
Capture the thief and capture the king and behead the enemy chieftain - Bing Shengchen recalls the "bearded commander" of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition annihilating the Japanese army

author:Jiang Jiro

In the summer of 1935, the Japanese army used an elite unit of "starting soldiers" and, under the command of the bearded "commander of the bandits," Yamada, frantically clamored to completely encircle and suppress the Raohe Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Brigade in Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang.

Under the leadership of Comrade Li Xuefu, Commander li Xuefu, Deputy Commander Park Zhenyu, Director of the Political Department Li Douwen, and with the close cooperation of the Anti-Japanese Salvation Congress, we were active in the Raohe area and persisted in the anti-Japanese guerrilla war.

At that time, the situation was: When the enemy is strong, I will break into pieces, disperse my activities, and hide and seek with the enemy in the deep mountains and dense forests; when the enemy is weak and strong, I will gather in a whole and concentrate our forces on attacking the enemy in order to deplete the enemy's living strength.

Sometimes in order to get rid of the enemy's pursuit, it is possible to move several places in one night; or in order to strike at the enemy, wearing stars and wearing the moon, climbing high mountains, crossing meadows, marching rapidly for several consecutive nights, and sometimes there is no food for several meals.

Bullets, weapons, supplies, etc., in addition to the support of the Anti-Japanese Salvation Congress at the risk of life, were mainly taken from the hands of the enemy. Coupled with the sun during the day in the summer, the wind and rain at night, and the bites of mosquitoes and grasshoppers, the comrades have tasted all the hardships.

In these difficult days, no one has ever cried bitterness, and every comrade has a pure heart and revolutionary optimism of infinite loyalty to the party and the revolution, and has the confidence that the War of Resistance will inevitably win.

I still remember that when we encountered difficulties, we couldn't help but sing a "guerrilla song of four seasons" written by Director Li Douwen:

In the spring, the guerrilla land is for my own use, the road is slippery, the river is ice-free, the enemy is difficult to move, not greedy, not afraid of death, brave to kill the enemy, the revolution grows like a bud, can not be suppressed;

Summer guerrilla grass and trees to help each other, the leaves are thick, the grass and trees are long, everywhere can be hidden, do not panic, do not busy, aim at the enemy's chest, kill the enemy in the front to be calm, in order to win the battle;

The spirit of guerrilla warfare in autumn is particularly refreshing, fighting The Japanese Kou, killing the dogs, the best strategies, ascending the high mountains, needing to go out on expeditions, being out of sight and ghost, winning night attacks, and being famous all over the world;

In winter, we have strong skills in guerrilla warfare, wear pedals, whisk long poles, wear full armor, ascend high mountains, walk in the mud, walk faster than horses, drive away Japanese robbers, and be famous for their achievements.

Yes, we have always been so optimistic, we have never been afraid of difficulties, no matter how crazy the enemy is, no matter how harsh the environment, we are used to going up to it, defeating it, the truth is on our side, we must win.

On summer nights in the Raohe area, there are still some chills, and because there are many waters, mosquitoes are also particularly numerous and powerful, which has become our most hated enemy.

It was a dark night, and the moon on the lower string was only a crescent as large as a sickle, and nothing could be seen from a mile or two away.

We waded through the water to the mouth of the gate, intending to let the troops rest in the village for a good night.

In order not to alarm the masses, our second and fourth companies only found some houses at both ends of the village to live in, and I took the third row to live in the west end of the village, and the second row lived next door.

Probably missing the wind, that night, the bearded commander of the Japanese Kouda personally led more than eighty days of puppet troops in an attempt to sneak up on us by night.

In the middle of the night the enemy touched in, first the second platoon found the enemy and opened fire.

From experience, I understood what was going on, so I whispered three rows: "Follow me!"

Who knew that I had just taken a half-step towards the door, and from the door I stabbed a knife, so dangerous! My clothes were punctured and my belly was already feeling cold.

I hurried back, pulled out my pistol and fired a few shots at either side of the door, killing a ghost.

Then I jumped out of the door, a bullet passed by me, I quickly fell to the ground, through the faint moonlight, faintly able to see a ghost standing next to the door. I fired two shots at this guy, and the devil fell down before he could scream.

Needless to ask, the gate had long since been sealed, and I led my comrades to lean against the wall from the backyard over the low wall, out of the village from the northwest corner, just in time to meet a row.

