
Pay attention to | this kind of behavior and crack down on it according to law!

author:Rule of law Yongtai
Pay attention to | this kind of behavior and crack down on it according to law!

Warm justice, rule of law Yongtai

Pay attention to | this kind of behavior and crack down on it according to law!
Pay attention to | this kind of behavior and crack down on it according to law!

The State Intellectual Property Office issued a notice today (14th) to crack down on malicious preemptive registration of trademarks such as "Ice Pier" and "Gu Ailing" in accordance with the law. In accordance with the regulations on the protection of Olympic Symbols and the provisions of Article 10, Paragraph 1, Item (8) of the Trademark Law, the State Intellectual Property Office rejected 429 trademark registration applications, including No. 41128524 "Ice Pier" and No. 62453532 "Gu Ailing"; in accordance with the provisions of Article 44, Paragraph 1 of the Trademark Law, 43 41126916 registered trademarks such as "Snow Pier" and 38770198 "Gu Ailing" were declared invalid ex officio.

It is understood that the State Intellectual Property Office attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights for the Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games, and continues to carry out in-depth special actions to crack down on malicious trademark registration, successively protecting the special emblems of "Beijing 2022", the emblem of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games and the emblem of the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games, the trademark registration protection of "ice pier" and "snow Rongrong" applied for by the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, and the registration and protection of the names and trademarks of "Gu Ailing" and other Winter Olympic athletes applied for by other eligible subjects.

However, since 2019, a small number of enterprises and natural persons, for the purpose of obtaining improper benefits, have maliciously preemptively registered the hot words of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games, such as mascots and athletes, entrusted agencies to submit trademark registration applications, illegally exploited the reputation of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Organizing Committee, infringed on the name rights of others and other legitimate rights and interests, causing major adverse social impacts and damaging the mainland's good image of strictly protecting intellectual property rights.

Running the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games well is a solemn commitment of the Chinese government to the international community, and it is the responsibility of the State Intellectual Property Office to implement all-round and three-dimensional protection of relevant intellectual property rights. The State Intellectual Property Office will, as always, maintain a high-pressure posture of severely cracking down on bad faith trademark registration, continuously strengthen the strict protection of Olympic hot words, including the mascots of the Winter Olympics and the names of athletes, and seriously deal with applicants who violate the principle of good faith and maliciously preemptively register trademarks for improper benefits and their entrusted trademark agencies in accordance with laws and regulations, and continue to escort the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. The public is welcome to supervise and report on the suspected malicious trademark registration.

Source| State Intellectual Property Office

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