
Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

author:A history of history

Aliluyeva was born in Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, the daughter of the then President of the Soviet Union, Stalin, who was very fond of Alilueva and regarded her as his "pearl in the palm of his hand" and wanted something. However, even though Aliluyeva was treated in this way, she finally betrayed the Soviet Union and chose to defect to the enemy country at that time, the United States, and expose her father's crimes to the world.

Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

The reasons for this are also formed over time, starting with Aliluyeva's childhood.

Alilueva's full name is Stalina Alilueva, when Alilueva was born, Stalin was not very young, so Stalin was particularly fond of this "late" little princess, and Stalin would do his best to meet all the requests made by Alilueva, so in Alilueva's childhood memories, Stalin has always been a very amiable father image.

Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

However, Alilueva's mother later fell ill with depression and, after a dinner party, returned to her room and shot herself. Stalin did not want to tell his daughter such news, so she had a psychological shadow, so he told his 6-year-old daughter that her mother had died of acute peritonitis.

Although Aliluyeva was only 6 years old at the time, she cried to death at her mother's funeral. Stalin cherished this precious daughter and decided to double her compensation from then on.

Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

Although Stalin spoiled his daughter, he still let her learn all kinds of knowledge about the Communist Party and let her read all kinds of books that her daughter did not like very much. At this time, Alilueva was still a naïve little girl who only knew how to play, and where would she be interested in these "boring" things, so she slowly began to hate her father.

As Alilueva grew up, she began to fight against her father at every turn, and the more Stalin hated something, the more she did, in order to provoke Stalin.

When Aliluyeva was eighteen, she fell in love with a man named Morozov at a banquet. Stalin was very much against this, because Stalin believed that his daughter should marry a powerful young man, but this man was forty years old and a Jew.

Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

Stalin hated the Jews, so after the two married, he imprisoned Morozov's father. Aliluyeva and Morozov gave birth to a son the year after their marriage, naming him Joseph. Later, however, for unknown reasons, the two divorced, and Morozov's father was purged.

Stalin died in 1954, followed by a silver bracelet by Aliluyeva. It was when her mother died, and she quietly took it from her mother's hand, which was her only thought of her mother, but it was confiscated when Stalin died.

After Stalin's death, Alilueva angrily changed her mother's last name, Svetlana Alilueva. From now on, Aliluyeva will start her new life.

Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

After the death of her father, Aliluyeva continued to receive preferential treatment. In the early 1960s, Aliluyeva remarried, and her husband was an Indian Communist named Bradges Singh. Unfortunately, Singh died soon after.

Having lost her husband, Aliluyeva left Moscow with infinite grief and went to Singh's native India, while the Soviet government sent the KGB to spy on her. When Alilueva arrived in India, she lived in the Soviet Embassy in India, and not far from here, the U.S. Embassy in India, the KGB confiscated her passport in order to prevent Alilueva from escaping.

Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

Later, Aliluyeva seemed very earnest to find the KGB, wanted to return her passport, said that she was going back to Moscow, wanted to attend the wedding of her son Joseph, and had already bought a ticket back to the Soviet Union. She also swore in front of the KGB, promising not to run away. In disbelief, the KGB returned her passport to Alilueva. However, when the KGB went to see Aliluyeva again, Aliluyeva had disappeared from under his nose.

At the same time, Aliluyeva appeared at the U.S. Embassy in India and told the embassy staff that she was Stalin's daughter and had applied for asylum there. At first, everyone thought she was joking, but after repeated confirmations, it was determined that she was Stalin's daughter.

But the Americans thought that this was a conspiracy of the Soviets, Aliluyeva was an undercover agent sent by the Soviet Union, because the United States and the Soviet Union were in a cold war state at that time, so the United States sent people to monitor Aliluyeva all the time, but after a while, they found that Aliluyeva was really not an undercover agent sent by the Soviet Union, so they arranged a trip to the United States for her.

After arriving in the United States, Alilueva married an American architect, Wesler Peters, in 1970 and gave birth to a daughter named Olga. But it wasn't long before Alilueva and Peters divorced, and Alilueva lived alone in the United States with Olga.

Prior to this, when Alilueva first came to the United States, she revealed Stalin's crimes to the world and publicly denounced her father as a "moral and spiritual devil", which made the Soviet people rebuke her and call her a traitor to the Soviet Union.

Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

After the divorce, Alilueva and her daughter lived in the United States and regretted that she had publicly condemned her father. In 1985, Aliluyeva suddenly returned to the Soviet Union with her daughter Olga, probably out of longing for her homeland and loved ones, but she was indifferent and ignored by her children. And even more unfortunately, her daughter Olga also left her in the Soviet Union.

Faced with the attitude of her children, Aliluyeva chose to leave the Soviet Union again and return to the United States alone a year later. In 1985, Aliluyeva was nearly sixty years old, she lost contact with all her children, and eventually she changed her name again to Lana Peters.

On November 22, 2011, due to bowel cancer, Aliluyeva died forever at the age of eighty-five in a nursing home in Wisconsin as "Lana". When she died, without children around, a week later, the news of Alilueva's death was announced to the media by olga, her daughter who had lost in the Soviet Union, and Alilueva ended her tragic life in remorse.

Stalin was very fond of Aliluyeva, why she betrayed the Soviet Union and defected to the enemy United States

Alilueva's life can be said to be full of drama, but the reasons for her tragic life are not only because of Stalin, but also because of her own. Perhaps, Aliluyeva blamed Stalin only for a momentary impulse, but this impulse also changed the second half of his life, and she could never make up for her mistakes, and could only end the rest of her life in repentance.

Perhaps all this is because she did not think carefully and did not think about the consequences, or it may be that Stalin's coddled habit of her created an arrogant nature that she said she could do. All of this is not entirely due to one person's fault.