
Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know

author:Gusheng Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine
Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know

Breast cancer, a disease that makes people smell discolored, many well-known singers and movie stars have died young because of this.

For such a number one killer who threatens women's health, we must change our concept, change the traditional concept of emphasizing treatment and neglecting prevention, and shift the focus from "curing the disease" to "treating the disease before it is".

However, for most people, they do not know enough about the occurrence and development of this disease, and often have these questions:

"Breasts are always sore, I can feel the lump myself, it won't be breast cancer, right?"

"Does breast hyperplasia develop into breast cancer?"

"What should we do on a daily basis to better delay or block breast cancer?"

How far away is breast cancer?

Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know

In this issue, Gushengtang Chinese Medicine invited Professor Lin Yi, the founder and academic leader of the First National Famous Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to share the breast health topics that female friends care about, including breast health care exercises and dietary remedies, to help you maintain a healthy body and stay away from breast cancer!

Breast cancer is not far away

Statistics show that on average, 37 out of every 100,000 Chinese women have breast cancer. Its incidence increases with age after the age of 30 years and peaks at the age of 55. About 60,000 people die of breast cancer every year, and the incidence and mortality rates have shown an upward trend in the past 10 years, and the growth rate is higher than that of developed countries.

The 2020 Global Cancer Burden Data shows that breast cancer has replaced lung cancer as the most prevalent malignancy in the world.

Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know

Modern medicine considers the multi-stage development mode of breast cancer to be "normal epithelial → hyperplasia→ atypical hyperplasia→ carcinoma in situ → invasive carcinoma".

This development model provides a theoretical basis for people to take various measures to delay, block or even reverse the precancerous state, and has been confirmed in practice. In fact, breast cancer is not terrible, the key lies in early prevention, early detection, early treatment, prevention is more important than treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated rich experience in the long-term practice of breast cancer prevention, and plays a leading role in delaying or blocking the occurrence and development of normal cells- cancer cells - malignant tumors.

Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know

Women should pay attention to their breast health, especially breast hyperplasia. Breast hyperplasia is the most common breast disease in women, accounting for 70% to 80% of all breast diseases, and its incidence has gradually increased and tended to be younger in recent years.

What should I do when I notice an abnormality such as pain or lump in my breast?

How is breast hyperplasia checked?

If breast hyperplasia is suspected, a specialist should be consulted for clinical examination and, if necessary, further imaging and other adjuvant tests. First of all, we must rule out the possibility of breast cancer, and rationally choose a variety of auxiliary tests to confirm the diagnosis.

There are 3 main symptoms of breast hyperplasia: pain, lumps, discharge.

1) Pain (nature, time, location) Pain has three characteristics, periodicity, diversity, and symmetry. Cyclicality: We often hear female friends say that the pain in the breasts of the first few days of coming to the great aunt is really painful, in fact, they say that one of the characteristics of pain is cyclical. That is, it is worse before menstruation, and it is alleviated or disappears after menstruation. Diversity: Breast pain is predominantly distended, but also tingling, traction or vague pain. Symmetry: Pain is most likely to occur symmetrically in both breasts. Bad mood can aggravate breast pain.

2) Lump (features: four not one good: different shapes, different sizes, not hard texture, unclear boundaries, good mobility). Morphology is different: the lump is fragmentary, nodule, mixed, etc. The sense of three-dimensionality is poor, and it increases and hardens before menstruation, and shrinks and becomes soft after menstruation. It can be unilateral, more bilateral symmetry, more likely to occur in the outer upper quadrant of the breast, or it can be dispersed throughout the breast. The lump varies in size, the texture is tough but not hard, and it is often tender and can be moved.

3) Discharge About 5% to 15% of patients with cystic hyperplasia can have nipple discharge, breast hyperplasia of the discharge has two characteristics, first, from the color point of view, most of them are watery, milky or yellow serous, second, this discharge is mostly porous, through passive squeezing can be found, unilateral or bilateral can occur.

Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know

If breast pain is present for 3 consecutive months or intermittent pain for 3 to 6 months and is not relieved, and is associated with menstruation or bad mood, a preliminary judgment of breast hyperplasia can be made. It is necessary to go to the hospital in time for a physical examination by a breast doctor, and if necessary, further imaging tests.

Color ultrasound is a stethoscope for the breast, the most commonly used method, according to different ages and risk factors to choose breast molybdenum X-ray, breast MRI and other tests.

It is recommended that women over the age of 35 receive breast cancer screening every 1 to 2 years, and for those with multiple breast cancer risk factors, screening can be started early and followed up regularly.

For patients with benign breast disease, especially with atypical hyperplasia, a breast doctor should correctly assess the risk factors for breast cancer and intervene in treatment as soon as possible.

2 stages of pathogenesis cannot be ignored

Clinically, the differentiation of breast hyperplasia is mainly based on three types: hepatic depression, sputum stasis, and chong ren disorder.

The dialectical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine combined with the characteristics of different stages of the female menstrual cycle can achieve the effect of alleviating breast pain, narrowing breast masses and improving related concomitant symptoms.

1 Hepatic depression stagnation

Clinical manifestations: breast tenderness, channeling pain, lump in a single piece, soft, obvious tenderness, breast pain and / or lump associated with menstruation, mood changes, irritability, swelling of both flanks, more common in young women, or with menstrual disorders, dysmenorrhea, tongue reddish, moss thin white or thin yellow, pulse strings.

Treatment: relieve liver and qi, loosen knots and relieve pain.

Prescription: Chai Hu Liu liver scatter plus or minus.

Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know

2 Sputum stasis interjunctive

Clinical manifestations: breast tingling, diverse masses, unclear boundaries, toughness, breast tenderness and/or lumps are not well related to menstruation and mood, often with late menstruation, poor menstruation or with bruises, dark red or bruising of the tongue or ecchymosis on the tip of the tongue, or swelling, bruising, veins, strings or slips of the veins under the tongue.

Treatment: activate blood and dispel stasis, dissolve phlegm and scatter knots.

Prescription medicine: Blood House stasis soup and idle beetle scatter plus and minus.

3 punches are out of balance

Clinical manifestations: breast pain symptoms are mild, or painless, waist and knee soreness or accompanied by heel pain, menstrual cycle disorders, small amount or short or inexhaustible number of menstrual days, more common in middle-aged or older women; or with dizziness and tinnitus, dark complexion, nocturia, light tongue, thin white tongue, fine pulses.

Treatment: warm kidneys and yang, thin the liver and activate the blood, adjust the chong ren.

Prescription: Flavored erxian soup or flavored six-flavor dihuang soup combined into pills.

Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know

A number of research results suggest that the initial stage of atypical hyperplasia takes hepatic depression and blood stasis as the main contradiction, and continues to develop until it changes from severe atypical hyperplasia to carcinoma in situ, and the change of the pathogenesis of Chong Ren disorder has become the main contradiction of the body.

Therefore, Professor Lin Yi pointed out that for the two cases of sputum stasis and imbalance, because they have the possibility of further developing into atypical hyperplasia and breast cancer, they should be given active intervention and treatment, and cannot be ignored.

Tumor cells are differentiated and mutated from normal cells. Professor Lin Yi stressed that the occurrence and development of breast cancer is not only due to the existence of cancer cell "seeds", but also depends on the soil of development and evolution, which needs to rely on the imbalance of the host environment. Poor emotions, diet, overwork and other factors can lead to the breakdown of the balance of organs, meridians, qi and blood functions, providing a suitable "soil" for the occurrence and development of breast cancer. The growth of cancer further aggravates the imbalance of the internal environment, forming a vicious circle. Among them, the pathological changes of air stagnation, sputum coagulation, blood stasis, and sputum stasis interlocking run through the occurrence and development of breast cancer.

Therefore, Professor Lin stressed that improving poor lifestyles, improving the body's self-healing ability, and maintaining internal environmental homeostasis are the top priorities in preventing breast cancer. That is to say, the righteous qi is stored within, and the evil cannot be dried.

