
Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago


At present, the mainland's international diplomacy is becoming more and more able to show independence, more and more autonomy, more and more fearless of world powers, and dare to stand on our own standpoint and express opinions that belong to justice.

All this is because our country is getting stronger and stronger, and diplomats are becoming more and more confident.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

"Weak countries have no diplomacy", this is a truth, but if we delve deeper into the meaning behind it, then it seems that the strong countries can be unreasonable in diplomacy at will, but Our peaceful and independent foreign policy of China with advanced strength has shown the world a different diplomatic situation.

But if some people dared to stand up to tremendous pressure more than a decade ago, face up to world power politics, and dare to fight back in the face of the accusations of the world's most powerful and most unreasonable United States, do we believe there will be such diplomats?

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

"Coldgate" diplomat

In 1947, Sha Zukang was born in a poor peasant family in JiangTuo Village, Xushe Town, Yixing City, Jiangsu Province.

Sha Zukang's family can be said to be very poor, because his father is disabled and cannot do any heavy work, and the family all counts on Sha Zukang's mother, but how far can a woman work again? It can ensure that the nine members of Sha Zukang's family will not die of hunger, even if it is the greatest effort.

In this case, Sha Zukang still did not give up his studies, starting from Jiang Tu Primary School, Sha Zukang studied all the way to Yangxiang Middle School, and finally entered the English Department of Nanjing University with excellent results.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

In that era, the English learning of the people of the whole country was a very difficult thing, not to mention Sha Zukang, a rural child, but he had to rely on his full enthusiasm to go out of the world on the road of English, and achieved the "highest achievement" of learning English in the mainland and entered the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1970, Sha Zukang graduated from Nanjing University with a major in English, and once he graduated, he entered the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1971, Sha Zukang was sent by the mainland to work at the mainland embassy in the United Kingdom, and three years later, he entered the mainland embassy in Sri Lanka, and three years later, he entered the mainland embassy in India and was promoted to third secretary.

In 1988, Sha Zukang became a member of the mainland's mission to the United Nations and began his diplomatic career representing the mainland internationally.

In July 1993, the Galaxy incident broke out.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

The mainland sent a merchant ship called the Galaxy to carry the industrial products produced by the mainland to Iran, which was originally a mediocre commercial activity.

However, on July 23, the United States suddenly informed the world that the Chinese freighter Galaxy was loaded with illegal chemicals and illegal chemical weapons raw materials, and demanded that our Galaxy immediately stop sailing, and the United States would send personnel to inspect and then proceed to the next step.

But what is the evidence that the United States accuses us of illegally carrying chemicals on the Galaxy?

There is no evidence.

Or that the evidence taken out by the United States is all forged, and even in the relevant documents and relevant tickets issued by the United States, not to mention the types of goods loaded on our ships, the number of goods is not right, even the time is not right at all.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

However, at that time, the strength of our country was not as strong as it is today, especially the naval strength, which was simply not enough to achieve long-range escort.

Moreover, at that time, under the influence of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world socialist movement was in a state of decline, and the mainland implemented a policy of "showing weakness to the enemy and raising obscurity".

Finally, on August 3, our Galaxy was forced to stop on the high seas not far from the Strait of Hormuz.

After stopping the ship, several American helicopter gunships, fighter jets, and two American warships surrounded our Galaxy and asked the people on board to wait for inspection.

At that time, our Galaxy could be said to be floating outside, and could not dock for supplies, and the fresh water and food on board were gradually scarce.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

In this case, captain Zhang Rude led everyone to save resources, waiting for the end of the inspection, usually sailing at sea everyone is three dishes and one soup, but since then it has become two dishes and one soup, which is still easy to say, but it was summer, the temperature on the hot Persian Gulf was as high as 50 degrees, people eat less is still good, but not drinking water is really uncomfortable.

At this moment, a signal suddenly came from the American warship: "Chinese on the Galaxy, you can drive a small boat and take away the food and water we have provided you." ”

What does that mean? This is the naked food that comes from the mouth.

