
Kare Tsoko ended the 3-year marriage

author:A flying fish 01
Kare Tsoko ended the 3-year marriage

Kare Tsoko and her husband were about to break up after only three years of marriage... They say it's because they're going in the opposite direction in their lives.

The actress and her husband, Carl Cook, announced the breakup in a joint statement published by foreign media on Friday, saying that while we love and respect each other deeply, we have realized that our current path has taken us in the opposite direction. ”

They added: "There is no anger or hostility, quite the opposite." We took this decision together on the basis of mutual respect and understanding. ”

Kare Tsoko ended the 3-year marriage

Kelly and Carl married in a stable in San Diego in the summer of 2018. They met at a horse show in 2016 and started dating, and by 2017 Carl had asked the question.

Kare Tsoko ended the 3-year marriage

Kelly and Carl had no children, and this was her second marriage. She was previously married to professional tennis player Ryan Sweeting, and they didn't have children either.