
Liaoning Province clarified the "one circle, one belt and two zones" regional coordinated development timetable task book

author:Northeast News Network

Reporters Hu Hailin, Dong Hanbo, and Li Yue

A thousand jun will be a feather, light and heavy in balance. Coordination is an inherent requirement for sustained and healthy development. Solving the problem of coordinated regional development is related to the overall situation of revitalization and development.

Recently, the "Three-year Action Plan for Liaoning Province to Promote the Coordinated Development of the "One Circle, One Belt, Two Regions" Region" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") was issued, which clarified the timetable and task statement for the work in this regard. On February 16, the Information Office of the Provincial Government held a press conference, and the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission interpreted the document and answered questions from reporters.

The "Plan" highlights four major characteristics

In recent years, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have attached great importance to the promotion and implementation of the regional development pattern of "one circle, one belt and two regions". The 13th Provincial Party Congress will accelerate the promotion of the coordinated development of the "one circle, one belt and two regions" region as a major strategic task for the revitalization and development of Liaoning in the next 5 years, clarify the development direction and work priorities, and propose to strengthen the overall planning at the provincial level, strengthen the overall design, improve the work promotion mechanism, give play to the comparative advantages of various localities, and form a development situation in which each shows its strengths and coordinates together. This year, the provincial government work report also proposed that our province formulate and implement a three-year action plan to promote the "one circle, one belt and two regions" to achieve results.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, in order to implement the spirit of the 13th Provincial Party Congress and the work deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, together with various cities and departments, focused on the development function positioning, main objectives, key tasks, and safeguard measures of the "one circle, one belt, two regions", strengthened the overall design, carried out in-depth investigation and research, fully combined with the actual development, conscientiously absorbed the opinions and suggestions of the provincial CPPCC and other relevant parties, carefully planned major projects, key projects, and important reform and innovation measures, and compiled and formed the "Plan".

The "Plan" embodies four characteristics: First, it pays attention to the embodiment of the new development concept, adheres to the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept throughout the entire process of regional development, fully reflects the requirements of innovative development, coordinated development, green development, open development and shared development, pays attention to development taste, maintains strategic determination, and unswervingly promotes high-quality development; The second is to pay attention to reflecting the revitalization strategy of Liaoning, adhere to the strategic layout of building a regional development pattern of "one circle, one belt and two regions", fully embody the strategic requirements of maintaining the political mission of "five major security", doing a good job in structural adjustment of the "three major articles", building a "digital Liaoning, intelligently creating a strong province", and building a new frontier of opening up to the outside world, and focusing on building a plate support and power system for high-quality development; The third is to pay attention to reflecting the comparative advantages of various localities, highlight the role of Shenyang and Dalian in "dual-core" driving radiation, comprehensively consider the resource endowments and development characteristics of various regions, strengthen strategic coordination, division of labor and cooperation, promote the rational flow and efficient agglomeration of factors, and promote the formation of a development situation in which each region exhibits its strengths and advances in synergy; The fourth is to pay attention to the implementation of the requirements, adhere to the overall design and specific implementation of the combination, the establishment of a working mechanism, with high-quality projects, major projects, reform and innovation measures as the starting point, adhere to the engineering promotion, project implementation, list management, to ensure the high-quality completion of various goals and tasks.

Clarify the target positioning of each region

The coordinated development of Liaoning region, so as to achieve overall planning, global progress, overall upgrading, and then achieve the beauty of each other, the United States and the United States, can not be separated from a clear strategic positioning.

The "Plan" clearly states that the Shenyang Modern Metropolitan Area should build a national new industrialization demonstration zone, a livable place for high-quality life in the north of the mainland, and a collaborative innovation model area for the modern metropolitan area, and create a leading area for the comprehensive revitalization of northeast China;

The Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt should build a pilot zone for industrial structure optimization and economic and social development in northeast China, an important international shipping center in Northeast Asia and a cooperation zone for marine economic development, and create a new highland for national opening up and cooperation; The integration of western Liaoning into the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development Strategy Pilot Zone should be built into the Northeast Revitalization and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development Strategy Cooperation Zone, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei-Liaoning Green Ecological Security Barrier, and create a new growth pole for high-quality economic development in Liaoning; The Liaodong Green Economic Zone should be built into a key ecological function area, a green industry agglomeration area, and a global tourism demonstration area, and create a model area for the construction of ecological civilization in the province.

Our province proposed that after three years of efforts, the construction of "one circle, one belt and two regions" should make significant progress, the plate support system and power system of high-quality development should be basically formed, the radiation driving role of central cities should be significantly enhanced, the benign interaction between coastal and hinterland, and the regional development should be more coordinated.