In the face of this insulting handout, the captain Zhang Deru replied directly to the other party: "We don't need it." ”

After the crew members heard about this incident, they also raised their hands to support Zhang Rude's approach: "Starvation is small, the loss of temperance is big, for the dignity of the motherland, we will not drink a drop of water from the United States." ”

At this time, Sha Zukang, as deputy director general of the International Department of the Foreign Ministry of foreign affairs on the mainland, was entrusted to the motherland to deal with this matter.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

Laughing at the American "Great Khan"

At that time, many Chinese diplomats felt that we should also send warships, real knives and guns, and the United States.

However, although this is cool for a while, it is absolutely detrimental to our future development.

Therefore, in the face of various provocations by the United States, Sha Zukang finally consulted with his superiors and agreed that the United States would board the ship to inspect the Galaxy, but Saudi Arabia would be inspected together as a third country.

After the Americans boarded the Galaxy, Sha Zukang asked the captain to lower the Chinese flag on board to half-mast as a sign of shame.

And at this time, because the United States claimed that our Galaxy was loaded with dangerous chemicals, the Americans who boarded the ship for inspection were wearing thick biochemical protective clothing and wearing a large gas mask on their faces, as if there was a "zombie virus" on our ship.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

Seeing the Americans dressed like this, Sha Zukang sent the captain to the control room and turned off all the fans and air conditioners on the ship.

This is more than 50 degrees of temperature, and it is at sea, the humidity is needless to say, since you want to check the United States, then slowly check it, the Galaxy up and down 10 floors, close to 700 containers, if you in the United States is really so "concerned about the safety of the world", then it will not even be unable to eat this bit of suffering.

In this way, Sha Zukang and the crew sat next to them, wearing cool short sleeves and blowing the sea breeze, watching a group of American prosecutors in thick protective suits climb up and down.

In the end, the two American leaders couldn't stand it and ran over to ask Sha Zukang to turn on the air conditioner and fan on the ship, and Sha Zukang shook his head when he heard this: "It's not that we don't turn on, but our air conditioning fans are all broken." ”

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

Looking at the angry and corrupt Americans, Sha Zukang smiled again: "You United States are developed countries, we China is just a developing country, and you can't compare with you, our technology is not as advanced as yours, these machines are broken, we have no way, we can't repair." ”

Hearing a robbery, the Americans can only be smoked by the seven tricks of anger, but they have nothing to say.

After some inspection, the Galaxy did not find any dangerous chemicals, and in the face of this embarrassing situation, the Americans once again spilled: "Not in the box we have checked, then in the box that has not been checked." ”

Immediately, they really opened all the boxes that had not been opened, but in the end, it was inspection and testing, and there was nothing they wanted on the ship.

Faced with a farce starring himself, the situation of Americans is becoming more and more embarrassing.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

Finally, on September 4, the mainland, the United States, and Saudi Arabia completed the "investigation report" on the Galaxy and returned our Chinese innocence, and the United States, in this farce concocted by itself, was like a clown jumping up and down, and finally returned home.

But after that, Sha Zukang and the relevant leaders of our country deeply felt the helplessness of the situation that was stronger than people, and after this, Sha Zukang suggested developing our own navigation system, because at that time, the United States turned off their GPS, and our Galaxy could only be silently stopped in place, even if it wanted to go, we didn't know where to go.

Therefore, it is very important to have our own satellite navigation system and our own "eyes", and this also promotes the research and development of the "Beidou satellite navigation system".

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

Talk back

In 2001, Sha Zukang was promoted to Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva, which is equivalent to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Geneva.

At that time, the ambassadors of other countries in Geneva came to congratulate Sha Zukang and gave him a welcome meeting in accordance with international practice.

