
"Exclusive Dry Goods Must See" 6 strategic cores for food and beverage development in 2022

author:Huang Flag

Now the catering industry, has begun to change the day, the customer's consumption habits have also changed, catering marketing has also changed, everyone in the past two years of dry catering should have a very deep experience, so what changes will be made in the catering industry this year? The following points I summarized, we must remember, do not do well you will not be able to earn money outside your cognition, do one or two, will be a good opportunity for you to turn around and make a lot of money, dry goods first point a thumbs up to support it.

"Exclusive Dry Goods Must See" 6 strategic cores for food and beverage development in 2022

The first point is to deeply understand that the era of catering has fully evolved from eating spices and eating taste to eating ingredients, eating forms, and eating feelings.

Second, the three armed forces have not moved, finance first, we must attach importance to this financial management, do not do some confused accounts, to the end of the month an accounting turnover is a lot, but there is no profit is not to make money, so there is no financial data, tired of white dry and angry, one of the points is that your store is no matter how small you must pay attention to it, this is a must.

Third, the brothers clearly settle the account, the partnership must sign all the signed, all signed in the contract, do not erase the face, can not wipe the face is your biggest irresponsibility to your relationship, first the villain and then the gentleman, even if the business can not be done, the later is still a friend.

"Exclusive Dry Goods Must See" 6 strategic cores for food and beverage development in 2022

Fourth, the service is divided into production, marketing, this point as long as you do the ultimate, to achieve the highlights is enough, do not try to make all the points are very thorough, try to be comprehensive, it is difficult.

Fifth, don't discount, after the discount is not only no profit, but also your brand value, and finally your customers will disappear.

Sixth, to learn to focus on the customer group, a catering store do not think about what money to earn, this customer who eats box lunch also wants to grasp, the drive of Mercedes-Benz BMW also wants to stay, if you want to do long-term, we must understand that professional catering stores are to meet the needs of accurate customers' consumer groups.

"Exclusive Dry Goods Must See" 6 strategic cores for food and beverage development in 2022

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