
Report at the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Zibo

author:Zibo released

Accelerate transformation and leapfrog, be determined to walk in the forefront, and strive to open up a new situation in the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era

——Report at the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of China in Zibo

(February 12, 2022)

Jiang Duntao


Now, on behalf of the 12th Zibo Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, I would like to report to the General Assembly.

The theme of the conference is: hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply study and implement the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on Shandong's work, carry forward the great spirit of party building, accelerate the transformation and leapfrogging, be determined to walk in the forefront, and strive to open up a new situation in the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era.

First, forge ahead through both wind and rain, and successfully hand over the Zibo answer sheet for high-quality development

The five years since the 12th Municipal Party Congress have been five years of breakthroughs and accelerated transformation in Zibo's development history. In the past five years, we have always moved forward firmly in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, scientifically grasped the new development stage, thoroughly implemented the new development concept, served and integrated into the new development pattern, solidly promoted high-quality development, done many major things that laid the foundation for the long term, done many practical things that the masses have been looking forward to for a long time, broke through many difficult things that restricted the future development of the city, promoted the transformation and upgrading of old industrial cities to show key, trendy and turning changes, and accumulated sufficient energy for the new journey and the new era of meritorious service. A solid foundation is laid.

——We are committed to deeply studying and practicing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and practicing the "two safeguards" to highlight new deeds. Unswervingly strengthen ideological construction, adhere to the party's innovative theory Bacon to cast the soul, solidly promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one doing" study and education, the theme education of "not forgetting the original heart, keeping the mission in mind", the study and education of party history, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era has become a spiritual beacon guiding Zibo party members and cadres to move forward courageously; unswervingly strengthen political construction, take the "two safeguards" as the fundamental political rule, continuously improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and temper the core of loyalty. Maintain the core, closely follow the core, and defend the political character of the core; keep in mind the "great power of the country", take the implementation of the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee as the top priority, consistently and grasp it to the end, and show the political responsibility of obeying the orders.

——We are committed to accelerating the transformation of new and old kinetic energy, and the industrial development has leapt to a new height. Adhere to the "innovative green, kinetic energy conversion excellent stock" and "focus on the future, high-end leading the expansion of increments" two articles to do together, historically and dialectically look at and treat traditional industries, comprehensively implement the "five optimizations", in-depth implementation of the "four strong" industry climbing plan, promote traditional industries and "four strong" industries to overtake in curves; adhere to the grasp of the outlet, forward-looking layout, highlight the strengthening of industrial organization concept, strive to create future industries, and promote emerging industries to change lanes and overtake. The city's industrial added value, profits and taxes, profits and other indicators of the overall growth rate jumped, the "four new" economic added value accounted for 33% of GDP, the "four strong" industrial added value accounted for 48.9% of the industrial added value above designated size, the output value of high-tech industries accounted for 47.1% of the total industrial output value above designated size, the situation of "one is the only one" is changing, and the modern industrial system driven by innovation, high-end and high-quality, green and low-carbon has initially taken shape. To build a regional financial highland for science and technology innovation industry, with 401 registered fund partnerships and 32 listed enterprises, it has become the first A-share listed company in the province to cover all areas and counties; the financial risk prevention and resolution is stable and powerful, and the non-performing loan ratio has dropped from 4.91% at the highest time to 1.49% at present. Continuing to deepen the empowerment of science and education innovation, 4 universities such as Shandong Agricultural Engineering College settled in Zibo, with 400 scientific and technological innovation platforms at or above the provincial level, and 1,000 high-tech enterprises, an increase of 3.3 times. The construction of industrial transformation and upgrading demonstration zones in old industrial cities and resource-based cities has been encouraged by the State Council for three times.

——We are committed to serving and integrating into the new development pattern, and taking new steps in reform and opening up. Continue to implement the "No. 1 Reform Project" to optimize the business environment, create the "Special Loan for Technological Transformation" in the country, take the lead in implementing the reform of the "1 + N" approval system for investment projects and the reform of the "one certificate" of administrative approval in the province, take the lead in building a "city without certificate" in all fields, with 614,000 market entities, an increase of nearly 2 times, and the four ministries and commissions of the state have specially promoted the innovation experience of our city. It took the lead in launching the construction of digital agriculture and rural center cities, and was approved as a national rural reform pilot zone. Drastic adjustments and optimizations have opened up a new space for the future development of the city. Accelerate the construction of high-level open cities, comprehensive bonded zones have been approved and sealed for operation, the cumulative use of foreign capital is 1.75 billion US dollars, and the annual import and export volume has exceeded the 100 billion yuan mark in history. Zibo's important fulcrum role in the new development pattern is more prominent.

——We are committed to building a modern group of large cities, and the city's energy level has achieved a new leap. Adhere to the urban development idea of "building a park city, improving the quality and capacity of the main city, integrating the whole area, and rapid transportation access", implement 603 overall projects, basically complete the trunk railway network and highway network, complete the Zibo North Railway Station, solidly promote the leading projects such as the urban expressway network, the Xiaonuhe Cultural and Leisure Ecological Tourism Belt, the global park city, and the international convention and exhibition center, and the continuous transformation of the south square area and the north square area of the railway station, and the in-depth development of the fine management of urban and rural environmental improvement, which has been maintained for 26 consecutive years." The title of "National Sanitary City", the brand of "five good" cities and colorful and energetic youth development friendly cities has been fully launched.

-- We are committed to carrying forward the core values of socialism and producing new fruits in cultural construction. Shouzheng innovation to do a good job in ideological work, solidly carry out education in the history of the party, the history of new China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, build a city glory square, carry out rural aesthetic education, strengthen the construction of civilization practice stations, urban study rooms, and comprehensive cultural service centers in the new era, and the area of public cultural facilities owned by tens of thousands of people ranks second in the province, and won the "four consecutive championships" of civilized cities in the country. Solidly promote the construction of the Qi cultural inheritance and innovation demonstration zone, and promote the innovative development of regional cultures such as Taoliu culture, Lushang culture, and filial piety culture. The implementation of ten major offensive actions for the integrated development of culture and tourism, the creation of a number of Internet celebrity punch card places such as Zhoucun Ancient Shopping Mall and Yanshen Ancient Town, the layout of the integrated development of "one core and five belts" cultural tourism has initially taken shape, and it has been selected as the first batch of national cultural and tourism consumption pilot cities, highlighting the unique style of leyou Zibo and Enjoy Zibo.

——We are committed to practicing the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", and the ecological Zibo has a new look. Innovate and establish a "full environmental protection" and "criminal responsibility and pollution control" mechanism, set off a round of environmental protection storms, implement the "six major emission reduction projects" and "six major energy projects", promote the "eight water co-ordination, hydration Zibo" water resources protection and utilization action, and outline an ecological picture of sky blue, green earth and clear water. In 2021, the number of days with excellent air quality in the city reached 222 days, an increase of 34 days over 2017, the best record in history, and the improvement of ambient air quality and the water environment quality index won the "double first" in the province. Our city was commended by the State Council as one of the four cities with the most obvious improvement in environmental quality in the country, and won the "Chinese Living Environment Model Award".

——We are committed to practicing the people-centered development ideology and painting a new picture of the lives of the masses. Decisively defeated the fight against poverty, 157,000 poor people from 86,000 households were steadily lifted out of poverty, and Zibo entered a well-off society in an all-round way together with the whole province. We have paid close attention to the prevention and control of the epidemic, successfully responded to the impact of Typhoon Lichma, and handed over excellent answers in the big war examination. In the province, it took the lead in formulating an action plan for building high-quality people's livelihood and promoting common prosperity, the average annual proportion of the city's livelihood investment in financial expenditure reached 76.4%, the average annual growth rate of per capita disposable income of residents was 7.5%, employment, security, education, medical care, housing, old-age care, assistance and other social undertakings were expanded and improved, the cause of women, children and the disabled made great progress, and the life of the masses accelerated from "will be" to "exquisite". In the 2021 provincial mass satisfaction evaluation, our city ranked 6th, the best level in history.