What are the daily exercise health methods?

Professor Lin Yi founded the female health care guidance method according to the theories of meridians, qi and blood, and internal organs, combined with the characteristics of women's physiology and pathology.

Including 20 styles such as kidney slapping skills, stretching muscles and kicking skills. Through the organic combination of breathing exercise, mind movement and limb movement (with the twelve meridians beating, acupuncture point massage), the unity of mind, form and god is achieved, and the purpose of clarifying yin and yang, balancing internal organs, dredging meridians, and clearing up turbidity is achieved, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body, protecting the breasts, and rejuvenating the youth.

What is good for the mammary glands to eat?

Chinese medicine believes that breast hyperplasia, lumps, pain and other manifestations are often related to liver depression, spleen deficiency sputum coagulation, kidney deficiency and blood stasis. Here are 6 dietary remedies to help you develop healthy breasts.


30 g kelp, 15 g kohlrabi, washed and cut into strips, fried in oil and eaten.

Kelp is the whole grass of macrophylla in the macrophyllaceae family, which is rich in nutrients and has the effect of soft and firm knots, which can adjust and treat gall tuberculosis, fistula, breast lumps and so on.

This party has the effect of soft and firm loose knots, which is suitable for those who do not lose the quality of breast lumps.


100 grams of winter melon, fresh Huai yam to taste, coix seeds 30 grams, duck 1/4, cook soup.

Winter melon is sweet and cool, water to eliminate phlegm and detoxification; Huai yam ganping, healthy spleen and stomach; coix kernel sweet, light, cool, healthy spleen seepage wet and hot; old duck attributes are cool, healthy spleen wet, not only rich in nutrition, but also can increase appetite.

This formula is especially suitable for breast hyperplasia in the hot summer season with phlegm wetness. When cooking, the skin of winter melon can be preserved, which enhances the effect of dampness and heat dissipation.

Breast hyperplasia to breast cancer 4 stages, women over the age of 35 must know


Jasmine 10 g, roses 10 g, boiling water for tea.

Flowers have the function of rising and floating, while jasmine and roses can rationalize and bloom, which is a good recipe for liver depression and stagnation.

This formula is suitable for patients with breast hyperplasia with depression, irritability, sighing and other manifestations of liver qi.


Cat's claw grass 20 grams, summer dry grass 30 grams, lean pork 100 grams, two dates, add water to the appropriate amount of soup instead of tea.

Cat's claw grass, summer dry grass for the heat of soft and firm loose medicine, slightly bitter, there is a sweet, add an appropriate amount of dates to cook pork soup is easier to enter.

This formula is suitable for patients with breast hyperplasia with symptoms such as dry mouth, irritability, and stickiness in the mouth.


Kelp 2 feet to 3 feet, 1 piece of tofu, 1 crucian carp, add water to the soup, drink soup residue.

"Food Appreciation Materia Medica" believes that tofu can be wide and beneficial to qi, and spleen and stomach; crucian carp can strengthen the spleen and dampness. With kelp to dissolve phlegm soft and firm, so it has a certain effect on breast hyperplasia of spleen deficiency and humidity.

This formula is suitable for breast hyperplasia with chest tightness, phlegm, easy drowsiness, plain tongue fat, white tongue, weight discomfort and other manifestations of patients.


50 grams of black beans, 6 red dates, 1 black bone chicken. Boil the black-bone chicken with the black beans until the meat is cooked and the beans are rotten, add the red dates and cook again, sprinkle salt to taste, and drink the soup residue.

Black beans, also known as black beans, sweet and flat, have the function of nourishing the liver and kidneys, activating blood and replenishing blood, and are high-protein and low-calorie products; red jujube spleen and stomach, beneficial qi and vitality; black chicken healthy spleen supplement, nourishing the heart and calming the mind.

This party is more suitable for breast hyperplasia with physical weakness, blood deficiency and dizziness, and kidney deficiency and waist acid.