
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

author:Sanjin emergency
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

Blue friends' Lantern Festival passed

Twisting songs, guessing riddles, public welfare walks, gathering children's hearts

Each one is exciting

Come and watch

Yang Ge went into the city to publicize my line

Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

Twisting songs, running dry boats, stepping on stilts... On the fifteenth day of the first month, the Lantern Festival folk performance activities were brilliantly staged, attracting a large number of people to stop and watch, and the scene was very lively.

The Anze County Fire Rescue Brigade seized the opportunity to distribute fire safety propaganda coloring pages to the onlookers and participants, explained the knowledge of family fire prevention, electric vehicle fire prevention, evacuation and escape methods, and sent safety packages to everyone. The propagandists' enthusiastic explanations were warmly welcomed by the masses, who came forward to receive publicity materials and said that they should conscientiously study fire safety knowledge.

Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

Fun Q&A Temple Fair Charity Walk

Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

Visiting temple fairs, eating food, enjoying flower lanterns... On the day of the Lantern Festival, everyone likes to make friends with three or five, bring their children's parents, and eat and play all day. The major temple fairs are crowded and the festive atmosphere is very strong.

The Yaodu District Fire Rescue Brigade actively walked into the temple fair in the district to hold fire public welfare publicity activities. Distribute materials, explain fire knowledge, display fire fighting equipment, analyze typical fire cases, distribute fire gifts... The figure of the fire propagandist continues to shuttle, so that everyone can learn fire knowledge and bring back the "safety gift package" while visiting the temple fair, which has won the positive interaction and strong response of the masses.

Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

Children's Hearts Festival Safety follows closely

Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

Do lanterns, beat gongs and drums, learn dragon dances... During the traditional festival, teachers actively organize children to carry out the theme festival activity of "Children's Heart Celebration Lantern Festival, Folk Customs and Inheritance".

The Yinxian Fire Rescue Brigade took the initiative to go to the kindergarten in the jurisdiction to spend the festival with the children and pass on the concept of fire safety. "Can you play with fire at home?" "What is the fire alarm number?" "What actions should I keep in mind when escaping from a fire?" ...... Children scrambled to answer the firefighter's uncle's questions, and the kindergarten was filled with laughter.

Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

There are prize quiz teams standing up for a reunion

Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

Dress up camps, buy prizes, fun quizzes... The Puxian Fire Rescue Brigade organized all fire rescue personnel to carry out the "Happy Words Reunion Yuan 'Elimination' Add Peace" theme fire riddle prize quiz activity.

Fire equipment parameters, fire fighting and rescue points, party history knowledge review, fire prevention knowledge... The brigade skillfully combines traditional riddles with fire knowledge, edutainment and education, and a festive and lively atmosphere runs through the activity.

Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...
Wonderful | Blue Friends' Lantern Festival is like this...

The Lantern Festival has passed and the resumption of work and production has resumed

Remember to do a good job of fire safety self-examination

In the new year, I wish you all a lot of vitality

Source: Linfen Fire Protection