——We are committed to creating a pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, and the efficiency of urban social governance has been newly improved. Coordinate development and security, effectively prevent and resolve various risks, resolutely guard the "bottom line", and the overall social situation continues to be harmonious and stable. Actively build the "185" grass-roots social governance system, innovate and implement the social governance model of "party building leading, one network and three links, and full governance", carry out the creation of "five transformations and one high" community, strengthen the understanding of thinking, reasonable assumptions, and things to be solved, effectively resolve contradictions and disputes, deeply carry out the special struggle against organized crime and evil and the education and rectification of the political and legal team, and win the "three consecutive championships" of the outstanding city of comprehensive management of social security in the country and win the "Chang'an Cup".

-- We are committed to promoting the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth, and party building has shown a new atmosphere. Implement the "four responsibilities coordination" mechanism of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, achieve full coverage of the inspection of the twelfth municipal party committee, innovate and build a "Qijing" political ecological evaluation system, and tighten the chain of responsibility for managing the party and governing the party. Establish a clear orientation of heroes who talk about practical achievements, vigorously select "lion-type" and "old cattle-type" cadres, and the atmosphere of entrepreneurship of officials has become even stronger. Implement the "thousand cadres into famous schools" professional ability improvement action, cadres and entrepreneurs to accelerate cognitive iteration. Adhere to the party's management of talents, introduce the "37 golden policies for talents", add 305 key talent engineering experts at or above the provincial level in five years; implement the "three-year 100,000 college students gathering plan", and introduce 94,900 college students in two years. Successfully completed the change of district, county and town leadership groups and the election of village (community) "two committees", coordinated the promotion of party building in various fields, and significantly improved the political functions and organizational strength of grass-roots party organizations. Persist in promoting the correct style and discipline and anti-corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude, promote as a whole that does not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, does not want to be corrupt, and has a clean political ecological atmosphere and a clean haiyan river.

Over the past five years, we have unswervingly adhered to and strengthened the party's overall leadership, supported the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal Government, the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Municipal Court, and the Municipal Procuratorate in performing their duties according to law, continuously consolidated and strengthened the patriotic united front, continuously strengthened the role of trade unions, the Communist Youth League, the Women's Federation, the Association for Science and Technology, the Red Cross Society, and other mass organizations as a bridge, won the "Nine Consecutive Championships" of the National Double-Support Model City, and brought into full play the role of the party in overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties. A series of activities such as the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China have been meticulously organized, and the conviction of the broad masses of party members and cadres to listen to the party, feel the gratitude of the party, and follow the party has become firmer, condensing and forming a vivid situation of one heart and one mind and the same direction.

Dear deputies and comrades, looking back on the course of our endeavors and the joy of development, we are all sincerely proud and pleased that we have not failed to live up to the trust of the organization and the trust of the masses. In the past five years, all the achievements in Zibo's development have fundamentally lies in the helm and navigation of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the result of the correct leadership and care and support of the provincial party committee, the result of the successive municipal party committees carrying forward the past and opening up the future and continuing the struggle, the result of the careful guidance and full support of the old leaders and comrades, and the result of the sweat and hard work of the party members and cadres in the city. Here, on behalf of the 12th Committee of the Communist Party of China in Zibo, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect to all comrades who have contributed to zibo's reform, development, and stability, and to all friends who care about and support zibo's development!

In the past five years, the city's party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and cadres and the masses have made the most cherished development achievements in overcoming difficulties, and the spiritual wealth condensed in the process of forging ahead especially needs to be inherited. What we have experienced most deeply is that only by adhering to the party's leadership can we go steady and far. Unswervingly listening to the party's words, unswervingly following the party, obeying the orders of General Secretary Xi Jinping in all actions, and all work centered on the "great power of the country", we will certainly be able to firmly grasp the correct course in the chopping waves. Only by adhering to the supremacy of the people can we be invincible. Conscientiously practicing the people-centered development thinking, paying sincerely, investing real money and silver, and really grasping tough problems, so that the masses can get real benefits and feel real warmth, we will certainly be able to stimulate the mighty strength of the mountains and the sea. Only by insisting on enlarging the pattern can we compete for the first place. Jumping out of Zibo to see Zibo, consciously standing in the overall situation of the whole province to position its own coordinates, and insisting on planning and promoting the work with the realm of "striving for first-class in everything and only the flag is to seize", we will certainly be able to add color to the overall situation with a field of brilliance. Only by insisting on focusing on the long term can we win the future. Stepping on the beat of the times, promoting cognitive iteration, using strategic thinking to guide tactical problems, and planning today's development with future goals, we will certainly be able to be a quick shot and seize the opportunity. Only by insisting on revolutionizing the old and the new can we open up space. Adhering to the thinking of understanding, daring to use the idea of reform to break the ice and remove obstacles, and being good at using innovative methods to break out of the way and create advantages will certainly be able to make the vitality of innovation and creation burst forth. Only by adhering to the concept of the system can we make an overall leap forward. Based on the overall grasp of objective laws, analysis of the internal mechanism, overall planning and coordination of the handling of development contradictions, good at breaking the dilemma and difficulties, both want and the deadlock, we will certainly be able to achieve the unity of development quality, structure, scale, speed, efficiency, and safety. Only by persisting in taking responsibility can we do good deeds. In the face of any difficult challenges, shoulder the responsibility of entering the game, carry forward the hard-working bloodiness of daring to fight and win, and maintain the tenacious tenacity to grasp to the end, we will certainly be able to turn the beautiful blueprint into a realistic scene.

Don't forget the danger, don't forget the worry. While fully affirming the achievements, we are also soberly aware of the shortcomings that exist, mainly: the problem of unbalanced development is still prominent, the imbalance between regional development and urban and rural development still exists; the task of industrial upgrading and kinetic energy conversion is arduous, and the foundation for maintaining sustained and healthy economic development is not yet stable; the supply of the system lags behind the demand for high-quality development, the degree of urban openness, economic outward orientation, and market activity are not high enough, and the link gathering and carrying capacity of high-quality resource elements is not strong enough; the pressure on pollution control and energy conservation and emission reduction is large. The pace of promoting green and low-carbon development is not fast enough; the quality of public service supply is not high enough, and there is still a gap with the expectations of the masses; the cognition, ability, and style of some party members and cadres are not yet adapted to the new requirements of the new era, and so on. In this regard, we must adhere to the problem-oriented, demand-oriented, goal-oriented, effect-oriented, the courage to take responsibility, concentrate on tackling tough problems, never leave the problem until tomorrow, and never throw the burden to future generations.

Dear deputies and comrades, the past five years have been five years in which the old industrial city has climbed over the hills and rolled stones up the mountain, and it has also been five years of full harvest and fruitful results. The whole city has stooped into the situation, under pressure, worked very hard, fought very hard, walked very firmly, broke out of the new world of development, and spelled out a new hope for the city. The best tribute to history is to create a new history. Embarking on a new era and new journey, we have the confidence and ability to reshape Zibo's new advantages and recreate Zibo's new glory in the continuous struggle!

