
🎈 Ingredients: Low gluten flour 200 g, baking powder 1.5 g, baking soda 1.5 g, egg 60 g, corn oil 60 g, sugar 60 g, cooked apricots

author:Crayon little new Xin

Zero failure cranberry plum almond crisp

🎈 Ingredients: 200 g of low gluten flour, 1.5 g of baking powder, 1.5 g of baking soda, 60 g of eggs, 60 g of corn oil, 60 g of sugar, 50 g of cooked almonds, 30 g of cranberry plum

🎈 Preparation Method:

1️⃣ Cut the cooked almonds and cranberries into small pieces, and mix all the ingredients into a pot to form a ball. Divide into 15 grams of small balls and press into small cakes and place on a baking sheet.

2️⃣Appel on 160 degrees Celsius, preheat at 170 degrees on low heat for 10 minutes, bake in a baking dish for 20 minutes.

🎈 Ingredients: Low gluten flour 200 g, baking powder 1.5 g, baking soda 1.5 g, egg 60 g, corn oil 60 g, sugar 60 g, cooked apricots
🎈 Ingredients: Low gluten flour 200 g, baking powder 1.5 g, baking soda 1.5 g, egg 60 g, corn oil 60 g, sugar 60 g, cooked apricots
🎈 Ingredients: Low gluten flour 200 g, baking powder 1.5 g, baking soda 1.5 g, egg 60 g, corn oil 60 g, sugar 60 g, cooked apricots
🎈 Ingredients: Low gluten flour 200 g, baking powder 1.5 g, baking soda 1.5 g, egg 60 g, corn oil 60 g, sugar 60 g, cooked apricots
🎈 Ingredients: Low gluten flour 200 g, baking powder 1.5 g, baking soda 1.5 g, egg 60 g, corn oil 60 g, sugar 60 g, cooked apricots