
Answer the "eight questions" of high-quality development with the responsibility of performing their duties! The first meeting of the 13th CPPCC National Committee held a consultation meeting of the joint group of sectors

author:Xishuangbanna released

Xishuangbanna released

The first meeting of the 13th CPPCC National Committee held a consultation meeting of the joint group of sectors

Answering the "Eight Questions" of High-quality Development with The Responsibility of Performing Duties

Zheng Yi attended the meeting to listen to opinions and suggestions and make speeches

Eight members of the CPPCC National Committee spoke, including Wang Jialing and Zhang Xing

Answer the "eight questions" of high-quality development with the responsibility of performing their duties! The first meeting of the 13th CPPCC National Committee held a consultation meeting of the joint group of sectors

On the evening of February 16, the first meeting of the 13th CPPCC National Committee held a consultation meeting of the joint group of sectors. Zheng Yi, secretary of the Xishuangbanna Prefecture CPC Committee, attended the meeting to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the committee members.

Answer the "eight questions" of high-quality development with the responsibility of performing their duties! The first meeting of the 13th CPPCC National Committee held a consultation meeting of the joint group of sectors

Yue Dianyong, Chen Yanping, Wang Yun, Du Wenhui, Zhao Wenwu, Li Yingchang, Bian Wu, and Wang Ziguo spoke successively. They actively offered suggestions and suggestions on border control, epidemic prevention and control, ecological environmental protection governance, rural revitalization, industrial development, people's livelihood concerns, scientific and technological innovation, chain length system, finance and insurance, the construction of modern border well-off villages, the development and growth of village-level collective economy, and the cultivation of talents. Zheng Yi listened carefully to the speeches, carefully recorded them, and had in-depth discussions and exchanges with the committee members.

Answer the "eight questions" of high-quality development with the responsibility of performing their duties! The first meeting of the 13th CPPCC National Committee held a consultation meeting of the joint group of sectors

Zheng Yi pointed out that the CPPCC has the advantages of extensive contacts, intensive intelligence, and transcendent location, and holding consultation meetings of joint groups of sectors is a process of listening to opinions face-to-face, studying and investigating face-to-face, researching work face-to-face, and grasping implementation face-to-face. The speeches of the members of the CPPCC National Committee had feelings, research, thinking, quality, and expectations, sincerely put forward sincere words and offered good policies, embodied the feelings of serving the people in connection with the masses, reflected the people's livelihood, and expressed the will of the people, embodied the lofty responsibility of paying attention to hot spots, caring for development, and caring for the people's livelihood, embodied the political responsibility of centering on the center and serving the overall situation, and embodied the deep feelings for the hot land of Xishuangbanna. On behalf of the state party committee and the state government, he expressed his heartfelt thanks to the CPPCC members for their sweat and efforts for the development of Xishuangbanna.

On behalf of the state party committee and the state government, Zheng Yi responded to the speeches of the sector members, put forward hopes for the role of the CPPCC sector organizations, and made work requirements for the handling of CPPCC proposals. He stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously adopt, make first-line consultations, and reply within a time limit. Project-based research, item by item sorting out and refining, must not be large and perfunctory, let alone put on the shelf, do not ask questions; front-line research and consultation, really and jointly find solutions to solve the problem, absolutely can not "build behind closed doors", use documents to handle instead of actual handling, use "old answer sheets" to answer "new questions"; time limit answers to handle, strengthen the efficiency awareness of "today is too late, tomorrow is early is also late", face-to-face to inform, absolutely can not appear "veterans do not meet" of the literary exchanges, bureaucratic style, formalism. It is necessary to humbly accept advice, accept supervision, and improve work. Be tolerant, accept criticism, listen to different opinions, and be kind to harsh opinions with a political attitude of hearing and rejoicing, display a broad-minded spirit, embody responsibility, consolidate "Lizi," eradicate "vanity," and create and form an atmosphere in which "criticism has freedom and there is an opportunity for advice." exclamation point". It is necessary to reflect the characteristics, highlight the advantages, and play a role. It is necessary to play a role in political guidance, guide the masses of various sectors to strengthen their political, ideological, theoretical, and emotional identity in strengthening their theoretical armament, deepen their understanding of the decisive significance of the "two establishments," resolutely achieve the "two safeguards," unswervingly listen to the party's words, feel the gratitude of the party, and follow the party; play a role in consolidating consensus, persist in consulting with the people and serving the people through consultation, unite and serve the broad masses of the masses in various sectors, unite and serve the masses of the broad masses of all sectors, and create a work pattern in which the heart thinks in one place, seeks wisdom in one place, and works hard to make progress in one place It plays a role in making suggestions and consultations, has the overall situation in mind and serves the overall situation, actively carries out research and social practice, and strives to ensure that the work of the CPPCC is "on the same frequency" as the party and government, "resonates" with the times, and "walks" with the masses.

Zheng Yi hoped that members from all walks of life would focus on the construction goal of "one city, two districts" determined by the Ninth Party Congress of the prefecture and the "eight satisfactory answer sheets" proposed by the second plenary session of the ninth session of the state party committee, and seriously think about how Xishuangbanna can maintain stable and rapid economic development under the severe situation of border epidemic prevention and control and economic downward pressure. How to highlight the beauty of ecology, humanity and harmony at a higher level and at a higher level? How to base on the advantages of development and opening up along the border, and take the China-Laos Railway train to better integrate into the overall development of the whole province? How to promote common prosperity on the road of rural revitalization, especially to promote a happier and better life for the people who have arrived at the border? How to rely on innovation-driven, technologically advanced, and high-quality talents to stimulate a strong endogenous driving force in the new stage of socialist modernization? How to tap the superior resources of industrial development and build a green industrial system? How to build and improve the modern frontier governance system? How to continue to strengthen party building in depth? Answer the "eight questions" of xishuangbanna's high-quality development, and make suggestions and suggestions for the economic and social development of the whole state.

Zheng Yi stressed that the state party committee and the state government will, as always, attach importance to and support the work of the CPPCC, create good conditions and provide a strong guarantee for CPPCC members to perform their duties and fulfill their duties, and jointly promote the special consultative bodies and special consultative organizations to "specialize" in characteristics, "specialize" in quality, and "specialize" in level.

Wang Jialing, Wei Ping, Chen Xuanliang, Liu Chao, Lei Yang, Wang Feng, Li Zhikun, Chen Min, and responsible persons of relevant departments of the prefecture party committee and the state government attended the meeting to listen to opinions and suggestions.

Zhang Xing, Pasong Lielong Zhuang Meng, and Dao Qiongping attended the meeting.

(Text/Yulinqi Hu Pan He Xixi Photo/Zhang Xi)

Source: State Party Office

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