiing looks simple, it's really difficult to move." "He struggled to get up and continue his ski journey.

Since the Winter Olympics, more and more people have begun to experience skiing like dragons. Ctrip data shows that during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, the popularity of major snow resorts in Hunan is booming, and three days before the Spring Festival, ski resorts such as Xiangjiang Happy City Happy Snow Domain, Three Bears Ice and Snow Kingdom, and Zhangjiajie Ice and Snow World are popular.

Xiangjiang Happy City Happy Snow Area is located in the underground 36 meters, maintaining a temperature of -5 °C all year round, the park is divided into recreational snow area, ski area and leisure area, in addition to skiing, there are more than 20 kinds of play items, only the recreational snow area has 13 different shapes of recreational snow slides. The park receives 1,500 instantaneous tourists and a maximum daily passenger flow of 4,500.

He Mingsheng, deputy general manager of Xiangjiang Group Huanian Cultural Tourism Company, who is responsible for the project, said that in the past month, the number of tourists visiting the happy snow area has risen by nearly 200%, especially since the Winter Olympics, from 10 o'clock to the evening closure, the venue is full of tourists. "There are a lot of out-of-town guests who come here and book tickets two days in advance."

"Spending the Spring Festival on the ice and snow this year is the choice of many consumers, and groups and families have become the main body of ski passenger flow. Since the Spring Festival, our daily passenger flow has been more than 1,000 people. In the few days after the opening of the Winter Olympics, the passenger flow was particularly large. Xu Yuhong, director of the propaganda department of Changsha Three Bears Ice and Snow Kingdom Ski Resort, introduced. The Three Bears Ice Kingdom Ski Resort covers an area of about 10,000 square meters and can accommodate more than 600 people at the same time.

Thanks to the driving role of the Winter Olympics, skiing has spread throughout Hunan. According to incomplete statistics from the Hunan Provincial Sports Bureau, more than a dozen ice and snow sports venues in Hunan have blossomed in many cities and states, and the scale of the ice and snow industry has expanded year by year.

Zhangjiajie Ice and Snow World, built by Hunan Zhangjiajie Ice and Snow World Tourism Development Co., Ltd., has operated for 2 years, with a daily flow of 2,500 people at its peak, and during the winter and summer vacations, the daily flow of people has also stabilized at about 1,500 people.

Gao Yongqing, technical referee of the 2022 Winter Olympics, technical referee of the 2021 World Cup and champion of the National Youth Alpine Skiing Championships, said: "Affected by the Winter Olympics, the enthusiasm of the people for ice and snow sports during the Spring Festival holiday is unprecedentedly high, '300 million people participating in ice and snow sports' is moving from vision to reality, and ice and snow sports will remain a popular leisure method and a new nugget project in the south in the future." ”

The ski teaching market is hot

As the hottest experience project in the ice and snow tourism market, the rise of skiing has also driven the ski teaching market.

In order to allow more tourists to experience and feel the fun brought by skiing, Xiangjiang Happy City Happy Snow Area launched a series of activities of "Happy Snow Domain Like Tiger Wings", which carried out mass skiing theme activities integrating experience, fun and culture for visitors entering the park, and also launched the "Cool Snow Junior Ski Training Camp" ski teaching activities for ski "Xiaobai", including zero-basic half-day double-board parent-child camp, zero-basic half-day double-board independent camp, adult ski teaching promotion three activities, at the same time, for the national collection 6- 17-year-old snow sports enthusiast, teaching professional skiing knowledge and skills. Led by Gao Yongqing, this activity provides professional ski teaching for parent-child families, students and ordinary adults.

He Mingsheng introduced that among all the tourists who enter the happy snowy area, more than 10% of the tourists receive professional teaching on skiing. In addition, with the holding of the Winter Olympics and the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, more and more teenagers are participating in ice and snow sports, and their proportion has risen from 20% last year to 40%.