The second company at the eastern end of the village, in order to cover our withdrawal from the battle, cut the enemy's rear road and gave the enemy a fierce blow.

When we had all left the village, the enemy still fired indiscriminately in the village, and then retreated to the north mountain.

According to reports from the masses, the enemy carried more than thirty dead bodies as he was leaving, and the enemy's bearded commander was also broken on one leg.

In the battle to close the mouth, the bearded man broke a leg, suffered enough, and went to Xinjing (that is, Changchun) for more than two months for treatment, and his injuries were not completely cleared, so he was anxious to be discharged and returned to Raohe.

Because he held a grudge against us, he openly swore that "he would not be willing to die without destroying the anti-Japanese army" and ordered that the anti-Japanese army should not be given a little territory or a grain of grain, and if there were any "bandits", they should be immediately shot and killed.

However, he did not understand that this land is the land of our Chinese people, he did not understand that "planting melons and melons, planting beans will get beans, and whoever plants hatred will suffer", and he will not understand what kind of flesh-and-blood relationship the masses of the people and the anti-Japanese coalition army have.

Although the enemy kills, robs, burns, and rapes, we will still receive food and supplies from the patriotic masses, and we will still have a sharp knife deeply inserted in the enemy's heart, and we will have the initiative to kill the devils and dogs at any time and at any time.

In late August, by the Xitong River, near Xiaobei Mountain, it was really a narrow road, and the bearded man bumped into us again.

It was a high-spirited day, and the bearded commander chose the sunrise division for the first time after being discharged from the hospital.

This guy led more than a hundred "starters" to go north from the Rao River down the Ussuri River by steamboat, disembarked near the Xitong River, carried out a aimless "sweep", and came out to play with the mighty wind and kill people to relieve hatred.

My reconnaissance personnel probed the enemy's situation and reported to the brigade headquarters, and at this time it was already inconvenient to transfer. Therefore, the brigade decided to surprise the enemy, break with the norm, and occupy the favorable terrain in advance in the middle of the day, in a large gang area north of Xiaobei Mountain on the Xitong River, set up a position, and ambush the enemy.

The first and second companies of our brigade occupy the western half of Dagang and a small unnamed highland at the western end of The Gang, and can control the meadow area north of Xitong Village to the north and a section of the Xitong River to the south.

Our fourth and third companies occupied the eastern half of Dagang and ambushed the enemy on the road through which the enemy must pass.

At ten o'clock in the morning, a group of Japanese devils came with a plaster flag, and the "Broken Leg Commander" rode an Oriental horse in the middle of the queue, so as not to be "mighty".

When the enemy had circled the jungle and waded through the meadows, a hundred and ten meters away from us, we had clearly seen the bearded man pointing at his feet and not knowing what to say.

The comrades were all looking at me, as if they were blaming me for not calling for a beating, but in fact, my heart was already itching.

Looking back at Commander Wang, it seemed that he could still calm down. I see, he also wanted to do it earlier, probably because he wanted to get the enemy closer so that he could fight harder.

The tense silence before the battle was about to begin was really uncomfortable.

The enemy gradually approached, and with a sound of gunfire, the battle began.

Under the concentrated fire, the "commander of the horse" fell off the horse and became the "order to die on the horse".

The enemy would never have dreamed that we would ambush them during the day, and immediately became chaotic, bumping into each other, and climbing east and west one by one.

A few guys who are not afraid of death grab the leg of the "death order" and pull it into the jungle like a dead dog.

Enemy heavy machine guns were erected in a small puddle, which posed a great threat to us. Eating meat or choosing the big ones to do it, our platoon took on the glorious task of suppressing the enemy's heavy machine gun fire.

The little devils were very stubborn, and after being killed and replaced by another, we killed eight machine gunners in a row.

The enemy wanted to use the corpses as cover, one dead ghost may be too fat, two ghosts lying on the ground can not move, want to crouch up and lift, but as soon as they look up, they are knocked down by me, and never dare to stand up again.

The enemy made five attacks in a row, but they were completely suppressed by our firepower, and finally entered the small dense forest and under the earthen hills, leaving behind more than thirty corpses.

No one cared about themselves in the middle of the battle. As soon as I stopped, I felt that my left arm hurt so much that when I rolled up my sleeves, it was the wound that had cracked again (the previous injury I had suffered at Lotus Mountain). I tore a piece of cloth on my clothes and tied it up.

