
After the Chinese American woman was stabbed to death more than 40 times, her memorial site was destroyed

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Hu Li

According to the New York Post, after Christina Yuna Lee, a 35-year-old Chinese woman, died after being stabbed more than 40 times by an African-American man at her home, local residents spontaneously launched a "vigil" for her. However, on February 16, local time, the memorial site built for Christina was destroyed.

After the Chinese American woman was stabbed to death more than 40 times, her memorial site was destroyed

Pictures of the scene being destroyed. Image source; The New York Post

Christina's former landlord, Brian Chin, said: "The memorial site she was built was destroyed overnight. It is reported that in addition to flowers in memory of Christina, a sign was placed at the memorial site that read: "Asian hate crimes soared by 361 percent." ”

After the Chinese American woman was stabbed to death more than 40 times, her memorial site was destroyed

A sign that reads "Asian-American hate crimes soar 361 percent." Source: The New York Post

Brian said: "The candles we lit for Christina during the vigil this morning were all broken. The 'Stop Hating Asians' sign was torn off. I had to clean up all the broken glass and do my best to restore what had been destroyed... The people who sabotaged the scene were blaspheming Christina, and we were very angry, we were tired of being attacked, tired of seeing this hateful act. ”

After the Chinese American woman was stabbed to death more than 40 times, her memorial site was destroyed

Some have tried to restore the memorial site. Source: The New York Post

It is reported that the perpetrator of the murder is African-American Assamad Nash, who was arraigned for first-degree murder, burglary and sexually motivated burglary. In a arraignment of Nash on Monday night, prosecutors said the attack was sexually motivated, but they are continuing to investigate to determine if there was a racially discriminatory element inside.

Wellington Chan, director of the Chinatown Commercial Improvement District, said: "This incident is already tragic, and those people cannot desecrate Christina's memorial site. This means a lot to us Asians, and it should mean a lot to all New Yorkers. Residents of Chinatown were shocked by the vandalism at the memorial site.

Bukan, a teacher who lives in Chinatown, said: "I adopted two Asian children and I was angry and shocked to learn about this. I find it hard to understand why someone would go out of their way to sabotage everything related to remembrance? The establishment of a memorial site merely expresses sympathy and recognition for Christina. ”

After living in the neighborhood for 20 years, Cao Weifen, 62, said: "This [destruction of the memorial site] is racist against Asians. I could feel it. Why are they chasing us so hard? I do not know. We didn't do anything wrong. ”

Brian said: "I'm sad and upset. Don't touch the scene of Christina's commemoration anymore, let her rest in peace. ”

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