But at this time, the first thing the British ambassador saw when he saw Sha Zukang was: "Hello Ambassador, we in the British Empire are very concerned about the human rights situation in China. ”

At this welcome banquet, everyone paid a courtesy visit, but the British ambassador's words were obviously already with guns and sticks, with obvious provocative implications.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

Hearing this, Sha Zukang just nodded: "Your Excellency, Ambassador, see you, do you know what I am thinking?" ”

The British ambassador couldn't help but wonder, "What are you thinking?" ”

Sha Zukang smiled: "Seeing your honorable countenance, I can't help but think of the Opium War." ”

"More than 100 years ago, you forced the Chinese people to smoke opium, and even planted opium in China, and after we in China refused, you directly set off the Opium War, whether it was opium or opium war, it was not a manifestation of human rights to the Chinese, and you illegally occupied our Hong Kong for a century and a half, and did not evacuate Hong Kong until 97. Now that you are suddenly concerned about human rights in China, I think there is some violation. ”

After hearing these words, the British ambassador's face instantly became ugly, but he still pretended to be tough: "In fact, our country does not care too much about your human rights in China, but our people are more concerned, and some non-governmental organizations are also very concerned about Chinese rights." ”

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

After Listening, Sha Zukang only waved his hand: "I am doing diplomatic work, and dealing with your Western countries is not a year or two, I understand the influence of your Western non-governmental organizations, but we have 1.3 billion people in China, more than you in the United Kingdom, we also have a lot of non-governmental organizations in China, they also have different views from our government, but because your NGOs have this kind of concern, you have to ask me this kind of question on behalf of them on this occasion. Isn't that a good fit? Or is it that your governmental organizations cannot manage non-governmental organizations, and is the government of the British Empire already incompetent to such an extent? ”

The British ambassador who heard these words could only sit down awkwardly.

After the incident, Sha Zukang still said: "Don't ask me if I think about the relationship between China and Britain, because when he asked me this question, he didn't consider the relationship between China and Britain, we are talking about equality, what kind of political purpose he is doing this for, he absolutely knows in his heart, that is, he is not malicious, I fight back against him is a very correct thing, if I do not fight back, he will become more and more arrogant." ”

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

Give you a mirror

In March 2004, at the 60th United Nations Human Rights Conference, the United States put forward an anti-China proposal and also said that there was a "White Paper on Human Rights in China", which showed that China does not stress human rights and demanded that all countries in the world condemn and boycott China.

However, at this time, Sha Zukang stepped forward and looked at the United States with great disdain: "My American friend, we in China are a developing country, poor is a little poor, but no matter how poor our country is, there are still a few mirrors, if you in the United States are inconvenient, we can send you some mirrors for free." ”

I can contact the Information Office of the State Department and ask them to write a white paper on human rights in the United States, hoping that you can look at it in comparison, but I hope you don't read it at night, because after reading it, you will not be able to sleep."

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

Suddenly, the people present all turned their attention to the United States, and the representatives of the United States only felt that their faces were hot.

Next, Sha Zukang gave a 4-minute defense, but his speech was interrupted by applause five times.

In the end, the US anti-China proposal failed to pass.

In August, the British BBC came to interview Sha Zukang, and in the interview, the reporter asked whether China has been increasing its military budget, and the United States is very worried about this.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

After Sha Zukang listened, he immediately shouted in the air and angrily rebuked the United States: "There is nothing better than the United States to shut up and keep quiet." ”

"The United States is not worthy of condemning China, especially in the matter of military budgets, the United States should do its own thing, this is okay, but please do not teach China to do things."

At that time, Sha Zukang was our ambassador for arms control and disarmament, and it can be said that the words of the British reporter just hit the muzzle of the gun. Whether or not to undermine world peace, Sha Zukang is definitely the most vocal.

Today, China's national strength has become much stronger, our nation is in the process of great rejuvenation, we already have sufficient naval strength, air force strength, escort our merchant ships sailing abroad, and there will never be any more events like the Galaxy.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

The "diplomatic groups" of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs are more and more in line with China's independent diplomatic principles, and the more they can give voice to our own Voice.

"Hawkish" diplomats like Sha Zukang have undoubtedly set an example for our later diplomats, and in his nearly 40 years of diplomatic career, almost none of the speeches and negotiations have left China behind. In this kind of high-intelligence and high-intensity competition of diplomacy, Sha Zukang undoubtedly showed our Chinese style.

Sha Zukang: China's first "hawkish" diplomat, who silenced the United States 18 years ago

In 2012, Sha Zukang stepped down from his post as Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and was succeeded by Wu Hongbo, who can be said to have done an excellent job of the task entrusted to him by the motherland.

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