
An intermediary said that recently sold more than 10 million sets of second-hand houses, I do not believe, and then was ...

author:Matchmaker Observation

This story began two days ago when a group of intermediary companies brushed the screen of the circle of friends.

"Bleak" and "waist chopping" information has just receded in the circle of friends, such a set of pictures can't help but make people shine:

North Yorkshire, 8.27 million; Changjiahui IV, 18 million...

And the caption, "You don't think of the market."

An intermediary said that recently sold more than 10 million sets of second-hand houses, I do not believe, and then was ...
An intermediary said that recently sold more than 10 million sets of second-hand houses, I do not believe, and then was ...

The excitement of running around is self-evident.

In the real estate market in the Year of the Tiger, the "Tiger Body Shock" actually started from the villa?

So, I hurriedly shared this good news with my friends,

My friend said very calmly that I may have been marketed by the intermediary, or maybe it was just a smoke bomb released by the intermediary to boost market confidence.

My friend said this to me deeply, or I was too young.

But if you think about it carefully, you feel unreasonable, if you really boost confidence smoke bombs, you can release some more 1.5 million to 2 million transactions, after all, this is their traffic products.

Boosting the confidence of 2 million social animals with a mansion of 10 million is like you giving me a 10,000 yuan purchase coupon, and I am still making a down payment of 1 million yuan.

So, the matchmaker went to the intermediary to do an investigation...

01. Buying a villa is like buying cabbage, not a legend

A well-known intermediary friend told the matchmaker that after the store in a certain area of Yubei started work on the fifth day of the first year, there were only one or two groups of customers to see. Five or six intermediaries on the same street have only sold one or two sets in total, which is more than half less than half of the same period in previous years.

Are the several sets of high-end residences sold in one go in the circle of friends real or fake?

The intermediary friend said that this situation is true.

According to him, at the end of last year, when looking at the high-end real estate in Jiangbeizui, there were customers who bought several sets at once, and the commission of the intermediary was raised by more than 1 million.

It turns out that in the high-end market, it is not uncommon for four or five million houses to be bought in several sets, and our imagination is only limited.

An intermediary said that recently sold more than 10 million sets of second-hand houses, I do not believe, and then was ...

He said that the same is Jiangbeizui, also last year, a customer in their nearby store, specifically from the field, bought another high-end plate of several sets of three or four million small apartments. He estimated that the 18 million Yuanchangjiahui flat floor mentioned by the author was also bought by foreign visitors.

In the impression of this industry insider, the trend of Chongqing's high-end market last year was good. Taking the northern new area as an example, the villas of Longhu Liangjiang Xinchen, Jiuli Qingchuan, Sunac's Versailles Garden, Rose Garden and other real estate projects have been shipped, and the total price is not low.

An intermediary said that recently sold more than 10 million sets of second-hand houses, I do not believe, and then was ...

(Sunac Versailles Garden)

"The Jiuquhe Villa has produced several sets of 15 million, and sunac Rose Garden has also produced several sets of 10 million or 20 million."

Another feature of the high-end market is somewhat unexpected, that is, more than three million products may not be as good as more than ten million.

The industry insider said that it may be because there are too many products in the market for three or four million, and more than 10 million, many real estate is just a few sets.

The sale of high-end real estate is sometimes full of drama. It is said that there is an intermediary who has a rental customer, usually does not contact, and one day suddenly asked him to introduce the house, indicating that he wanted to see about 7 million villas. The agent took him to see the house, originally introduced more than 7 million to him as required, and as a result, the customer himself looked at more than 10 million, and the whole transaction process took only 3 days.

Is this because high-end customers are less price sensitive?

Industry insiders said that most of the high-end customers are rushing to the region and products, paying attention to the environment, apartment type, garden, and not looking at the river and other factors. This may be the "product force" that we often mention now.

An intermediary said that recently sold more than 10 million sets of second-hand houses, I do not believe, and then was ...

(Yorkshire, Islet)

In this way, it is not surprising that the high-end market has taken the lead in picking up.

According to the online signature data as of January 16, more than 20 sets of products with 3-20 million yuan were traded, compared with less than 20 sets in the same period last year.

