
Foggy windows on a rainy day? Little trick to try lark

author:Chengdu Huaxing Simon Volkswagen

Foggy windows on a rainy day? Little trick to try lark

In early spring, it rains soon

For hitchhiker owners who are driving on rainy days

It's not just about wrestling with slippery pavement

Dodge the splash of water in front of you

It also faces the problem of unclear view of the rearview mirror and water in the road area

7:00 Notes on driving on rainy days

Take it and put it away and remember it

Car owners take orders to help others at the same time

It is even more important to drive cautiously and pay attention to safety

Foggy windows on a rainy day? Little trick to try lark
Foggy windows on a rainy day? Little trick to try lark
Foggy windows on a rainy day? Little trick to try lark


Check in advance for replacement wipers

Check the wiper blade to check whether it has aged and hardened, and make sure that the wiper blade can sweep the water normally. The waterproof groove at the front windshield also needs to be inspected to ensure that the drainage is smooth and avoid the water ingress of the engine and the short circuit of the on-board computer caused by the accumulation of water in the rain.


Proper use of air conditioning for fog removal

Before the trip, the use of hot air to dry the windshield fog in the car, in addition, do not forget the two sides and the rear window, most models now will have a side air outlet specifically for blowing the side window, the rear window has a heating wire, open the rear window heating function, the rear window will soon eliminate the fog.


Check the tires

Tires mainly check the wear, tire wear, grip drop will mainly cause the braking distance to be extended, especially on rainy days, the road is waterlogged, the friction is reduced, and it is easy to cause rear-end accidents.


Rearview mirrors that cannot be ignored

For rain in the rearview mirrors, wipe it off with traffic lights or where it is safe to park.


Waterlogged pavement, slow down and slow down

When crossing the gutter or puddle, the speed of the car slows down, do not change the gear, stabilize the throttle, so as to avoid the water wave churning caused by the engine water. Special note: After the water is turned off, it is strictly forbidden to start the engine twice, if it is forcibly started, it will cause the engine to be scrapped!


Rational use of headlights

When it first rains, although the sky is darker, the visibility is acceptable, and the width display lamp should be used. When the rain is so heavy that it obstructs the line of sight, and the water in the road area is carried by the tires in front of the car to form a water mist, headlights or front fog lights should be used. The rear fog light can be turned on when the rain is very heavy.


Stay away from big cars and watch out for pedestrians

Originally more blind area of large vehicles in the rain will not only block the line of sight, but also easy to get out of control, remember to stay away from the big car, in addition, whether it is a pedestrian umbrella, or a cyclist wearing a poncho, will lead to vision, hearing, reaction and other restrictions, then should slow down, careful avoidance.

Active time

From February 17, 2022 to February 24, 2022

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