In August 2019, Xiangjiang Happy City established the Happy Snow Ski School, with a total of 20 senior gold-medal coaches led by Gao Yongqing, with systematic ski theory teaching as the core, providing professional ski teaching services for the majority of ski enthusiasts.

"As early as 2018, the Three Bears Ice and Snow Kingdom launched the 'Ice and Snow into The Campus' series of activities, and successively walked into more than ten primary and secondary schools such as West Lake Primary School in Tianxin District to explain the knowledge of the Winter Olympics to students and carry out free ski training." Xu Yuhong said that the "Ice and Snow into School" activity aims to let children understand the origin of skiing, the history of modern skiing in the world, the development history of the Winter Olympics, the history and honor of the Chinese Winter Olympics, feel the charm of ice and snow, and help "300 million people on ice and snow". At present, the Three Bears Ice and Snow Kingdom has become a research and practice base for primary and secondary school students in Changsha.

China Tourism News praised the cultural tourism industry in the new district - Xiangjiang Happy City!

"Ice and snow into the campus" activity site Three bears ice and snow kingdom courtesy of the picture

In order to promote ice and snow sports, many schools in Hunan have set up interesting and highly participatory ice and snow sports special physical education classes. Each grade of Tanzhou Experimental Primary School in Yuelu District, Changsha City, has 4 physical education classes per week, including gymnastics, land curling, dryland roller skating and physical education and health, all taught by special physical education teachers. At the same time, the school also imitates the Olympic model, dividing the annual school games into summer school games and winter school games, in the absence of ice and snow, in the campus environment to simulate the winter Olympic games scene, so that parents and teachers can participate in it. Hunan University of Science and Technology has built a real ice skating rink and opened an ice physical education class as an elective course for students.

On December 31, 2021, the Hunan Provincial Government issued the "Hunan Provincial National Fitness Implementation Plan (2022-2025)", proposing to "implement the mass winter sports promotion and popularization plan and promote the participation of millions of young people in ice and snow sports in Hunan". In the future, the Hunan ice and snow tourism market is expected to be even hotter.

Ski safety is paramount

Under the influence of the atmosphere of the Winter Olympics, skiing has become a popular event for the emerging experience of Hunan tourism, but there have also been many injuries caused by improper operation, such as falls and rear-end collisions. "The ski resort played for less than 5 minutes, broke the wrist" "Profound experience, the first ski of 2022 was hit and fractured, and a steel plate was lifted"... On the Internet, many netizens shared their "tragic experiences". "Skiing is not suitable for everyone, there is a certain danger, and snow lovers should do what they can." There are expert tips.

Statistics show that every 1,000 people ski a day, there are 1-5 injuries, of which beginners and snowboarders are at greater risk.

Irritation and danger coexist

How to ensure safety become a ski resort

Urgent issues to be addressed

Xu Yuhong introduced that in the three bear ice and snow kingdom, in addition to the daily on-site teaching of coaches, ski training classes are often held to train ski enthusiasts, and two summer and winter camps are held every year to train teenagers. The ski site is equipped with safety officers, and if a tourist falls, he will go up to the rescue at the first time. During the skiing process, the instructor will first explain the basics of skiing to the guests. The LCD screen in the venue will also repeatedly play the knowledge of ski clothing wear and ski posture, always reminding visitors to pay attention to personal safety.

Gao Yongqing said that safe skiing must first abide by the basic skiing guidelines and master the basic methods of safe falling and standing; secondly, we must learn the basic knowledge and skills of skiing from professional instructors; finally, ski beginners should prepare a set of protective gear to avoid injuries in skiing, and want to challenge advanced people, it is recommended to carry out professional systematic learning, master the essentials of skiing technology and action, and ensure safe skiing.

China Tourism News praised the cultural tourism industry in the new district - Xiangjiang Happy City!

◎Source: China Travel News Client

◎ Proofreader: Liu Wu, Zhao Yingjie, Xu Fang

China Tourism News praised the cultural tourism industry in the new district - Xiangjiang Happy City!
China Tourism News praised the cultural tourism industry in the new district - Xiangjiang Happy City!

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