
"Our Winter Olympics" released on February 19, "pier content" up to 40%

author:Henan Oscar Cinema Line

At the ongoing Beijing Winter Olympics, the cute "ice pier" has become the "new favorite" of everyone, and the movie "Our Winter Olympics" starring the ice pier and Xue Rongrong will also be released on February 19 , the first mascot animated film in the history of the Olympic Games. In an exclusive interview with a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily, Wang Yuren, the producer of the film, revealed that the "mound content" of "Our Winter Olympics" is very high, and 40% of the scenes have ice piers; moreover, it and Xue Rongrong will play an important role in the film, leading to dozens of classic Chinese comic characters such as Sun Wukong, Black Cat Sheriff, Bald Head Qiang, big ear Tutu, etc., which can be called "Chinese animation general mobilization".

"Our Winter Olympics" released on February 19, "pier content" up to 40%

The film "Mound Content" is high and the performance is grounded

Our Winter Olympics is an animated film for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, co-directed by Lin Yongchang, Li Haoling, Zhuang Hao and Qu Qiang. The film tells a series of magical stories that happened on the eve of the Winter Olympic Games, when the ice pier and Snow Rongrong participated in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Village, which were divided into four chapters: "Ice and Snow Rose", "Winter Holiday in September", "Little Tiger Girl's Strange Dream", and "Fat Saint Borrowing Weapons".

The ice piers and snow melted electrocuted for the first time, how are their acting skills? Wang Yuren revealed that the ice pier and snow Rongrong not only play the main roles in some story chapters, but also run through the entire movie. In particular, the ice pier, the appearance rate accounts for 40%, in every story, almost all of it is the "drama eye". In the movie, its "human setting" is also friendly and clever. In addition, the audience will also be very happy to see the naughty appearance of the ice pier: it will get stuck in the elevator, showing a very cute state; it will steal snacks, and it will also help others queue up very intimately...

"Our Winter Olympics" released on February 19, "pier content" up to 40%

However, the ice pier and the snow melt have no lines in the film, and they are performed by form. In this regard, Wang Yuren said that this stemmed from the requirements of the International Olympic Committee, "All the mascots of the Previous Olympic Games cannot speak, because they do not want to define the mascots in terms of gender, age, origin and ethnicity." Wang Yuren said that this did not bring obstacles to creation.

IOC "Stunning" Chinese Animation

"Our Winter Olympics" is the first time in the history of the Centennial Olympic Games that the International Olympic Committee has authorized commercial films, and the requirements are very strict. But Wang Yuren said that the International Olympic Committee and the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee gave more encouragement and recognition to the film, "The previous Olympic mascots only had images, no stories, and "Our Winter Olympics" gave the ice pier a diversified character." However, some requirements must be observed, "for example, the ice pier and the snow rongrong, the former is the mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and the latter is the mascot of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games." Then, there must be no picture of the ice pier doing the Paralympic event in the film. The IOC, in addition to the necessary restrictions, has put forward many good suggestions, for example, they hope to show the style of Beijing in the film, showing the collision of urban modern style and ancient heritage. ”

"Our Winter Olympics" released on February 19, "pier content" up to 40%

And this is precisely the original plan of "Our Winter Olympics", Wang Hirohito revealed that the animation film has both the passion of modern Chinese ice and snow sports, and the folk customs and traditional culture of traditional old Beijing, "I myself am old Beijing, and I grew up on the Shicha Seashore." The film took three months to recreate Shichahai in a miniature landscape. In addition, there are Jiulongbi, Jingshan, Beihai, the hutongs of old Beijing... These old Beijing styles are complemented by modern and fashionable bird's nests, CCTV and other buildings. ”

Wang Yuren said that after watching "Our Winter Olympics", the International Olympic Committee gave it a high evaluation. Among them, the traditional puppet stop-motion animation chapter makes them feel very "amazing". Wang Yuren revealed: "Puppet stop-motion animation is a huge project that consumes time and manpower, and we only completed it in six months. In addition, we also showed a lot of 'black technology' for making puppets - in the past, puppets used to do actions by hand, but now, we have placed mechanical bones in the puppets, and when performing, we directly use the remote control to make it move. ”

Guoman assembles to show the heritage of Chinese animation

"Our Winter Olympics" gathers China's elite soldiers in 3D animation, 2D animation, and stop-motion animation (production), and gathers dozens of popular national comic IP, including not only the classic old national comic "Big Haunting Heavenly Palace", "Huluwa", "Black Cat Sheriff", "Nezha Noisy Sea" and other elders, as well as "Big Ear Tutu", "Bear Haunted Bear Paradise" and other main members to participate in the war, and the emerging national comic masterpiece "Inhuman" also participated in the film.

Wang Yuren said that after receiving the approval of the script by the International Olympic Committee and the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, it was only more than six months before the release. Fortunately, the project has received strong support from IP producers such as Shanghai Mei film studio, and a total of 1300 animators have invested in the creation of the film, so that "Our Winter Olympics" can be integrated into CG animation, traditional puppet stop-motion animation and other diversified forms of expression.

"Our Winter Olympics" released on February 19, "pier content" up to 40%

In the film, the popular characters who are not related to each other gather together, how to avoid chaos in the process of getting along? Wang Yuren said that the film is divided into four chapters, each part has a distinct theme, and there is a main line to connect. For example, in "Ice and Snow Rose", it is about the bald head qiang and the bear big bear er, with the help of the ice pier and the snow Rongrong, to escape from the snow and send blessings to the athletes participating in the Winter Olympic games; "Winter Holidays in September" tells the story of September accidentally "picking up" the ice pier and sending it back after all kinds of hardships; "The Strange Dream of the Little Tiger Girl" tells the children's ice and snow sports enlightenment, and the little tiger girl bravely faces the challenge under the encouragement of the toy; "Fat Big Sage Borrows Weapons" tells the story of Qi Tian Dasheng's encounter with the big ear tutu when borrowing "ice tools". Then join the story of the Tiangong Ice and Snow Conference. Under the theme of the Winter Olympics, the four parts form an organic whole.

"Our Winter Olympics" released on February 19, "pier content" up to 40%

Wang Yuren is very proud to say that China's two-dimensional animation production has surpassed Japan, the world's first production capacity, three-dimensional animation production has also surpassed the United States, ahead of the world, in the future Chinese animation will also have to work harder from the incubation, promotion and content output of IP. Wang Yuren said that "Our Winter Olympics" is a film that can be watched by all 8 to 80 years old, and I hope that everyone can feel the joy of it when watching it, and gain unity, dreams, courage and the strength to fight.