At this time, Instructor Wu came to our third platoon and called on everyone to avenge the death of our compatriots and to avenge the comrades who sacrificed, and we must fight tenaciously.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the enemy began a sixth charge, concentrating on my third company.

We were ordered to support three companies with fire and to attack the enemy and seize the heavy machine guns.

I fired a few more rounds in one go, and ran out of all the two hundred and sixty rounds I had brought with me.

When I asked xiao wang next to me for a bullet, I found that his face was pale and he wanted to say something in his mouth, but he couldn't say it.

I hurried to take a closer look and saw that he had suffered three wounds and that his clothes had been penetrated by blood. I took him in my arms and tried to carry him down, but he refused.

He laboriously removed the bullet bag from his body and handed it to me, and it took half a day to squeeze a few words out of his teeth: "Platoon leader... Give me...... Report..."

He didn't say anything more and slowly closed his eyes. I called out to him a few times, his eyelids tried to open but didn't open them, and his lips moved twice. I took his hand and the tears couldn't stop flowing, I hate! I will definitely avenge the little king!

At some point, the second company went around the enemy's back and started, and the enemy was in chaos. At this time, Comrade Park Zhenyu, the deputy commander of the brigade, began to counterattack with three companies, and the enemy heavy machine gun took his life and took my lovely comrade-in-arms and chief.

The old hatred and the new hatred made me forget everything, and without even asking the company commander for instructions, I ordered the deputy platoon commander to continue to suppress the enemy machine guns with firepower, and I led a squad to charge down from the flank towards the enemy heavy machine guns.

The enemy was caught between the front and back. At this juncture, gunshots rang out from behind us, more than sixty of the greyhounds (pseudo-police force) of Nguyen Phuc Hoa House raided our backs, and the Thirty-fifth Regiment of the Puppet Manchu Army in the direction of the Southeast XiaobeiShan also fired at us at the same time.

In this sudden emergency, our minds are still completely clear, and we are not worth fighting with the enemy. The life of one of our comrades cannot be exchanged for the lives of ten hundred enemies.

Therefore, the regiment sent a signal that the first and second companies had been transferred from the northwest, ordering us to withdraw from the battle immediately.

Because I was familiar with the local terrain, the task of covering the transfer of the main forces of the third and fourth companies was gloriously won over by our three platoons. At that time, I asked the deputy platoon leader to lead a squad to resist the greyhounds, and the rest of the people were under my command to suppress the Japanese devils.

Since ammunition is getting less and less, I call on everyone to be strong and composed, to shoot one shot at a time, and to resolutely not let the enemy move forward.

After the third and fourth companies successfully withdrew from the battle, I immediately asked the deputy platoon commander to lead the entire platoon to move in the direction of the Xiajia River, and I came to take cover.

But the deputy platoon commander insisted that I go, and I didn't know how I could be so excited: "When is this, give me a go, this is the order!"

The deputy platoon commander knew that my temper was the same, so he insisted on leaving me three comrades, and then led the whole platoon out of the battle.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, when there were enemies on all sides, the greyhounds shouted at us and shouted that they would be caught alive. These guys went to the "Big Knife in front of the Guan Gong Gate" and sold it in front of us.

After analyzing the situation, I took three comrades on my back to carry a wounded man, and with my wit and familiarity with the terrain, I entered the jungle behind the enemy from the devil's flank, and returned to the company at the Xiajia River that night.

Feng Shengchen (1901-1980), a native of Jimo County, Shandong Province. In 1934, he joined the Raohe Guerrilla Group of the Seventh Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army and joined the Party in the same year. From 1942 to 1945, he went to the Soviet Union to study. He successively served as a platoon commander, a company commander, and an adjutant of the Seventh Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition. After the restoration of the northeast, he served as the commander of Raohe County. In 1948, he changed his profession and served as the deputy director of Qingyang Farm, the director of the Processing Factory of Ning'an Farm, the director of the store, and the deputy mayor of Shixiang.

In 1935, after joining the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, He moved to the Areas of Raohe, Fujin and Hulin in Heilongjiang. During the battle, he was brave and tenacious, and was wounded many times. A bullet from the Japanese invaders, which remained in his right arm for nearly 30 years, was surgically removed in 1963 and is now in the collection of the Ning'an County Cultural Relics Management Station. In 1948, due to excessive injuries and poor physical strength, He was transferred to the farm and assigned to the oil depot as a director.

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