
The first exam of the second match! How difficult is it? Who is suitable for the exam? ... These 8 questions to answer questions to see

author:Vocational education in the three realms

Gansu's first examination notice officially launched the first shot of the 2022 second elimination examination! Since 2022 will usher in the first exam of the second match! So what are the requirements for applying for the second match? What do you take for the exam? How difficult is the match-2 exam?。。。

Let's take a look at it together

The first exam of the second match! How difficult is it? Who is suitable for the exam? ... These 8 questions to answer questions to see

What are the application requirements for a second-level fire protection engineer?

The threshold for the "second elimination" application is low, first of all, the academic requirements are lowered: according to article 13 of the "Interim Provisions on the Registered Fire Engineer System", the minimum application conditions for the second-level registered fire engineer qualification examination are specified as secondary schools, that is, the entry threshold for the second-elimination application conditions is reduced from the primary school to the secondary school. Ideal for most people who want to learn and improve themselves.

Secondly, the limit on the number of years of work (graduation years) has been abolished. Only the number of years of work in fire safety technology is required. And the minimum number of years to engage in fire safety technical work has been reduced from 4 years to 3 years (fire protection professional). See the chart below for details:

The first exam of the second match! How difficult is it? Who is suitable for the exam? ... These 8 questions to answer questions to see

*The relevant academic qualifications or degree requirements in the above application conditions refer to formal academic qualifications or degrees recognized by the national education administrative department.

Second, how to manage the subjects, question types, passing standards and grades of the second-level fire engineer examination?

According to the "Registered Fire Engineer Qualification Examination Outline", the second elimination examination "Fire Safety Technology Comprehensive Ability" and "Fire Safety Case Analysis" two subjects.

The question types of "Comprehensive Ability" are single-choice and multiple-choice questions, and there are no short answer questions.

The question types of "Case Study" are multiple-choice questions and subjective questions.

The specific question type style can refer to the real questions of the first elimination calendar year.

The first exam of the second match! How difficult is it? Who is suitable for the exam? ... These 8 questions to answer questions to see

Since the second consumption certificate is practiced within the scope of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government where the registration is located, the qualification standard will be formulated by the province according to the actual needs.

Are there any teaching materials for the third and second eliminations?

In February 2021, the Chinese Examination Book Network was released, and the book for the second-level registered fire engineer qualification examination was published.

The first exam of the second match! How difficult is it? Who is suitable for the exam? ... These 8 questions to answer questions to see

From the code number column of the product details, we can see that the textbook for the second-level fire engineer qualification examination is the official textbook for the registered fire engineer qualification examination released in 2020!

The first exam of the second match! How difficult is it? Who is suitable for the exam? ... These 8 questions to answer questions to see

We all know that the two-elimination examination subject is less than one-elimination subject, only the "Comprehensive Ability" and "Case Analysis", although the "Technical Practice" is missing, but the case analysis contains technical practice content, so the content of learning is basically the same, so the textbooks of the two subjects of the first elimination and the second elimination can be shared, but the difficulty of the two elimination examination is slightly easier than that of the first elimination.

Fourth, this year's first exam, is it difficult?

In the conventional consciousness, the first exam will release water, especially many institutions exaggerate the publicity demand to mislead the first year will be very simple, typical "really miserable" series, with reference to the 2015 first exam.

Relative to the first elimination, the two-elimination test is to subtract on the basis of the first elimination. Whether it is the requirements of the application conditions or the difficulty of the examination paper, it is lower than one.

You can look at the pass rate of the next calendar year:

The first exam of the second match! How difficult is it? Who is suitable for the exam? ... These 8 questions to answer questions to see

As can be seen from the figure, the pass rate of the first match in 2020 and 2021 has increased significantly, and the first match is so, and the second match will not be too difficult.

5. After obtaining the second-elimination certificate, what directions can it be applied?

According to the Notice of the Fire Rescue Bureau on Actively Promoting the Qualification Examination for Second-level Registered Fire Engineers, there are three main directions:

(1) For registered fire engineers with high professional level and good professional ethics, participate in fire risk assessment and major fire safety special actions, provide professional and technical support, and improve the efficiency of supervision and inspection.

(2) Engage in unit fire safety management, assessment and consultation, and assist in daily fire supervision and inspection.

(3) Encourage the use of government procurement of services and other methods, the introduction of registered fire engineer teams to carry out fire inspection, professional assessment and hidden danger rectification in high-risk places.

Sixth, two matches, one elimination on the same day of the exam, how to choose?

I had to spit on this exam time, but there was nothing I could do.

Previously, Gansu Province issued the Measures for the Second Elimination Examination in August 2021 (for details, see: Gansu Province [2021] No. 167 Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Measures for the Secondary Registered Fire Engineer Vocational Qualification Examination in Gansu Province (Trial Implementation)), clarifying that the time of the second elimination examination is synchronized with the first elimination.

This is also very much in line with the requirements of the Notice of the Fire and Rescue Bureau on Actively Promoting the Qualification Examination for Second-level Registered Fire Engineers:

(1) "The registration process should refer to the first-level registered fire engineer qualification examination...

(2) In the examination link, the backbone experts of the examination questions should be dispatched to prepare for the examination and accurately answer the questions about the content of the examination papers. The exam time should be synchronized with the first-level registered fire engineer. In the process of reading the papers, it is necessary to plan the formulation of scoring rules, the organization of the examination of the papers, especially the subjective examination of the papers, and other work, and measure the workload of the examination in advance to ensure that the examinations are timely, objective and fair.

"If the exam is opened nationwide, as a candidate, you must make a choice when applying for the exam, in principle, both exams can be applied, but the exam time conflict, and you can only take one of the exams on November 5."

Xiaobian believes that the one-elimination and two-elimination test points are derived from textbooks and normative regulations, the difference is in the difficulty, if you are an old candidate and hold the mentality of having to pass a elimination or only one or two subjects left in one or two, continue to take the test; if you are a new candidate and do not have much certainty, we will steadily fight this year to take the bottom first to take a second match, and next year to fight a match. However, do not underestimate the second match, strategic contempt, tactical attention, in 2015, when the exam was eliminated, many people suffered the loss of the first exam. The specific decision lies with the individual.

Does the issuance of the examination notice mean that more firefighting talents are needed?

The second elimination of the examination is an important signal of the shortage of national firefighting talents. Take a fight. You can first look at the number of people who passed through the calendar year:

The first exam of the second match! How difficult is it? Who is suitable for the exam? ... These 8 questions to answer questions to see

Since the opening of the exam in 2015, according to the annual pass rate estimates, the number of passers has only been about 130,000.

The national fire safety key units are about 200,000-500,000, even if a unit only needs a fire engineer, the existing number is completely insufficient. This is also the reason why the state has not issued a policy of mandatory requirements for the configuration of fire engineers.

At this stage is the transition stage from encouragement to mandatory, the talent gap in the fire market is currently existing, and in the next few years, it will maintain the shortage of the market.

Eighth, what is the future prospect of fire protection

The future prospects of fire protection are closely related to the development of the country. The development of a country is inseparable from fire protection. Whether it is maintenance testing or fire assessment, the essence is for the safety of life and property of the country and the people! At present, the mainland's economic construction is in a stage of rapid development, and the demand for fire technical personnel will increase accordingly, so the future prospects of fire protection are naturally also very good.

The future is bright, but the road will not be smooth, all we can do is enter early, grab a "ticket", and get on the bus.

So the small partners who are preparing for the 2022 second-level fire engineer can learn it now. Hurry up and join us, double teacher teaching will take you through the level easily!