Second, casting loyalty to obey the order, interpret the Zibo responsibility of defending the "two establishments" and achieving "two maintenance"

The world has turned upside down to witness the right way on earth. Taking a clear-cut stand in stressing politics and always maintaining loyalty and daring to take responsibility are the truths we have come up with across thousands of mountains and rivers and overcoming all difficulties and dangers. To take the new road of catching up with the examination, we must take history as a mirror, unify our thinking, unify our will, unify our actions, and always move forward firmly in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping.

-- Unswervingly upholding and strengthening the party's overall leadership. It is necessary to profoundly understand why the CPC "can," profoundly understand what the CPC "is and what it wants to do," consolidate its political determination in strengthening the party's overall leadership, and always take the party's banner as the banner, the party's direction as the direction, and the party's will as the will. It is necessary to embody the party's overall leadership in the whole process of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction in all fields, strengthen leadership over key work such as deepening reform, governing the city according to law, internet information, finance and economics, foreign affairs, auditing, education, and organizational establishment, and ensure that the party's leadership is everywhere and everywhere in Zibo.

-- Unswervingly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics It is necessary to strive to be a firm believer, improve the "first issue" and "four-level joint study" and other systems, and promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is necessary to strive to be a devout communicator, make good use of carriers such as "mobile party schools," "Mingli Hutongs," and "Yulu Lecture Halls," so that the party's innovative theories can enter the public and moisten the hearts. It is necessary to strive to be loyal practitioners, strive to transform the results of study into excellent skills in overcoming difficulties, and let great ideas show the light of truth and the great power of practice in Zibo.

-- Unswervingly defending the "two establishments" and achieving the "two safeguards". It is necessary to solidly carry out political loyalty education, take the "two establishments" as the most profound political belief, take the "two safeguards" as the firmest political stance, improve the political supervision mechanism for implementing the "great power of the country", and fully embody the firm defense of the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards" in the in-depth implementation of the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, in the actual results of performing their duties and doing their own work, and in the daily words and deeds of party members and cadres. Let absolute loyalty become the most distinctive political essence of Zibo party members and cadres.

-- Unswervingly advancing the new great project of party building. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of party building, earnestly perform the political responsibility of managing the party and governing the party, comprehensively promote the party's political building, ideological construction, organizational construction, work style construction, and discipline building, run system building through it, strive to build party organizations at all levels into stronger and more powerful, and lead high-quality development and modernization with high-quality party building.

Dear deputies and comrades, Zibo is a red hot land, and in all historical periods it has unswervingly listened to the party's words and unswervingly followed the party. We must continue the red gene, keep in mind the original mission, and under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, we must take the new road of catching up with the exam in unison!

Third, grasp the overall situation with the overall situation in mind, and depict the Zibo vision of building a strong socialist modern city in the new era

Only by keeping the overall situation in mind can we plan according to the situation, and only by grasping the general situation can we move in response to the situation. In the next five years, Zibo will usher in a decisive period of transformation and leapfrogging. Looking at the world, the great changes unprecedented in a century have accelerated their evolution, the epidemic of the century has far-reaching impact, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are developing in depth, the global governance structure and economic map are being reshaped, and China is striding towards the center of the world stage, which will bring new rare development opportunities to Zibo. Looking at The country, we have fully opened a new journey to achieve the second centenary goal, and concentrated on promoting common prosperity, in the magnificent historical process, Zibo will have more, better and greater development opportunities by virtue of its superior resource endowment, solid industrial foundation and outstanding role as an important fulcrum. In Shandong, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward important instructions for our province to "walk in the forefront, comprehensively create" and "three walk in front", giving us great encouragement and infinite strength. Shandong is grateful to forge ahead, seek change and strive to be strong, promote the transformation of new and old kinetic energy to achieve major results, the Yellow River Basin ecological protection and high-quality development strategy has been deeply implemented, and the development of the province has shown a fundamental change from shape to momentum. After the rise of the times, the tide of Qilu is surging and Zibo is not willing to be left behind, it is necessary to play a more important role in the construction of a strong province with socialist modernization in the new era. Looking at Zibo, after five years of hard work and accumulation, the integration of advantages has accelerated, the agglomeration of elements has accelerated, and high-quality development has taken off in an all-round way, and it has a solid foundation for catching up and leapfrogging. The whole city is thinking about it and making progress, which is a deeper and more gratifying transformation than pure economic development, and it is also the biggest confidence and strongest confidence to win the future. As long as we maintain our concentration, never slacken off, concentrate our energy on thinking of officers, embody responsibility in daring officers, and show our ability to accomplish things, we will certainly be able to achieve a historic turning point in urban development from quantitative change to qualitative change and running to the lead.

In the next five years, the guiding ideology of Zibo's economic and social development is: hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, resolutely implement the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping for Shandong's work, comprehensively promote the overall layout of the "five-in-one", coordinate the promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress in a stable manner, base itself on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, and promote high-quality development. Promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth, anchor the "walking in the forefront, comprehensively pioneering" and "three walking in the front" general observance, general positioning, and general navigation, creatively implement the provincial party committee's "six ones" development ideas, "six more emphasis" strategic methods, and "twelve efforts" key tasks, deepen industrial empowerment, scientific and educational innovation empowerment, financial empowerment, cultural empowerment, ecological empowerment, reform and opening up empowerment, urban platform empowerment, people's livelihood empowerment, governance empowerment, and create high-end industry, innovation-driven, capital flow, cultural prosperity, green and low-carbon The modern new Zibo, which is surging with momentum, fashion vitality, common prosperity, and living and working in peace and contentment, has accelerated its transformation and leapt forward, is determined to walk in the forefront, and strives to open up a new situation in the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era.

In the next five years, the main objectives of Zibo's economic and social development are:

-- Economic development has achieved a greater leap forward. The economy has achieved steady qualitative improvement and sustained growth in quantity, the growth rate of major indicators ranks in the forefront of the province, the average annual GDP growth rate is about 7%, and the total amount exceeds 700 billion yuan. New breakthroughs have been made in the construction of national innovative cities, with the proportion of R&D investment in the whole society accounting for more than 3% of GDP, and the output value of high-tech industries accounting for more than 60% of the total output value of industries above designated size. Basically complete the task of converting new and old kinetic energy, traditional industries and "four strong" industries have been reborn, the new economy and future industries have provoked beams, the total output value of industries above designated size has exceeded the 1 trillion yuan mark, digital agriculture is at the forefront of the country, the modern service industry has stepped onto the middle and high end, the industrial base has been advanced, and the level of industrial chain modernization has been significantly improved.

-- The city's energy level has achieved a greater leap forward. The construction of a global park city, a "five-good" city, and a colorful and energetic youth development friendly city has made greater breakthroughs, the layout of "Zhang Zhou's integration and river development" has basically taken shape, the city's functions, quality and image have been continuously optimized, the ability to link and gather high-quality resource elements at home and abroad has been significantly enhanced, and pragmatic openness, quality vitality and ecological harmony have become the most distinctive urban characteristics of Zibo.

-- Reform and opening up have achieved greater achievements. The institutional and institutional obstacles restricting high-quality development have been basically eliminated, the business environment has reached the domestic first-class level, the degree of urban openness, economic outward orientation, and market activity have been significantly improved, and Zibo's important fulcrum role in the new development pattern has been further highlighted, and its position in the regional development layout of "a group of two hearts and three circles" has been further highlighted.

-- The ecological environment has been further improved. The pattern of green and low-carbon development has initially taken shape, the pattern of land space development and protection has been continuously optimized, the total amount of major pollutant emissions has been continuously reduced, the passive situation of ecological environmental protection has been completely reversed, and the excellent air quality rate has been increased by more than 5 percentage points to reach the middle level of the province, the major rivers have completely eliminated Class V water bodies, and the improvement of ecological environment quality has been at the forefront of the province.

