
Zhang Zhaoxin, who starred in "The Fiery Red Years", starred in his father's "Pan Second Generation": This drama made me feel a strong emotional link

author:Cover News
Zhang Zhaoxin, who starred in "The Fiery Red Years", starred in his father's "Pan Second Generation": This drama made me feel a strong emotional link

Zhang Zhaoxin (right) poses with Lin Jiangguo, the star of "The Fiery Red Years"

Cover news reporter Yan Wenwen

Recently, a TV series "Fiery Red Years" with China's "three-line construction" as the background, taking the famous third-line industrial enterprises in Sichuan such as Nineteen Metallurgy, Pangang and Panmei as the story prototype, and Panzhihua City as the main filming location, is being broadcast on CCTV. Once launched, the drama quickly occupied the first place in the ratings list of multiple platforms and was sought after by many audiences.

Among the audience who watched in front of the TV every night, Zhang Zhaoxin was a relatively special one. More than 40 years ago, he came to Panzhihua with his father and became a "Second Generation of Pan". Not only that, Zhang Zhaoxin also participated in this TV series as a mass actor, in which he starred as his father. The moment he saw the TV series, he felt a strong emotional link.

Zhang Zhaoxin, who starred in "The Fiery Red Years", starred in his father's "Pan Second Generation": This drama made me feel a strong emotional link

"Pan Er Dai" plays "Pan Yi Dai" and tries its best to shape the image of the fathers

In the play, Zhang Zhaoxin, as a mass actor, starred as the first generation of workers who came to Panzhihua in the 1960s. In fact, this is what Zhang Zhaoxin's fathers have experienced. In the 1960s, the state launched the "three-line construction" plan, and a group of workers, students, scientific and technological personnel, and cadres rushed from all over the motherland to Panzhihua and became the first generation of builders of the city.

At that time, Panzhihua was still a barren land, not only living hard, but also facing many problems in work, and needing to overcome many difficulties. But it was in this environment that the first generation of workers built a prototype for the city little by little.

In 1974, 17-year-old Zhang Zhaoxin followed in his father's footsteps and came to Panzhihua from Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province. His father came here 9 years ago in response to the call of the state and participated in the construction of the city.

"When I first came, there were not many Panzhihua buildings, not too many bungalows, and there were sheds everywhere. It is to build a skeleton with bamboo poles and cover the outside with mats, and many workers live in such sheds. The material conditions that Zhang Zhaoxin faced were still very simple, "but it was much better than my father's generation, and when they first came, even the stove where the workers ate every day was made of three stones." ”

With the unremitting efforts of generations of Panzhihua people, the city has now become a bright pearl, which makes Zhang Zhaoxin very proud. Therefore, when recruiting extras in "The Fiery Red Years", Zhang Zhaoxin immediately responded: "I want to go!" ”

"I participated in the filming of this TV series to experience the experience of our predecessors who came to Panzhihua for construction. Because I am playing my father's generation, although I am a mass actor, I still want to try my best to create the image of the older generation building Panzhihua people. Zhang Zhaoxin said.

Zhang Zhaoxin, who starred in "The Fiery Red Years", starred in his father's "Pan Second Generation": This drama made me feel a strong emotional link

Now there are "four generations of Climbing" who also have to teach him to love his hometown

After a lifetime of work in the construction of Panzhihua, watching the city transform little by little in his own hands, Zhang Zhaoxin's family members have welcomed from the "Climbing Generation" and "Climbing Second Generation" to the "Climbing Third Generation" and "Climbing Fourth Generation".

After Zhang Zhaoxin's son graduated from college, he also stayed in Panzhihua to work: "More than ten years ago, my son took the college entrance examination. I told him before the college entrance examination that the builders of your grandfather's generation have been in Panzhihua all their lives, not for fame and profit, but for a big red flower of honor, so our generation should love Panzhihua more and contribute to the development of the city. Later, my son scored nearly 600 points, chose to study at Panzhihua College, and later stayed in the city. ”

With the popularity of the TV series, Zhang Zhaoxin's whole family watches the TV every day: "My little grandson is four years old this year, he usually has to watch cartoons, but recently he will watch TV series with us." The family told him that there was a grandfather in this TV series, so every night at 8 p.m. he would call the whole family to watch 'TV series with grandpa'. I am happy to let my children be educated from an early age and be able to love our city more. ”

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