02. Villa buying and selling = large meat cutting site?

At this point in the story, there is also a reversal of the plot.

In the case of second-hand houses as a whole much worse than the same period last year, the villa can still stand out, and under the bright appearance, there is another article.

Industry insiders said that many of the villas that are now selling are selling at a loss, and those who have lost hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars have them.

Recently, an owner wanted to sell a set of stacked pieces on the mother mountain, with a terrace on the top, the villa had just turned two years old, and when it was bought, it was 3 million, and now it is ready to sell 2.85 million.

There is a villa of more than 10 million yuan, and finally sold at a loss of more than one million, which can be said to be a meat cutting exit.

This is because of policy, second because of products, and third because of the market.

From a policy point of view, the reason for property tax makes many people want to optimize the allocation of assets.

An intermediary said that recently sold more than 10 million sets of second-hand houses, I do not believe, and then was ...

From the product point of view, when I bought an off-plan house, it is likely that I heard of the riverside, low density is equal to the fact that I can't even buy vegetables now. It is said that the first floor of Zhaomu Mountain, the occupancy rate is still very low after 3 years, and many people want to sell, like a famous saying: "People in the city want to go out, people outside the city want to come in." ”

From the market point of view, it is because of the stock of second-hand houses in Chongqing. In the words of the industry insider, "Too big! ”

This situation is very prominent in some communities. For example, the real estate of a well-known developer in Dazhulin, when the real estate consultant was almost a set, when the centralized selling, the price is difficult to get up.

"There are a lot of people in the industry who buy this community, and a friend of mine has a suite that sold for 1.75 million last year, and he had to sell 1.8 million." Just today, he went to ask how much the same apartment type sold, and others told him 1.56 million. ”

The second-hand high-end products due to the high total price, the bargaining space is greater, the difference between different floors can reach two or three million, and it is not strange to lose hundreds of thousands of sales during the market downturn.

03. The commission for second-hand houses is going to rise

The confusion of the second-hand villa market may be a microcosm of this year's second-hand real estate market.

For this year, what do people in the second-hand housing industry think?

The matchmaker's intermediary friend said that as long as the seven achievements of the previous year are good, the company's expectations this year have begun to return to the standards of five or six years ago.

An intermediary said that recently sold more than 10 million sets of second-hand houses, I do not believe, and then was ...

The views of people on the intermediary platform are relatively optimistic. He said it was better years later than years ago.

"The second-hand transaction situation is related to the new house. At the end of last year, second-hand houses were sold low, in part because the commission for new homes was too high. Developers give 5,6 points of commission for new houses, and intermediaries are willing to push new houses. The use of intermediaries in closing transactions is actually very large. The new house commission is high, the process is simple, and there is no need to run a follow-up. The risk coefficient of second-hand housing is large, and it is necessary to run customers and banks, and there may be problems in the intermediate links. ”

Years later, developers have gradually withdrawn discounts, second-hand housing sales have begun to rise, and price changes have not been large.

Even with optimism, they still start planning for "winter."

"The platform is now focusing on grabbing listings. In the past, the market was good, and I didn't pay much attention to this aspect, but now the market is not good, and I have re-attached importance to the listing. ”

It is understood that the platform's strategy is that there are more stores, no need to sell houses, only need to share commissions.

Another strategy for dealing with the downside market is to increase commissions.

The matchmaker found that last year, Shell adjusted the commission to 3 points, and this year, the intermediary companies will follow suit. The increase in commissions will be a trend in the intermediary market this year.

Matchmaker Observation:

It is said that the second-hand housing market is a more real real estate market.

The "reverse growth" villa also has a story behind it.

The story of the market may often surprise us, but there are also established laws in it.

Today, an authoritative institution in Chongqing issued an article saying that "Chongqing real estate has not reached the 'black iron age', at most it has just entered the 'silver age'", refusing to blindly follow the trend.

According to the basis, Chongqing's urbanization rate has just reached 70%, and it will form a metropolis of 20 million people in the future, and housing prices will continue to rise steadily for ten years.

Is this the strong support of Chongqing's future market?

We wait for the answer of time.