-- Cultural construction has achieved greater development. The soft power of culture has continued to increase, the core values of socialism have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality and physical and mental health quality of citizens have been significantly improved, the supply of public culture and sports is rich and colorful, and the in-depth integration and development of cultural tourism have laid a solid foundation for the creation of a national civilized model city. The construction of the Qi Cultural Inheritance and Innovation Demonstration Zone has accelerated breakthroughs, and the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture have achieved important results, which better empowers urban development.

-- Achieving greater progress in common prosperity. Fuller and higher-quality employment has been gradually achieved, residents' income growth and economic growth have been synchronized, and the olive-shaped distribution structure has accelerated. The construction of a high-quality public service system has been accelerated, and the early children have good education, the learning has excellent education, the labor has a good income, the sick have good doctors, the old have a good care, the housing is livable, the weak and the support are accelerated, and the city of common prosperity in the whole region has been basically completed.

-- Rural revitalization has achieved greater breakthroughs. Major progress has been made in the construction of digital agriculture and rural central cities, the modern rural industrial system has basically taken shape, the virtuous circle of urban and rural resource elements, the level of rural public services and the degree of civilization have been significantly improved, the rural living environment has been greatly improved, the rural governance system led by party organizations has been more perfect, and the modernization of agriculture and rural areas has reached a new level.

-- The effectiveness of governance has been greatly improved. The social governance model of "party building leading, one network and three links, and full governance" is effectively covered, new progress has been made in the construction of smart cities, the modern police system has been more perfect, the mechanism for resolving contradictions and disputes and mass demands has been more sound, the modernization level of urban social governance has been continuously improved, the situation of good law and good governance has basically taken shape, the society is more fair and just, harmonious and orderly, and the city is more resilient and safer.

-- Party building has been further enhanced. The party's overall leadership has become more effective, the party's organizational system has become more sound and perfect, the building of the contingent of cadres has become stronger and more powerful, the building of grass-roots organizations has become more excellent, the political ecology with a clean and healthy atmosphere has been more optimized, the comprehensive and strict management of the party has been advanced in depth, and the atmosphere of officials' entrepreneurship has become even stronger.

Dear deputies and comrades, a brand-new blueprint for struggle has been unfolded. This blueprint for struggle pins on the expectations of the vast number of party members and cadres and the masses, condenses the wisdom of the whole city, is a road map for forging ahead into a new journey in the new era, and is a construction drawing for the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era. Although the road is far away, it is coming, and although it is difficult to do, it will be accomplished. As long as we work together and work together, we will certainly be able to create a new Zibo of socialist modernization in the new era of phoenix nirvana and accelerated rise!

Fourth, focus on deepening the "nine major empowerments" and create a Zibo sample of socialist modernization in the new era

Building a strong socialist modern city in the new era has begun a magnificent journey that will forever be recorded in the annals of Zibo history. It is necessary to profoundly grasp the connotation and extension of the Chinese-style modernization road, enrich and improve ideas and measures, highlight the concept of strengthening quality, and strive to embark on a road of building a strong socialist modern city in the new era with Zibo characteristics in the pursuit of bravely competing for the lead, doing wonderful work, and being a benchmark in the new era.

(1) Deepen industrial empowerment and create a modern new Zibo with high-end industries. It is necessary to adhere to the industrial organization concept of "keeping an eye on the frontier, creating an ecology, converging along the chain, and developing in clusters" to promote the high-end of the industry. First, we must build a strong city with advanced manufacturing. Implement the industrial structure improvement plan, adhere to the "innovative green, kinetic energy conversion excellent stock" of traditional industries, promote the "thousands of technological transformations, thousands of enterprises transformation", implement a new round of technological transformation, achieve full coverage of the "five optimizations" of industrial enterprises above designated size and key small and medium-sized enterprises, vigorously promote the leapfrog development of the "four strong" industries, and the added value of the "top four" industries accounts for more than 60% of the added value of industries above designated size; persist in grasping the emerging industries "focusing on the future, high-end leading the expansion of increments", and deepening the implementation of the "fertile soil" for the cultivation of the new economy. Action, strengthen policy integration, financial empowerment, scene drive, along the chain of attraction, and strive to increase the added value of the "four new" economy in the proportion of GDP by more than 2 percentage points per year, and build new energy industries such as hydrogen energy, photovoltaics, and energy storage and future industries such as new energy vehicles, unmanned driving, environmental protection industry, and digital economy into new business cards for the city's industry. Implement the industrial energy level improvement plan, carry out industrial Internet empowerment actions, build an integrated, network-wide industrial Internet platform system in the city, promote industrial digitalization, and accelerate the creation of an "industrial empowerment city"; focus on digital industrialization, carry out the doubling of the core industries of the digital economy, vigorously cultivate and develop digital industries such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, and strive to increase the added value of the core industries of the digital economy by more than 15% per year. Implement the industrial organization upgrading plan, strive to cultivate 19 tens of billions of industrial chains, strictly implement the "chain length system", use the "six ones" platform to attract new mechanisms, plant a good industrial ecology, continue to promote the strong chain extension chain, and create a 400 billion green chemical industry cluster, a 350 billion new material industry cluster, a 300 billion new energy automobile industry cluster and a new energy manufacturing industry cluster. Implement the plan for upgrading industrial entities, carry out cross-development actions for backbone enterprises, cultivate 2 100-billion-level enterprises, 5 50 billion-level enterprises, and about 25 10-billion-level enterprises; carry out echelon cultivation actions for scientific and technological innovation enterprises, promote the "double cultivation" plan for high-tech enterprises and the "seedling" plan for high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises, and strive to reach 2,000 and 3,000 high-tech enterprises, respectively, and more than 50 state-level specialized and new "little giant" enterprises Carry out gradient cultivation actions for new species enterprises, build a "start-up - Nezha - gazelle - quasi-unicorn - unicorn" cultivation system, cultivate more than 15 unicorn enterprises and more than 200 gazelle enterprises; carry out the growth action of enterprise main body, promote "individual enterprise transfer, small upgrading, and stock reform", and strive to reach more than 3500 industrial enterprises above designated size. Implement the industrial carrier upgrading plan, strengthen the main position of the industrial bearing of the park, support the accelerated development of the municipal economic development zone and the pioneer zone, promote the comprehensive improvement of the existing economic development zones and functional areas in various districts and counties, build a supporting digitalization, development platform, operation marketization, and supporting ecological models, continuously improve the attractiveness and carrying capacity of projects and capital, and actively strive to create a national-level development zone. Focus on the leading industries that the city focuses on cultivating, plan and build a number of new characteristic professional parks at a high level, attract agglomerate resource elements with good functional support, and promote the formation of characteristic industrial chain groups. Second, we must build a highland for the development of modern service industries. Focus on the demand side of demand to improve the supply side of the supply, focus on cultivating key projects, key enterprises, and key agglomeration areas in the modern service industry, improve the adhesion and carrying capacity of the elements of the service industry, and strive to achieve more than 55% of the modern service industry. Promote the extension of the productive service industry to specialization and the high-end of the value chain, implement service-oriented manufacturing actions, promote the multi-dimensional cross-border penetration of the service industry, vigorously develop modern logistics, industrial design, new finance, exhibition economy, business intermediaries and other productive service industries, cultivate online scenes such as cloud consulting, cloud commerce and trade, and cloud exhibitions, build a number of competitive service parks that meet the needs of Zibo industry, and strive to create pilot cities for the integrated development of modern service industries and advanced manufacturing industries. Promote the upgrading of the living service industry to high-quality diversification, implement the transformation and upgrading plan of the traditional service industry, build a number of characteristic commercial blocks and urban complexes, accelerate the upgrading of healthy pensions, domestic property, commercial and trade services, etc., cultivate and expand the scale of new retail, housing economy, aesthetic economy, silver economy and other new formats, guide consumption upgrading, and create new consumption hotspots and lead the new trend of life with high-level supply. Third, we must build a highland for the development of digital agriculture. Focus on the revitalization of rural industries and continue to exert efforts, take the construction of digital agriculture and rural central cities as the guide, and promote digital agriculture to become an advantage. Build a digital wisdom platform for digital agriculture, build a "Qi Nongyun" smart brain and the Digital Agriculture and Rural Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, interact with Shandong Agricultural Engineering College, and build Zibo into an important base for digital agricultural technology research and development and talent training. Through the digital agricultural development chain, relying on leading agricultural enterprises, consumer Internet platform enterprises, and backbone enterprises in cold chain logistics of agricultural products, we will promote the cross-border integration of one, two and three industries with digitalization, and connect the whole chain of production, logistics and sales, so as to achieve high-quality and excellent production, rapid transportation, and excellent products and good prices for agricultural products. Build a digital agriculture industry cluster, do a good job in the construction of major digital agriculture projects, cultivate a digital agricultural industry chain, and form 5 ten-billion-level agricultural industry integration development clusters. Vigorously promote the "party branch + cooperative + farmer + digital" model, so that more farmers can enter the industrial chain and share the dividends of digital agricultural development. Actively develop digital fields, more than 60% of large-scale pastoral fields have completed digital transformation, to ensure that the grain sown area is stable at more than 3.2 million mu, and the total grain output remains stable.

