
Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

author:British newspaper sister

The most popular person in the European and American entertainment circles in these two days should be mel gibson. The veteran actor who was put on the altar for directing "Braveheart" and playing William Wallace may be the most invincible scumbag in all of Hollywood.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

In the 30 years of his fame, he was homophobic, abusive, white supremacy, drunk driving, alcoholics and abused, and even investigated for hiring a murderer... There is no one in the world like him, who is crazy to the extreme, but can still be respected by Hollywood as a top male star.

But in the past few days, Hollywood, which has "no bottom line", has finally been completely broken by one of his moves...

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="133" > profess Trump, the spokesperson for the extreme right</h1>

Mel Gibson became a global hit for "Braveheart," winning two Oscars.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

The image of the Scottish flag painted on the face and shouting "freedom" in the play is also known as the history of the film.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

There are also classic masterpieces such as "Mad Max", "Hacksaw Ridge", "Lethal Weapon" and so on.

His consistent tough guy image made him the hottest man and was invited to be Time Magazine's Cover Man of the Year (george whizzing Bush replaced him after he declined). Won the Golden Globe Award, the Chevalier of the French government, numerous award nominations.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Mel Gibson's acting career was quite successful, but the day before yesterday, a video of him blew the net up. Netizens found that in the UFC fighting competition in the United States, Trump attended the venue. Among the people who welcomed between the two sides, Gibson was seen saluting Trump.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Netizens couldn't believe it at first, thinking it was just someone else who looked like Gibson. As a result, this excited Sichuan fan is really the emperor himself.

Many of trump's supporters are racist and white supremacists, and they are bound to be scolded by netizens. Especially in today's mainstream culture in the United States to develop to pluralism, Hollywood as a whole is liberal, almost all the Sichuan fans are killed, and people with a rod in their hearts will not casually show their support for Trump.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Most conservative celebrities either disguise themselves as liberals or do not express their opinions, and no one dares to support Trump in person, and Gibson is really dead this time.

Netizens ridiculed that Mel Gibson, who saluted the military, suddenly moved his family from the United States to Australia that year, one of the reasons was that his father escaped military service in the Vietnam War in order to help him escape the Vietnam War. Coincidentally, Trump, who was saluted, his father also bought him a fake case to escape the same military service, which is simply two garbage smells the same.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Another questioned: "How many times does Mel Gibson have to show that he is an sb to make you realize that he is really an sb??? ”

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

To tell the truth, he has done no less ridiculous things than Trump over the years, but he can come back again and again, on fire, and make a lot of money. One can't help but ask why this is ???

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="132" > crazy racist trolls</h1>

Mel Gibson has always admitted to being a traditionalist Catholic, but he began drinking at the age of 13 and became an adult with severe alcoholism and mania. People Magazine reported that he drank 5 pints of beer a day for breakfast, was often drunk all day, and raced while drunk.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

In 1984, Gibson, who had just been a little red, drunkenly drove a car, but fortunately did not cause casualties and was detained for 3 months. In 2006, he was arrested again by the police for drunk speeding.

The policewoman who stopped him at the time clearly saw a wine bottle thrown next to his cab, but Gibson unreasonably made a fuss that the police wanted to blackmail him. And verbally harassed the female police officer who said she had "sugar nais" and suddenly began abusing Jews during the arrest.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Drunk, he yelled at the policeman that "Jews should be responsible for all wars in the world", "Damn Jews, how come they are not dead yet", and finally sentenced to 3 years of probation and compulsory abstinence for drunk driving and insulting public officials. He was also pulled out to intimidate the police to delete all the records that were unfavorable to him, until the 4 pages of torn information were dug up by the tabloids and publicly executed.

But Gibson actually only paid the fine, and also said that he "has an alcohol problem in the whole family, so it is difficult for him to quit drinking" to shirk his responsibility. He also said that his anti-Semitic remarks were also due to drinking too much and being "insane."

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

He also once cursed the goddess Winona. At a gathering of friends, Winona sat next to Gibson with a gay friend. Gibson first pointed at Winona's friend and taunted, "Are you gay? Am I going to be infected with AIDS? (He was later accused of anti-gay remarks several times) then turned to winona, a Jew, and asked, "You wouldn't be an oven-dodgers, would you?" ”

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

You may not know how disgusting the word is, but it comes from the extremely bad name that the Jewish concentration camps during World War II threw Holocaust victims into incinerators and cremated.

A famous screenwriter who has worked with Gibson also said that he likes to insult Jews with discriminatory language such as "Hebes," "oven-dodgers" and "Jew-boys" on a daily basis. It is reasonable to say that Hollywood is the world of Jews, and such a discriminator should have banned him a long time ago, right?

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Not really! What's even more outrageous is that they actually gave him several film resources about Jewish history! It's the most ridiculous thing in history. (The reason will be answered below)

And this big troll not only scolded Jews, homosexuals, although he was Catholic, but openly called the previous Vatican Pope John Paul II as "antichrist" and "devil", which made the Holy See also furious, and he often used the N-beginning word that insulted black people, which would be torn apart today. But the most disgusting thing is his domestic violence incident.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="65" > domestic violence and vomit blood, and still want to buy a murderer wife? </h1>

Mel Gibson married his wife from a young age as a young actor, but after becoming famous in 2007, he cheated on Russian pianist Oksana Grigorieva, 14 years younger, eventually leading to the couple's divorce.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

With Gibson, Gregorieva converted to Catholicism and gave birth to two children, but soon she discovered that it wasn't worth it.