The "Plan" clearly defines the three development goals: the one-hour traffic circle of Shenyang's modern metropolitan area has been basically completed, forming a number of leading characteristic industrial clusters of more than 100 billion yuan, the added value of manufacturing industry will strive to reach 30% of the regional GDP, the regional GDP of Shenyang will strive to reach 1 trillion yuan, the added value of strategic emerging industries will account for 15% of the regional GDP, and the urbanization rate will exceed 85%; The Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt has become the main engine leading the high-quality development of the northeast region, the average annual growth rate of the actual utilization of foreign capital and foreign trade import and export exceeded the national average, the GDP of Dalian City exceeded 1 trillion yuan, and the added value of strategic emerging industries accounted for 15% of the regional GDP.

In the same period, the integration of western Liaoning into the Pilot Zone of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development Strategy initially formed a pattern of cascade linkage, coordination and complementarity, mutual benefit and win-win with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the growth rate of regional GDP was higher than the provincial average, and the growth rate of fixed asset investment reached 15%; The role of the "Liaoning Green Lung" in the Liaodong Green Economic Zone is becoming more and more obvious, the important position of the ecological security barrier is more stable, the green economic system has initially taken shape, the popularity of global tourism has been significantly improved, the forest coverage rate has been further improved, the forest stock has increased by 7.7%, and the added value of tourism and related industries has accounted for 5% of the regional GDP.

Propose regional priorities

Regarding what tasks the relevant parties of the "one circle, one belt and two zones" will undertake and what work needs to be done next, at the press conference, the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission gave a detailed explanation.

Shenda's "dual-core" demonstration and leading role should be enhanced. The relevant person in charge of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission said that the "Plan" clearly supports Shenyang and Dalian to take the lead in development, explore and carry out pilot experiments of high-quality development, pioneer and innovate at a higher level, deeper level and wider field, and be a pioneer and take the lead in the high-quality development of the province. At the same time, the "Plan" focuses on the construction of Shenyang National Central City, the construction of Dalian Northeast Asia Marine Strong City, and the strengthening of "dual-core" coordination and linkage, etc., and proposes key tasks such as accelerating the construction of "one hub and four centers" in Shenyang, accelerating the construction of "four centers and one base" in Dalian, and coordinating the construction of the Liaoning Central and Southern City Cluster and the Shenda National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone.

In terms of accelerating the construction of Shenyang's modern metropolitan area, it is necessary to give better play to the agglomeration radiation, industrial synergy and urbanization effects of urban agglomeration, focus on cultivating connectivity, aggregation and diffusion capabilities, and create a new industrialization demonstration zone and an important growth pole for the revitalization and development of Northeast China. Focusing on optimizing the development layout, promoting the interconnection of facilities, and building an innovation community, the "Plan" proposes to promote the development of Shenfu and the same city, build an infrastructure network, and strengthen the deep integration of the innovation chain industry chain.

In terms of promoting the development and opening up of the Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt, it is clear that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of the "two pioneer zones", strengthen the division of labor and cooperation in the industry, make the marine economy and the port economy bigger and stronger, participate in regional cooperation in Northeast Asia at a high level, and create a new highland leading the opening up and cooperation in Northeast China. Focusing on building a new frontier of opening up to the outside world, implementing innovation-driven development strategies, and building a modern industrial system, the "Plan" proposes to smooth the sea and land corridors, build a high-quality platform for opening up to the outside world, and strengthen key core technologies.

Focusing on the construction of the pilot zone for the integration of western Liaoning into the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy, our province clearly wants to give full play to its location advantages, deepen the two-way flow of resource elements with Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, focus on introducing innovative resources, jointly cultivate advantageous industrial clusters, and build a green agricultural product supply base, clean energy supply area, and tourism and leisure destination for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Focusing on strengthening the integration and docking with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei corridor, industry, platform, market, ecology and other aspects, we put forward key tasks such as improving the comprehensive transportation system, strengthening the docking and cooperation of the entire agricultural industry chain, and promoting the integration of the cultural, tourism and health care market.

How to accelerate the construction of the Liaodong Green Economic Zone, our province proposes to build a green and low-carbon industrial system, increase ecological compensation, strengthen the role of water resources protection, and create a win-win cooperation, vitality, open and rich green development demonstration zone. Focusing on the construction of key ecological function zones, the construction of green and low-carbon industrial agglomeration areas, the construction of global tourism demonstration areas, and the improvement of infrastructure guarantee capabilities, key tasks such as comprehensively improving forest ecological functions, strengthening biodiversity conservation, and optimizing and strengthening the economy of mountainous areas are proposed.

The press conference also proposed that our province will focus on key areas and key links, creatively plan and implement a number of reform measures, form a number of high-level institutional innovation achievements, break down institutional and institutional obstacles restricting the coordinated development of the region, and continuously enhance the momentum and vitality of regional development.