
The most beautiful female soldier admired by the people: she was tortured by the Gang Rape of the Japanese Kou, and sneered and despised the bravery and righteousness of the Japanese Kou

author:Four seasons daily

  We have such a happy life today, which was bought by countless martyrs with their blood and lives, and by countless heroes who carried the burden forward for us in front of us for the liberation of mankind and the prosperity and strength of the country.

  The heroic martyr described in this article is a hero who has long put life and death aside for the cause of human liberation, and before her sacrifice, her brave, strong, and heroic heroic feats are different from other heroine martyrs: sneering and scorning the Japanese Kou walking to the execution ground and making heroic sacrifices.

The most beautiful female soldier admired by the people: she was tortured by the Gang Rape of the Japanese Kou, and sneered and despised the bravery and righteousness of the Japanese Kou

Cost huaxiang

  Her feats before her righteousness could not be pretended, but her true personality, thoughts, ideals, and beliefs were naturally expressed and vividly expressed before she was righteous, without any delicate pretense. This feat: let the Japanese Kou feel ashamed and shameless; let the descendants of the Chinese nation admire and tear up the heroic feat.

The most beautiful female soldier admired by the people: she was tortured by the Gang Rape of the Japanese Kou, and sneered and despised the bravery and righteousness of the Japanese Kou

Cost Hua Plaza

  The hero's name was Fa Hua. In 1914, the hero was born in Gaoxiang Village, outside the Great West Gate of Liyang Town, Anhui Province and County. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, her ancestors migrated from Ningyang and Liaocheng in Shandong Province to settle in Anhui; her ancestor Cheng Yongtong was once named "General of Wude"; Cheng Kejing in the early Qing Dynasty was the first ancestor of her family to move to Hezhou; her father was named Cheng Zhihe, and her mother was a girl from the Liang family.

  The intelligent, brave, strong, and bold bloodlines of the hero's ancestors have been inherited and given yang Guangda in the hero's body.

The most beautiful female soldier admired by the people: she was tortured by the Gang Rape of the Japanese Kou, and sneered and despised the bravery and righteousness of the Japanese Kou

Cost Hua sculpture

  After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Like many patriotic young people, He hua actively participated in the anti-Japanese national salvation activities: writing slogans on the streets, performing live dramas, and singing war songs. Soon he married Liu Zhiyi, a patriotic young man with the same ideals and beliefs.

  During the Anti-Japanese War, When Cheng Hua and her husband Liu Zhiyi joined the People's Self-Defense Army founded by Zhao Yongzhi, the county magistrate of Hexian County, the couple swore that they would also fight against the Japanese and defend their hometown.

The most beautiful female soldier admired by the people: she was tortured by the Gang Rape of the Japanese Kou, and sneered and despised the bravery and righteousness of the Japanese Kou

Cost Hua Memorial Plaza

  On May 11, 1938, Japanese infantry and artillery landed at Jinhekou and quickly breached the east gate of Hexian County, where they engaged in an encounter with Wang Ying, commander of the Fifth District of Anhui Province and commander of security, Li Benyi. At that time, the battle of Xiaoshikou was very fierce, and the Japanese suffered more than 200 casualties. One of the soldiers of the Wang camp died heroically, and the last machine gunner pulled out the grenade on his body after the bullet was finished, and died with the Japanese who surrounded him, but unfortunately the hero's name was not known.

  At the same time, the female soldier of the People's Self-Defense Army who remained in the city to fight against the Japanese Kou, in order to resist the Japanese Kou and avenge her husband Liu Zhiyi, who had just been shot by the Japanese army, under her leadership and command, led the soldiers to continue to insist on a bloody battle with their comrades-in-arms against the Japanese army, and finally because they were outnumbered, they were unfortunately captured.

The most beautiful female soldier admired by the people: she was tortured by the Gang Rape of the Japanese Kou, and sneered and despised the bravery and righteousness of the Japanese Kou

Cost Hua out of the cell

  After Rikou captured her, he was both soft and hard, telling the hero to surrender, and Fei Hua just looked at Rikou with contempt and did not say a word. At that time, a Japanese reporter Yamashita Koichi immediately took a picture of the hero, so that today's posterity can know the photo of the hero when he fought against the Japanese Kou. Subsequently, the Japanese Kou imprisoned the Cost Realm.

  During her detention, a Japanese journalist, Koichi Yamashita, recalled: "Because of her beauty, I and a Japanese soldier named Isamu Kobayashi and others could not help but gang rape Hua."

  Since the japanese Kou captured her, she has been inhumanly tortured and tortured, and the hero has long been awe-struck by righteousness and vowed not to surrender.

  A few days later, before Nikko could execute her, Nikko gang-raped the hero en masse. Before retreating, Riko took her tied up to the execution ground outside the west gate of Hecheng, and let her watch how Riko killed Chinese.

The most beautiful female soldier admired by the people: she was tortured by the Gang Rape of the Japanese Kou, and sneered and despised the bravery and righteousness of the Japanese Kou

The Killing of Riko in Anda Prefecture

  Fei Hua coldly looked at the inhuman beast behavior of the Devil Scouts, and the strong dissatisfaction and contempt naturally appeared on her face: this is the image of the hero we see today sneering and scorning the Japanese Kou.

  At that time, the Japanese executioners were too tired of killing people, so they found a few benches and rested by the bunker at the root of the Great West Gate Castle. The bleak sunlight shone on the eerie bloody corpses on the ground.

  At this time, the Japanese devil untied the rope on Fei Hua's body, and Fei Hua knew that he was going to kill her, and the hero did not fear to gently move his limbs, cut his messy hair, and then face the sun, cross his hands on his chest, smile contemptuously, face it without fear, and face it calmly.

The most beautiful female soldier admired by the people: she was tortured by the Gang Rape of the Japanese Kou, and sneered and despised the bravery and righteousness of the Japanese Kou

Japanese Note: Captured Chinese Girl Scouts in Hexian County. Dressed in a battle suit with her hands crossed on her chest, she stood tall, with a contemptuous smile hanging from the corner of her mouth,

  She asked a Japanese reporter to take another last picture of her life. After the shooting, several Japanese devils stepped forward and brutally stabbed Fei Hua with bayonets, and the hero sacrificed heroically! He was only 24 years old at the time of his death.

   Copyright owner: Jiang Tao

   February 17, 2022, 5:39 p.m.