In 2010, Grigorieva reported to police that she had been punched in the face by Gibson, resulting in a broken tooth, a tooth falling out, and a slight concussion. Gibson put his arm against her throat in an attempt to suffocate her, pinching her mouth to keep her from speaking.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

After his girlfriend struggled to break free, Gibson pulled out a gun and threatened to kill her, their children, and himself. In the end, the girlfriend ran out of the house barefoot with the child in her arms to escape the disaster.

Gibson, on the other hand, absurdly shirked responsibility after a false apology in the statement: "I just slapped her and wanted her to wake up, I didn't hit her hard." I really don't know what concept he thinks "force" is...

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Gibson refused to admit it, and finally forced Grigorieva to release 6 volumes of the conversation between the two, the content can be described as shocking! Gibson's two foul mouths, hysterical screams, roars, mixed with all sorts of slut-shaming and racist horror remarks.

One of the passages is that he is dissatisfied with his girlfriend's sexy dress, has had breast augmentation surgery, and the words are too dirty to be fully translated...

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

He scolded his girlfriend for being

Like a pig in love, if you've been raped by a bunch of (N-words), you deserve it too.

"Your breasts are too big, you look like those Las Vegas biaos, prostitutes, and you definitely want to walk around in public in tights to provoke men."

"You always wear provocative clothes, seduce men with your fake nai, and wear leggings so that others can see your x from behind."

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Because he was emotionally insane for a while, and he was indeed mentally abnormal, his girlfriend said "you need medication", and he went crazy:

"I need a woman, not a tmd girl with a problem with her lower body, and I don't need medication. You just need to be a tmd baseball bat wheel head."

And always show a kind of this is mine, the money you use is mine, you are a, you must obey aggressive. In these 6 tapes, Gibson personally confessed to domestic violence. And he beat his girlfriend up while she was still holding their daughter.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Grigorieva questioned him: "What kind of man would punch a woman twice and punch her in the face while she was holding a child?" Is that still human? Gibson's answer was one – you tmd deserve it!

TMZ also reported that the Orange County District Attorney in North Carolina also investigated a case of buying a homicide, reportedly gibson who spent $30,000 to hire a killer to kill Grigorieva because of custody issues. But the killer who was asked for the price happened to be undercover by the police, so he prevented it from happening.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

After abuse, abuse, domestic violence and other behaviors, Gibson's final result was only to pay a huge settlement fee, and was sentenced to three years of probation, social services and compulsory psychological counseling, as well as physical restraint orders against ex-girlfriends and children.

This is all 2010, social networks have been very developed, domestic violence of the legal coffee should not be cool?? Still not, and even almost won an Oscar again.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

For Mel Gibson, who is full of poisons, why is Hollywood so tolerant? Simply put, because he can make money. Mel Gibson's business prowess was a printing press for Hollywood.

For more than a decade, Gibson's films, especially those he directed, have always made windfalls for investors and partners. The money is like a papal indulgence. As long as the film side makes money, the scolded ancestors can also laugh it off.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

For example, "Braveheart", with a budget investment of $70 million, was not very optimistic at the time, and as a result, it won $213 million at the box office and won five Oscars (including 2 awards belonging to Gibson), which is simply a bumper harvest.

But just like that, the independent film "The Passion of Christ" cost only $30 million, but won the global box office of $612 million, and Gibson alone made $500 million. This is not even an English film, the whole film is composed of Hebrew, Latin and other small languages.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

In 2006, he directed the Mayan civilization theme film "Revelation", which used the ancient Mayan language as dialogue throughout the whole process, and was basically determined to lose money by the industry, and finally made 120 million US dollars, and was also selected to send Chong Olympic. One by one, Hollywood's gold lords blossomed.

Although it was true that he was ostensibly banned for 10 years for anti-Semitic remarks, he actually maintained the production of one film a year. Because he saw his talent in the film business, it is said that he performed very well on the set, so the gold lord will continue to invest. If the reputation is too bad to be an actor, then be a director, after all, most viewers will not pay attention to who the director of the film is.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Sure enough, in 2016, his comeback "Hacksaw Ridge" once again raised Gibson to the altar, and the box office also won 6 Oscar nominations. People's love for this work once again masked his previous convictions.

And when the audience sees Gibson committing crimes again and again, and being praised again and again, people will begin to feel numb and indifferent to the bad things he has done, as if the five poisons have become his human set-up.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Plus, while the United States appears to be a multicultural world, a significant number of whites are conservatives and religious figures who worship Gibson. Never underestimate the number and combat effectiveness of these people, they just don't often haunt left-wing social media.

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?

Ironically, Hollywood, which constantly revitalizes Gibson's "looking at money," has undergone a qualitative change in the past two years. Money is still important these days, but political correctness and stance have taken over money and become something more fearful in Hollywood. That's why he paid tribute to Trump but was blamed like never before — my lord, times have changed.

But this time will cause Gibson to withdraw from the circle? Before there is a new explosive scandal, it is estimated that it will be difficult...

Hollywood's most foul-smelling scumbag! Domestic violence girlfriend buys a murderous wife, and after being sentenced, she is still the top stream? Confess Trump, extreme right-wing spokesperson crazy racist trolls domestic violence vomit blood, still want to buy a murderous wife?