(2) Deepen the empowerment of science and education innovation, and create a modern new Zibo driven by innovation. It is necessary to deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy, take the creation of a national innovative city as the starting point, and build an efficient and coordinated regional innovation system. First, we must focus on building a high-energy innovation platform. Continue to deepen the integration of school and city, accelerate the construction of Zibo Science City, promote the construction of green chemical and functional materials Shandong Provincial Laboratory and Qiyuan Laboratory Industrial Innovation Base, improve the "applied research - engineering productization research and development - transformation of scientific and technological achievements" innovation public service chain, form an innovation platform matrix covering the city's leading industries, and reach 600 innovation platforms at or above the provincial level, an increase of more than 50%, and build Zibo into an important application-oriented innovation center and advanced scientific and technological achievement transformation base in China. Give full play to the role of Shandong University of Technology, Qilu Medical College, Shandong Agricultural Engineering College and other universities in Zibo as "innovation source" and "talent pool", fully support Zibo Vocational College and Zibo Teachers College to upgrade to undergraduate colleges, and promote the organic connection of discipline chain, talent chain and innovation chain and industrial chain. Second, we must focus on breaking through a number of "card neck" technologies. Adhere to the "government, industry, academia and research funds" as a whole, focus on the city's new materials, hydrogen energy, energy storage, unmanned driving, intelligent micro-electromechanical systems and other frontier areas with industrial and research and development advantages, rely on key laboratories, engineering research centers, technology innovation centers and other research and development platforms, increase investment, implement the "unveiling of the commander-in-chief", and strive to achieve more "industry-leading" and "irreplaceable" results, and make Zibo contributions in promoting high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. Third, we must focus on cultivating high-level innovative enterprises. Implement the project of improving the innovation ability of enterprises, fully stimulate the main role of scientific and technological innovation of enterprises, strive to account for more than 62% of R&D activities in industrial enterprises above designated size, and continuously improve the contribution to urban innovation and development. Fourth, efforts should be made to cultivate and gather high-level innovative talents. Implement a new round of "master's and doctoral talent reserve plan", "industry leader talent leadership plan" and "five-year 200,000 college students to Zizi innovation and entrepreneurship plan", each year to add more than 60 national and provincial key talent project candidates, and then introduce more than 200,000 college students. Build a strong city of vocational education, build a high-level industry-education integration base, and strive to increase the number of high-skilled talents by 20% to more than 230,000 people.

(3) Deepen financial empowerment and create a modern new Zibo with capital inflow. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of a regional financial highland for science and technology innovation industry, give full play to the economic value of the financial industry and the industrial ecological value of finance, and boost the high-quality development and modernization of the city. First, we must continue to optimize the development ecology of the financial industry. Accurately carry out financial double strokes and double introduction, vigorously introduce and cultivate financial and quasi-financial enterprises such as investment management, asset management, financial leasing, financial companies, and financial technology, improve the financial ecology of sponsoring institutions, accounting firms, law firms, management consulting institutions, asset appraisal companies, etc., promote the financial industry to become bigger and stronger, and strive to achieve a proportion of the added value of the financial industry above the provincial average, and gradually become an important industry supporting the city's economic development. Second, we must continue to improve the order of magnitude of financial empowerment. Implement a new round of credit expansion plans, accelerate the development of supply chain finance, green finance, digital finance, rural finance, and consumer finance, make good use of national development finance and policy finance, and the average annual growth rate of RMB loan balances will reach more than 10%, and strive to reach more than 700 billion yuan. Implement a new round of capital market breakthrough plan, build a rolling cultivation mechanism of sub-levels, sub-industries and sub-echelons, and strive to reach more than 60 listed enterprises, so that the "Zibo plate" of the capital market will be stronger. Implement a new round of fund doubling plan, with Zibo Science and Technology Innovation Fund Port as the carrier, actively attract equity investment funds such as angel investment, venture capital, PE, mergers and acquisitions, etc., form a financial capital service system covering the whole life cycle of enterprises, and strive to reach 25 fund management institutions, with the total scale of funds exceeding 260 billion yuan. Third, we must continue to improve financial governance capabilities. Implement special training programs on financial capital to improve the awareness and ability of entrepreneurs and cadres to identify, use and control financial capital. Improve the financial risk prevention and control system and mechanism, properly dispose of government debt, non-performing assets of financial institutions and corporate liquidity risks, strive to improve the non-performing loan ratio better than the provincial average, and create a financial safety zone.

(4) Deepen cultural empowerment and create a modern new Zibo with cultural prosperity. It is necessary to focus on raising the banner, gathering people's hearts, cultivating new talents, revitalizing culture, and displaying the image, and strive to create a model city of civilization in the country and display a new style of modern urban civilization. First, we must sing the main melody to promote positive energy. Deeply implement the action of building civic morality in the new era, solidly promote the construction of the civilization practice center in the new era, actively practice the core socialist values, and create a "thick road and a virtuous Zibo". Deeply excavate the revolutionary deeds of a major representative Wang Gemei and Deng Enming in Zibo, and make good use of red carriers such as Jiao Yulu Memorial Hall and Zhu Yanfu Party Sex Education Base, so that the continuation of red genes and the inheritance of red culture have become the background of urban culture. Second, we must extend the historical context of the city. Carry out breakthrough actions in the inheritance and innovation of Qi culture, vigorously research, excavate, interpret and carry forward Qi culture, implement key projects such as Qi Great Wall Cultural Park, QiGuo Ancient City Archaeological Site Park, and "Qi Feng Shengjing" Cultural and Tourism Complex, so that Qi culture can be studied and learned, can be felt and touched, basically built a Qi cultural inheritance and innovation demonstration zone, and strive to create a national historical and cultural city and an excellent traditional culture "two innovation" benchmark city. Deeply promote the protection and utilization of cultural relics, implement urban memory projects, actively do a good job in declaring world cultural heritage such as the ruins of the ancient city of Qi and Keju, strengthen the protection and utilization of modern and modern industrial sites in Zibo, deeply develop regional cultures such as Liaozhai culture, Taoliu culture, and Lushang culture, and promote Zibo culture to the world. Third, we must strengthen the supply of high-quality culture. Implement the "two creations and double hundred" peak plan for literary and artistic products to provide more excellent spiritual and cultural products for the people of the city. Launch the "Zibo City Cultural Menu", build more new public cultural spaces such as urban study rooms and cultural stations, and national fitness, sports and leisure places, and build a "15-minute cultural and sports leisure activity circle". Strengthen the cultural industry, strengthen creativity-driven, aesthetic shaping, artistic lighting, and scientific and technological empowerment, accelerate the construction of a modern cultural industry system that leads the fashion, and turn cultural soft power into a hard support for development. Fourth, we must build a highland for the integration of culture and tourism. Focus on enriching and improving the tourism product system, excavating and promoting excellent cultural resources, implementing the plan for the integration and development of culture and tourism, planning and building more than 100 key projects, so that the cultural charm of Zibo will bloom wonderfully, and the tourism experience of Zibo will become more and more wonderful.

