
The "people-centered development thinking" special study and education" has deeply rooted the political and legal work among the people

author:Lu'an News Network
The "people-centered development thinking" special study and education" has deeply rooted the political and legal work among the people

Trees are tall and rooted in the earth; rivers and rivers are thousands of miles away from their origins. The people are the creators of history and the real heroes. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "The history of our party's century-old struggle is the history of seeking happiness for the people. The people are the country. Our Communist Party fights and defends the country for the people's happiness and the people's heart. ”

The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that party members and cadres should always adhere to the people-centered development thinking, do their utmost to solve difficult problems for the masses, show compassion for the people's feelings, and strive to promote new development with new actions. The decision of the municipal party committee to carry out in-depth study and education on the topic of "people-centered development thinking" among party organizations and party members and cadres at all levels in the city is a realization and practice of in-depth implementation of Xi Jinping's rule of law thought, a sincere response to the expectations of the people, and an effective measure to resolve social contradictions. At the same time, it is also a practical need to temper the work style of cadres and consolidate the foundation of the grass-roots level. As political and legal organs and in the front line of safeguarding social stability, we have profoundly realized that the party's mass line is the foundation for building the party and the key to rejuvenating the party, consciously regard the party's mass line as the lifeline of political and legal work, persist in doing everything for the people and closely relying on the people, earnestly enhance our ability to do mass work well, and ensure that political and legal work is deeply rooted in the masses of the people.

Strive to meet the people's yearning for peace and happiness

Peace and happiness are the eternal and unchangeable pursuit and yearning of the masses of the people. No matter how the situation changes, how the conditions change, and how the environment changes, the purpose of the political and legal organs for the people cannot change. To this end, it is necessary to base ourselves on the responsibilities of politics and law, take the people's livelihood as the foundation, and improve the well-being of the people's livelihood, so that the people's lives will be more convenient, more comfortable, more secure, and more dignified, so that the new expectations of the broad masses of the people for a better life can gradually become a reality, the sense of gain, happiness, and security will be continuously enhanced, and the economic and social development will be more textured and warmer.

Our political and legal organs should closely focus on the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee, carry out in-depth study and education on the special topic of "people-centered development thinking", consolidate the results of party history study and education, firmly establish the concept of people first, draw wisdom and strength from the party's glorious history, and comprehensively enhance the ability and level of protecting the safety of the masses and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the masses. People's yearning for a better life is more reflected in social needs and spiritual needs.

In the work of the new year, we will focus on promoting from four aspects and strive to meet the people's yearning for peace and happiness. The first is to promote the pilot modernization of urban social governance as the starting point, continuously promote the innovation of social governance concepts, systems, systems and methods, establish a number of urban social governance models, promote a number of replicable and generalizable experiences, so that the people's sense of gain, happiness and security is more fulfilling, more secure and more sustainable; the second is to strengthen the standardization and standardization of the four-level comprehensive management center, refine the grid service management, improve the diversified resolution mechanism of contradictions and disputes, build a large mediation pattern, and prevent and resolve social contradictions to the greatest extent. Promote social security and stability; the third is to normalize and institutionalize the struggle to eliminate organized crime and eliminate evil forces, deepen the consolidation and expansion of special actions to eliminate criminal syndicates and eliminate evil forces, solidly carry out the series of actions of "guarding peace", and severely crack down on new types of crimes in telecommunications networks, pornography, gambling and drugs, theft and deception, food and drug rings, and other illegal crimes that affect the health and property safety of the people; the fourth is to accelerate the construction of key projects such as smart security communities and intelligent transportation, consolidate the foundation for the construction of safety and security, and make every effort to enhance the ability level of protecting the safety of the masses.

Strive to meet the people's needs for social fairness and justice

What the people want, what the government wants. In the era of the Internet and big data, the people have a higher demand for fairness and justice, and it is urgent for the political and legal organs to hand over excellent answers. In the process of promoting the building of the rule of law, we must take the people's dissatisfaction, high dissatisfaction, and non-acceptance as the "touchstone" for testing whether our work is in place, so that fairness and justice can be "seen" and "touched" to the people.

The municipal law organs should regard the affairs of the masses of the people as their own affairs and the small affairs of the masses of the people as their own major affairs. Start from the things that make the people satisfied, and start from the problems that the people are not satisfied with. "Gather sand into a tower, gather armpits into a fur". Every judicial case is an emotional link between the political and legal organs and the masses of the people. Justice must be achieved in a way that is visible to the masses of the people, and judicial judgments must stand the test of the people and time. Only when the judiciary has strength and temperature can the masses have confidence, follow, and guarantee.

