
What is the white hair related to disease? Growing on the back of the head, sideburns, forehead, what does it mean?

author:Dr. Li Desheng

The continuous increase of age has led to the gradual aging of the body, and many people of a certain age will lead to memory weakening in the brain, some wrinkles on the skin, and gray hair.

Of course, in reality, everyone's physique and the part of the growth organ are different, which is to cause which part of the white hair to grow in the location is also different, I don't know if you have ever thought, can we judge some of the conditions of the body by observing which part of the white hair grows? What does the position where they grow mean?

What is the white hair related to disease? Growing on the back of the head, sideburns, forehead, what does it mean?

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What factors are there to do with long gray hair?

1. Malnutrition

There are many people who do not pay attention to their diet, resulting in long-term eating of some junk food, the body's internal organs seriously lack some protein and vitamins and other nutrients, as long as the lack of some nutrients in the body, the substance will lead to aggravated whitening of hair.

And everyone's body wants to supplement nutrition, the main way is to pay attention to eating, so in the eating habits must pay attention to the recommendation that everyone add some protein and vitamins in three meals a day, so that nutrition is in a balanced state.

What is the white hair related to disease? Growing on the back of the head, sideburns, forehead, what does it mean?

There are many people busy with work are often forget to eat or often come to order takeaway, in fact, this phenomenon will affect the absorption and digestion of the body, the stomach and kidneys and liver have some impact, we must pay attention to the diet of three meals a day, supplement some protein and vitamin trace elements and other foods, can prevent the growth of gray hair.

2, too much pressure

With the continuous improvement of living standards, everyone's work pressure and life pressure are gradually increasing, especially in the people at work, emotions are always in a state of high tension, if you want to make everyone's emotions every day is some negative, it is easy to induce black hair into white hair, but also lead to some white growth.

What is the white hair related to disease? Growing on the back of the head, sideburns, forehead, what does it mean?

Therefore, it is recommended that no matter what happens, you must maintain a good attitude to prevent your hair from becoming whiter and whiter.

3. Physical problems

Everyone must pay attention to their white hair in life, if you are not old but grow some white hair, it is likely to be caused by lesions in some organs in the body.

It is recommended that you must go to the hospital to ask the doctor or do a full body examination to prevent the condition from becoming more and more serious as time increases, and be sure to find out the problem in time, which may make my hair become dark.

4. Increasing age

Everyone knows that after a certain age, some gray hair will grow, many young people in the young, the body's metabolism is relatively fast, melanocytes will also secrete a lot, so it will cause melanocytes to supply some nutrients to the hair, resulting in the growth of a dark hair.

What is the white hair related to disease? Growing on the back of the head, sideburns, forehead, what does it mean?

Nowadays, after increasing age, some melanocytes in the scalp secrete too little, and the composition is gradually reduced, resulting in hair color becoming darker and darker and white hair.

And the growth of hair has a lot to do with the qi and blood in each person's body, if the body's kidneys and liver are insufficient, the hair will not get some nutrients, so the hair will become more and more white.


Where the white hair grows, is it related to the disease?

1. Forehead-spleen and stomach disorders

People with a bad spleen and stomach are prone to bloating and abdominal pain, and the phenomenon of bad breath is aggravated, especially after getting up in the morning, the problem of bad breath is very serious.

In addition, people with a bad spleen and stomach will grow some white hair on the forehead, the forehead belongs to Yang Ming, and Yang Ming, mainly has a lot to do with their spleen and stomach, so after the spleen and stomach disease is aggravated, the forehead will grow some white hair.

What is the white hair related to disease? Growing on the back of the head, sideburns, forehead, what does it mean?

If these symptoms occur, it is recommended that you pay attention to eating more green fruits and vegetables in your daily life, avoid eating some spicy and stimulating foods, especially in the autumn and winter, you must do your own warm work, to prevent cold gases from entering the body after triggering colds and a series of diseases.

2, two sideburns - insufficient liver and gallbladder

Everyone knows that the two arms are the arms around the ears, if it is not around the ears to grow some white hair, mainly has a great relationship with their own liver, because the infection is the surface and the liver dominates the blood, if it is insufficient blood gas in the liver, it will lead to white hair around the two sideburns.

What is the white hair related to disease? Growing on the back of the head, sideburns, forehead, what does it mean?

In fact, people with insufficient liver and bile, in addition to the two sideburns will turn white, there will also be liver fire is more exuberant, especially after men reach a certain age, they will have a particularly short temper, dry mouth and dry tongue.

3. The back of the head - insufficient kidney qi

There are many capillaries and arteries on the top of the head, but also the place where the human connection passes, many people who study Chinese medicine know that the second vein of Ren Dou is most closely related to everyone's kidney and liver, if it is the kidney qi and blood in the body, it will lead to some gray hair on the top of the head, because the ligaments around the back of the head naturally have a lot to do with their own kidney qi and blood.

What is the white hair related to disease? Growing on the back of the head, sideburns, forehead, what does it mean?

Generally people with insufficient kidney qi in addition to the back of the head will grow some gray hair, there will also be urinary incontinence, urinary disorders and other situations, if it is in the daily life of such phenomena, it is recommended that you must go to the regular hospital for examination, to prevent the aggravation of the disease affecting our health problems.

In daily life, we must pay attention to whether your hair has turned white. If you want to prevent the growth of gray hair, do you know what foods you can eat? After reading this article, if there are any questions you may wish to ask in the comments section below, we will exchange and discuss together.

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