(5) Deepen ecological empowerment and create a green and low-carbon modern new Zibo. It is necessary to consciously practice the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", shoulder the major responsibility of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, resolutely fight the battle of environmental protection, and build Zibo into an ecological city that is livable, workable and travelable. First, we must fight the ecological defense war with greater intensity. Resolutely fight the blue sky defense war, solidly carry out a new round of "four subtractions and four increases", promote the five major special rectification actions, and strive to reduce VOC_S emissions by more than 17% compared with 2020 by 2026, and the concentration value of PM_2.5 will reach the middle and upper reaches the level of the province. Resolutely fight the battle to defend clear water, accelerate the promotion of the "eight water co-ordination, hydration zibo" water resources protection and utilization action, accelerate the construction of the "four rivers and two lakes" ecological water system and modern water network, actively promote the urban rain and sewage combined pipe network zero, black and odorous water body clearance and sewage treatment plant upgrading and transformation, and strive to control the proportion of excellent water bodies in the section of the river controlled by the state and province to reach more than 70%. Resolutely fight the battle for the defense of pure land, implement the "five-year special action for solid waste rectification", basically complete the task of rectifying the remaining problems of solid waste, the utilization and disposal rate of industrial hazardous waste has reached 100%, and actively create a "waste-free city". Second, we must implement "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" with a stronger sense of urgency. Promote the "Ten Major Actions for Carbon Reduction and Carbon Reduction", focus on key areas to accelerate the promotion of greening reform, and ensure that the energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon dioxide emissions are reduced to complete the provincial targets. Adhere to the "double control" of total energy consumption and intensity to force the transformation and upgrading of "two high" enterprises, and accelerate the establishment of a green and low-carbon recycling industry system。 Accelerate the implementation of the "six major energy projects", strive to achieve more than 15% of non-fossil energy in primary energy consumption, and build a green and smart energy demonstration city。 Carry out activities to create zero-carbon enterprises, zero-carbon communities and zero-carbon parks, and lead the formation of a new green trend. Third, we must ensure green and low-carbon development with a stricter system. Complete ecological protection redlines, environmental quality bottom lines, and resource utilization lines, and formulate and implement negative lists for environmental access. Construct a 100-mile green corridor of the Yellow River, and promote ecological restoration of abandoned mines, wetlands in beach areas, and damaged mountains. Improve the value realization of ecological products, the paid use of ecological resources and ecological compensation mechanisms, and promote market-based trading of pollutant discharge rights, energy use rights, water rights, and carbon emission rights。 Continue to deepen the mechanism of "environmental protection for all employees" and "criminal responsibility for pollution control", and fight the people's war on environmental protection and governance.

(VI) Deepen the empowerment of reform and opening up, and create a modern new Zibo with surging momentum. It is necessary to make good use of the "key move" of reform and opening up and fully stimulate the endogenous driving force of high-quality development. First, it is necessary to promote reform in key areas in depth. Highlight the problem orientation, pay attention to the systematic, integrated, and coordinated nature of reform, and concentrate on breaking through the bottlenecks that restrict future development. Focus on the implementation of the new development concept, make overall plans for reforms in the fields of scientific and technological innovation, industrial upgrading, ecological environmental protection, financial supervision, and emergency management, do a solid job in the "second half of the article" of the institutional mechanism reform of functional areas, and continuously improve the adaptability of system supply and high-quality development. Focus on services and integration into the new development pattern, continue to promote reforms in the fields of market access, market-oriented allocation of factors, investment and financing, and open up the blockage points in the circular channel. Focus on promoting common prosperity, actively and steadily promote reforms in the fields of distribution system and people's livelihood security, and let the masses share the fruits of high-quality development. Concentrate on promoting digital transformation reform, accelerate the construction of digital government, digital city, digital society, and digital enterprises, and create a highland for digital transformation in the province. Second, we must vigorously implement all-round opening up. Focus on serving and integrating into the new development pattern, continue to expand offline opening up, implement the "five internationalization" improvement actions of economic system, enterprise echelon, resource allocation, urban form, and business environment, give play to the supporting and leading role of carriers such as comprehensive bonded zones and Luzhong International Dry Port, create a high-energy open platform matrix of "two-wheel drive and multi-point linkage", participate in the restructuring of industrial chain and supply chain in a wider range and at a higher level, continue to expand online opening up, and increase efforts to promote the construction of the national cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone. Implement the cross-border supply chain service level improvement project to open the era of "cloud openness" in Zibo. Focus on integrating into the domestic cycle, continue to expand internal opening up, take the initiative to dock with Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and other economic circles, actively undertake industrial echelon transfer and innovation achievements landing transformation; focus on the regional development layout of "a group of two hearts and three circles", integrate into the provincial capital economic circle with "six cities in Jizi", link the Jiaodong economic circle with "five coordinated development", and continuously improve the city's energy level in regional economic development. Third, we must make every effort to optimize the business environment. Based on the demand side of enterprises and the masses, we will continuously improve the supply side of government services, accelerate the construction of a national administrative examination and approval reform pilot demonstration zone, and polish the "Qi Hao" government service brand. Create an upgraded version of the business environment, implement the ten articles of care for entrepreneurs, improve the "five poles" service model of minimalism, extreme excellence, extreme precision, speed and extreme, and strictly fulfill the "four zeros" service commitment of zero distance, zero stagnation, zero obstacles and zero tolerance, so that Zibo has become a strong magnetic field from near and far.