The people have called for something, and the law has responded. In the work of the new year, our political and legal work should intervene in social hot spots, pain points, and difficulties in a timely and effective manner, so that the rule of law can resonate with the people's hearts and minds. In this way, we can bring more sense of happiness and security to the people of Lu'an, and constantly let fairness and justice become your personal feelings.

The first is to deepen the reform of the political and legal fields. Political and legal organs should conform to the requirements of the times, respond to the expectations of the people, accelerate the pace of reform, deepen the comprehensive reform of the judicial responsibility system, strengthen the construction of judicial restraint and supervision mechanisms for law enforcement, further improve and perfect the operation and supervision mechanisms of adjudication and procuratorial power, and on the basis of adhering to the principle of "letting the adjudicators adjudicate and the adjudicators be responsible", realize "let the supervisors supervise", truly enhance the quality and effectiveness of the judiciary and the credibility of the judiciary, and let the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case.

The second is to create a strict and standardized, civilized and fair law enforcement environment. Accelerate the construction of law enforcement case management centers, case management centers, and centralized custody centers for assets involved in cases, comprehensively implement the integrated law enforcement operation model of law enforcement case handling, supervision and management, and service guarantees; strictly rectify and prevent problems such as lax, irregular, unjust, and uncivilized law enforcement, so that the people feel that fairness and justice are around.

The third is to deepen judicial openness in law enforcement. Deeply advance the openness of trial affairs, procuratorial affairs, and police affairs, implement systems such as mass observation, judicial hearings, and news releases, actively explore new ways and new forms of law enforcement and judicial openness, and let law enforcement and justice "shine" in the sun. At the same time, it is necessary to solidly carry out the "four items" special action of rectifying and consolidating the results of the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent, ensure that the political and legal contingent does not change its quality, color, and taste, and act as a satisfactory serviceman for the masses of the people.

Strive to meet the expectations of the masses of the people for resolving urgent difficulties and anxieties

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that in the entire development process, we must pay attention to people's livelihood, ensure people's livelihood, and improve people's livelihood, so that the fruits of reform and development can benefit the broad masses of the people more and more fairly, so that the people can have more sense of gain in jointly building and sharing development. The municipal law organs throughout the municipality should regard the people's worries and expectations as the focal point for helping the masses to do practical things and solve difficult problems, carry forward the spirit of hard work of stepping on stones to leave a mark and grasping the iron marks, ensure that "saying one thing to do one thing, doing one thing after another", and deeply planting the feelings of the people in doing practical things. We should always put the masses of the people in the highest position in our hearts, do a good job in the people's livelihood affairs that the masses of the people are concerned about, and do a good job in the key and small things that the masses of the people feel every day.

In order to effectively solve the problems in the work of being filed by the masses, the municipal public security organs have innovatively launched the "Lu'an Public Security Case Filing Notification and Evaluation System", so that the public can easily understand the situation of the police case filing; the municipal procuratorial organs strengthen the linkage between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, severely punish crimes endangering food and drug safety in accordance with the law, improve the juvenile procuratorial system, promote the construction of a general pattern of juvenile protection, promote the construction of a linkage mechanism between judicial aid and legal aid and social assistance, and establish and improve a diversified and networked judicial aid system The Municipal Intermediate People's Court issued <关于加强全市法治乡村建设的实施方案>ten measures, such as the Implementation Rules, improving the mechanism for handling the backlog of petitions and petitions, building a platform for judges' studios, and carrying out actions for judges to assist enterprises and enterprises.

In 2021, the city's petitioning system accepted a total of 9647 petitions, with a completion rate of 100% on schedule and a mass satisfaction rate of 88.8%, ranking third in the province's assessment of the responsibility for petitioning.

In the work of the new year, the Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee will take the lead in implementing the system of leading cadres receiving visits and reading and approving letters from the masses, taking the opportunity to grasp the handling of cases of provincial governors receiving and visiting people, drawing lessons from each other, taking the lead from point to point, finding and solving common problems through individual petition cases, and promoting the substantive solution of the masses' reasonable petitioning demands in accordance with laws and regulations. Promote the special action of "emphasizing, smoothing, and resolving", adhere to the problem orientation, thoroughly investigate the problems and shortcomings of the special action of "heavy promises, smooth two letters, and decisive demands", and further enhance the forward-looking, pertinent and effectiveness of the work. To the greatest extent possible, we should solve the problem of the masses' "urgency, difficulty, and anxiety." Deepen the reform of "decentralization and management of services", continue to promote the intelligent construction of political and legal affairs, continuously introduce new measures to benefit the people and facilitate the people, realize the realization of "more data to run, parties to run less errands", and exchange the "hardship index" of all political and legal cadres for the people's sweet "happiness index".

(Zheng Gang The author is a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Lu'an Municipal Committee, the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, the vice mayor, and the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau)

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