
One question a day| official question, what kind of mysteries are hidden in the black air?

One question a day| official question, what kind of mysteries are hidden in the black air?

White first

Gorgeous answer dividing line——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Positive solution

One question a day| official question, what kind of mysteries are hidden in the black air?

White 1 point T16 point is the positive solution, black 2 top is the strongest response, and white 3 wrench is cleverly undertaken. Line 7 to eat the four sons of white benefits a lot.

Change chart

One question a day| official question, what kind of mysteries are hidden in the black air?

Black 2 if it is a tiger, white 3 punch after the black and positive solution compared to the net loss of two eyes.

Failure plot

One question a day| official question, what kind of mysteries are hidden in the black air?

If white 1 is an ordinary one-way pull, black 2 jumps after white has limited gains.