(VII) Deepen the empowerment of urban platforms and create a modern new Zibo with fashion and vitality. It is necessary to implement the urban development idea of "building a park city, improving the quality and capacity of the main city, integrating the whole region and coordinating the whole region, and rapidly accessing the traffic", adhere to the quality concept to lead the planning and construction management of the city, and better play the ecological value and agglomeration bearing effect of the urban platform on economic and social development and elements. First, we must pay more attention to coordinated regional development. Highlight the leading role, accelerate the pace of the main city of "East Excellent, West Rong, South Expansion, And North Union", step up the construction of "five districts and three cities", accelerate the integration of Zhangzhou and Zhou, deeply promote the city into the era of river development, and comprehensively enhance the primacy and radiation of the main city. Promote global integration and overall planning, rolling implementation of key projects at the municipal level, creating industrial communities, convenient transportation chains, resource allocation groups, and livable living belts, and forming a regional coordinated development pattern of "grouping, networking, and ecology". Develop and expand the county economy, implement the county economic leapfrog development action, promote more districts and counties to enter the top 100 districts and counties in the country, and stand up the backbone of urban economic development. Second, we must pay more attention to the smooth flow of factors. Accelerate the construction of the "two vertical and six horizontal" highway network and the "two rings, four vertical and six horizontal" railway network, promote the planning and construction of civil airports and rail transit, and build the "external 125 travel circle"; actively promote the "two rings and five rays" urban expressway network and the urban large outer ring project, start the construction of the Zhangbo urban railway, and build the "urban 15-30-60 travel circle"; accelerate the promotion of luzhong international dry port and the restoration of the Xiaoqing River and other projects, vigorously develop the modern logistics industry, improve the logistics service system, and promote multimodal transport. Build a green smart cold chain logistics base between Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the Yangtze River Delta, and build a "123 fast cargo flow circle". Third, we must pay more attention to the optimization of urban functions. Accelerate the construction of a global park city, accelerate the construction of "one heart, two rings, three belts, four areas" ecological space layout, plan to build a number of pocket parks, thumb parks, theme parks, strip parks, build and upgrade a number of large-scale urban parks, continue to deepen the urban and rural environment overhaul and fine management and improvement, by 2026 the green space rate of the built-up area will reach more than 40.7%, showing an ecological, clean, neat and beautiful urban expression. Accelerate the construction of "five good" cities that are studious, good-looking, delicious, fun, and entrepreneurial, create more themed and immersive humanistic scenes, social scenes, and consumption scenarios, and let people's flow, logistics, capital flow, data flow, etc. change from "traffic" to "retention" in Zibo. Accelerate the construction of a colorful and energetic youth development friendly city, deepen the Zibo urban development partner system, and strive to create a supply chain of high-energy innovation and entrepreneurship ecological elements, a high-quality and exquisite livable living circle, and a high-level dynamic fashion and leisure belt, so that more urban partners can hold hands with Zibo and take root in Zibo. Accelerate the construction of a warm city that shows feelings, adhere to the renewal of the old city, expand the new area, carry out in-depth urban organic renewal actions, complete the transformation of all urban shantytowns and old urban communities built before 2000, and achieve full coverage of the "15-minute living circle". Doubly cherish resources such as land and space, and dare to "leave blank" for the future development of the city. Fourth, we must pay more attention to the overall planning of urban and rural areas. Make every effort to build a model zibo plate for rural revitalization, make good use of the national rural reform pilot zone, urban-rural integration development pilot zone and other platforms, vigorously promote rural construction actions, carry out in-depth five-year actions to improve the rural living environment and rural infrastructure improvement actions, popularize rural aesthetic education, and fully complete the task of building beautiful and livable villages, and the annual income of the city's village collective economy has reached more than 100,000 yuan, and the annual income of villages with an annual income of more than 500,000 yuan has reached more than 800.

(8) Deepen the empowerment of people's livelihood and create a modern new Zibo with common prosperity. It is necessary to adhere to the people's hearts, accelerate the construction of high-quality people's livelihood, promote the transformation of people's livelihood resources from tight balance to excellent supply, from basic protection to high quality, and concentrate on building a pioneer city for common prosperity in the whole region. It is necessary to accelerate the transformation from early childhood education to early childhood good education, improve the comprehensive three-child policy, implement the action of improving the quality and expansion of infant and young child care, and renovate and expand more than 155 kindergartens in five years, with the proportion of children in public kindergartens reaching 70% and the coverage rate of inclusive kindergartens exceeding 90%. It is necessary to accelerate the transformation from learning and teaching to learning and excellent education, improve the supply mechanism of high-quality educational resources, promote the layout of high-quality educational resources to weak areas such as rural areas, and newly renovate and expand 63 primary and secondary schools in five years, and increase the number of high-quality degrees in primary and secondary schools by more than 59,000. Implement the overall improvement project of teaching quality, the cultivation plan of strong subjects in ordinary high schools, and the action of strengthening schools, build a new system of "education brain + wisdom education", create more new high-quality schools, and effectively solve the problem of "good school". Fully implement the "double reduction" policy to enable young people to develop in an all-round and healthy way. It is necessary to speed up the transformation from income from labor to income from labor, implement the plan for doubling the middle-income group, focus on increasing the income of rural residents, implement the "entrepreneurship Qidu Leye Zibo" employment and entrepreneurship action and the urban and rural public welfare post expansion and quality improvement action, ensure the employment and entrepreneurship of residents, carry out special actions to eradicate the full coverage of the wage arrears system, and promote the formation of an olive-shaped distribution structure. It is necessary to accelerate the transformation of medical treatment for the sick to good medicine for the sick, build a regional medical and health highland, form a city medical group, and build 27 key clinical specialties at or above the provincial level. Implement the mutual recognition and sharing of medical test results and the outpatient mutual assistance guarantee mechanism, and increase the outpatient overall reimbursement amount of basic medical insurance for residents by about 50% on the existing basis, and the reimbursement ratio for outpatient chronic diseases is increased to about 65%. Improve the grass-roots medical and health service network, promote the construction of a county-level compact medical community, all town health centers meet the basic national standards, and village clinics achieve "one village and one room". Improve the institutional mechanisms for major epidemic prevention and control, and improve the ability to respond to major public health incidents. It is necessary to accelerate the transformation from old-age support to old-age care, implement the requirements for urban residential areas to build community old-age service facilities, promote the transformation of infrastructure suitable for aging, and accelerate the construction of elderly-friendly cities. Promote the improvement of the quality and expansion of canteens for the elderly, improve the guarantee mechanism and long-term life care mechanism for the elderly with special difficulties, and basically build a rural old-age service network. Implement the project of expanding the capacity of pension institutions, vigorously promote the combination of medical and nursing care, and the number of various types of pension beds in the city has reached more than 35,000. It is necessary to accelerate the transformation from housing to livable, adhere to the "housing and not speculation", improve the multi-level housing supply guarantee service system, prepare for the construction of more than 30,000 sets of various types of talent apartments, and maintain the coverage rate of specialized properties at more than 95%. It is necessary to accelerate the transformation from support for the weak to support for the weak and the masses, consolidate and expand the effective connection between the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, improve the dynamic monitoring and support mechanism to prevent returning to poverty, and resolutely prevent large-scale return to poverty. Establish a rescue mechanism for the masses with sudden difficulties, create a "Zi Help You" rescue brand, expand the coverage of "Qi Hui Bao", actively develop causes such as preferential care, women and children, the disabled, and emergency rescue, and strive to create a child-friendly city and a national food safety assured city.

(9) Deepen governance empowerment and create a modern new Zibo that can live and work in peace and contentment. It is necessary to strive to create a qualified city for the modernization of social governance in the national municipality, accelerate the construction of safe Zibo, rule of law Zibo, and credit Zibo, and create a sample of Zibo for overall development and safety. First, we must concentrate our efforts on promoting "co-governance." Make good use of the social governance model of "party building leading, one network and three links, and full governance", promote the convergence of elements in the network, the linkage of work in the network, and the implementation of tasks in the network, and form a new governance pattern of party building leading, co-construction and sharing, and efficient operation. Optimize the grid management layout, establish a grid transaction list, and further strengthen the team of full-time grid members. Second, we must vigorously promote the "rule of law." Comprehensively promote the in-depth development of governing the city according to law, promote scientific legislation, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and the observance of the law by the whole people, promote the normalization of the elimination of criminal syndicates and evil forces, and form a good pattern of handling affairs according to law, finding the law when encountering problems, solving problems and using the law, and resolving contradictions and relying on the law. Third, efforts should be made to promote "good governance." Persist in having a solution to thinking, reasonable assumptions, and things to be solved, vigorously promote the construction of the "eight small projects", do a good job of resolving the backlog of letters and visits and initial letters, properly resolve the reasonable demands of the masses, and safeguard the vital interests of the masses. Strictly implement the responsibility system for safe production, strengthen source control and security, security for eliminating problems, law enforcement and security, science and technology to revitalize security, and intrinsic security, respond to small probability incidents with high probability thinking, and resolutely protect the safety of people's lives, health and property. Fourth, we must vigorously promote "intellectual governance." Accelerate the construction of smart cities, adhere to the "new city construction" docking "new infrastructure", build a "digital cockpit" of the city brain, build a digital facility system of "ubiquitous connection, efficient collaboration, global perception, intelligent integration, security and credibility", systematically promote algorithm governance, rule governance, and scene governance, and realize one network unified management and one network communication office.

