
Qingpu New Town Green Ring Questionnaire is out! Need your advice

author:Shangguan News
Qingpu New Town Green Ring Questionnaire is out! Need your advice

Get out of the house and feel nature

——Qingpu New Town Green Ring Questionnaire

Dear Friends of the Public,

Hello! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to fill out this questionnaire about the green ring of Qingpu New Town.

Qingpu New Town Green Ring is a ring-shaped area surrounded by Chengnan Village, Tawan Village, Aixing Village, Caojing Village and other villages around Qingpu New Town, with a total area of about 65 square kilometers and a circumference of about 43 kilometers, which is an important ecological space around Qingpu New Town and an important barrier to ensure urban ecology and safety.

Promoting the planning and construction of the green ring of the new city is an important action to implement the strategic deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government of "new city power", which is of great significance for improving the ecological environment of the new city and improving the well-being of the citizens. In order to form a new city green ring suitable for the new city, with new ideas and characteristics, so that the new city green ring becomes a good place for people living in the new city to be satisfied and loved, we need your participation and support to paint this colorful picture of people's livelihood together!

This survey will strictly abide by the provisions of the Statistics Law on personal information and privacy confidentiality, for your support and cooperation, we are deeply grateful!

Qingpu New Town Green Ring Questionnaire is out! Need your advice

Schematic map of the location of the five new city green rings

Qingpu New Town Green Ring Questionnaire is out! Need your advice

Schematic diagram of the green ring range of Qingpu New Town

Participation in the questionnaire ↑

Source: District New Town Promotion Office

Editor: Wu Yijing (Famous)