Dear deputies and comrades, deepening the "Nine Great Empowerments" and building the "Nine Modernization New Zibo" are the nine hard battles for development before us. The party members and cadres and the masses in Zibo have always had responsibility, affection, pursuit, and courage. As long as we unite all over the city, work in the same direction, firmly set the goal to rush forward, shake off our arms and work hard, we will certainly be able to break through the barriers, win consecutive battles, and create a better future for Zibo!

Fifth, we should push forward the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth and take a good step on the new road of catching up with the examination

Entering a new era and embarking on a new journey, comprehensively and strictly administering the party is both a political guarantee and a political guide. It is necessary to always maintain the soberness and firmness of catching up with the examination, always maintain the spirit of self-revolution, unremittingly promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party in depth, and provide a strong political guarantee for accelerating the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era.

(1) Resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of managing the Party and governing the Party. The responsibility for party building is heavier than the mountain. It is necessary to establish a normalized and long-term institutional mechanism to promote the in-depth development of party history study and education. Persist in taking political construction as the guide, educate and guide party members and cadres to improve their political standing, enhance their political determination, temper their political ability, and guard against political risks. Strengthen ideological construction, continue to strengthen theoretical armament, replenish the calcium of the spirit, and stabilize the rudder of thinking. Deepen the implementation of the "four responsibilities and coordination" mechanism for comprehensively and strictly administering the party, tighten the chain of responsibility for the whole process of clear responsibility, responsibility determination, accountability, assessment of responsibility, and accountability, and resolutely implement the responsibilities of the main responsibility of the party committee, the supervision responsibility of the discipline inspection commission, the responsibility of the first responsible person of the party organization secretary, and the responsibility of the "one post and two responsibilities" of the members of the leading body, so as to ensure that the management is really strict, dare to manage and dare to be strict, and the long management is strict. Persist in the party's management of ideology, implement the responsibility system for ideological work, and build a solid ideological security barrier. Give play to the political superiority of the united front, consolidate and improve the pattern of the great united front work. Adhere to the party's management of the armed forces, promote national defense mobilization and reserve force construction, improve the work system and service guarantee system for retired soldiers, and strive to create the "ten consecutive championships" of the national double-support model city.

(2) Build a contingent of high-quality professional cadres. Party members and cadres are the backbone of the cause of the party and the state. It is necessary to adhere to the standard of good cadres in the new era, pay more attention to the two-way force from the supply side of cadres and the demand side of the post, and give more prominence to the orientation of heroes who are based on practical achievements, so that more "lion-type" generals and "old scalper-type" cadres will stand out and take to the stage, and solve the problem of insufficient motivation and "not wanting to do anything". Rolling implementation of the "thousand cadres into famous schools" professional ability improvement action, focus on promoting cadre cognition iteration, concept upgrading, ability reconstruction, to solve the problem of insufficient ability "can not do". Increase the intensity of fault tolerance and correction, let cadres unload their burdens, lightly load the battle, and solve the problem of insufficient responsibility and "dare not do anything". We should persistently rectify the "four winds," resolutely rectify the busy formalism and hard-working bureaucracy, make "strict, meticulous, and fast" become a common practice, and solve the problem of "unwillingness" in work style.

(3) Build a strong fighting fortress that is comprehensive and strong. The power of the organization comes from the grassroots. It is necessary to firmly establish a clear orientation of vigorously grasping the grass-roots units, persistently move the eyes downward and the center of gravity downward, and build the grass-roots party organizations into strong fortresses. Deepen the responsibility system of "grasping towns and promoting villages", implement municipal listing supervision, and normalize the backward rectification of weak and scattered party organizations. We should do a good job in building the contingent of grass-roots party organization secretaries, pay attention to selecting the best and matching strong, strengthen education supervision and management, and cultivate more leading geese with excellent quality. Adhere to the focus on improving organizational strength, highlight political functions, comprehensively promote party building in various fields, build a "15-minute party and mass service circle", and let the party flag fly high at the grass-roots level.

(4) Continue to promote the fight against corruption by rectifying the work style and eliminating discipline. Comprehensively and strictly administering the party is always on the road It is necessary to firmly grasp the main tone of "strictness," promote as a whole that we do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt, further weave and tighten the cage of the system, be strict in an all-round way and strict to the end, earnestly put an end to the loss of leniency, slackness, and softness, and ensure that party members and cadres do not degenerate and do not change color. It is necessary to expand the coverage of "strictness", give full play to the role of the inspection sword, promote the coordination of all kinds of supervision, focus on solving the problems of supervision "number one" and supervision at the same level, and resolutely eliminate blind spots and blind spots. It is necessary to consolidate the good situation of "strictness," strengthen normalized warning education and the building of a culture of honest government, punish corruption with a zero-tolerance attitude, and promote the purity of cadres, the pro-cleanliness of government and businessmen, the cleanliness of society, and the clear ecology.

Dear deputies and comrades, from now on, we have opened a new cycle of struggle and embarked on a new development track. The vast number of party members and cadres and the masses in the city must shoulder the mission of the times and continue to write a wonderful chapter worthy of the times, worthy of history, and worthy of the people. We must pursue a mountain-like realm pattern. There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you can climb it. It is necessary to ascend to the far side, the heart to the far side, adhere to the standard advanced, improve the quality, strive for the first-class, only the flag is to win, grit your teeth, step by step, take the lead in climbing to the peak, appreciate the infinite scenery. To cultivate a broad mind like the sea. The small self merges into the big me, and the big me achieves the small self. It is necessary to cultivate the feeling of "selflessness and breadth in the heart", take it as our duty to love me and revitalize Zibo, go to private interests for the sake of the grand duke, abide by the great righteousness and abandon the miscellaneous thoughts, seek the big self and forget the small self, and display our talents, make meritorious achievements, and show our skills in the fiery practice of devoting ourselves to the transformation and leapfrogging of Zibo. To quench iron like responsibility. Hundreds of boats are striving to forge ahead, and a thousand jun shoulder the burden. It is necessary to carry forward the spirit of struggle, straighten up the iron backbone that can shoulder things, shoulder things, and accomplish things, work hard against problems, face difficulties, bend down to enter the situation, fight hard-core battles, pursue excellence in overcoming difficulties, and lead the trend in innovation and creation. We must always maintain the same passion for struggle as fire. Struggle to win the future, sweat to water the harvest. It is necessary to stimulate the hard-working and bloody nature of the battles of Shangganling and Changjin Lake, and with the spirit of never slacking off and the attitude of indomitable struggle, we must cut through thorns and thorns, chop waves and waves, create a fiery red era of Zibo's passionate burning, and recreate the highlight moment when Zibo is at the forefront!

Dear deputies and comrades, Pengcheng is full of wind, set sail and set sail again. Let us unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, do not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, accelerate the transformation and leapfrog, be determined to walk in the forefront, and strive to open up a new situation in the construction of a strong socialist modern city in the new era!

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