
The Nets have won again! King of Thomas's last quarter, Ade had an efficient double-double and made a 26-point comeback

After Harden and Ben Simmons swap owners, Curry Jr. and Drummond, who were trading chips, finally made their debuts in Brooklyn. In that game challenged by the Kings, Curry Jr. also became the commander of the stadium, getting 18 shots in a single game, and delivering the game's highest score of 23 points, as well as 7 rebounds and 5 assists, leading the team out of the haze of losing streaks. In this game, head coach Nash pulled the team away to challenge the New York Knicks.

The Nets have won again! King of Thomas's last quarter, Ade had an efficient double-double and made a 26-point comeback

It is worth affirming that as early as the beginning of the season, the Knicks have also been favored by many people in the league, and they have also won one game after another. However, as the regular season schedule continues to deepen, the league's teams have burst out of extraordinary strength, but the Knicks have always stopped moving forward and become cannon fodder for the improvement of other teams. So, this home challenge to the Brooklyn Nets, can the Knicks successfully defend the ring? Let's wait and see.

The Nets have won again! King of Thomas's last quarter, Ade had an efficient double-double and made a 26-point comeback

At the beginning of the game, the home Knicks played a wave of climax, at one point extending the point difference to 20 points. That's right, during Curry Jr.'s temporary position as court commander, none of the Nets' players were able to get into shape quickly, allowing the Knicks to seize the opportunity to build a lead. Randle shot 5-of-7 in the first quarter and delivered 14 points, 5 rebounds, 1 assist and 1 block, and Fournier also had 8 points, 1 rebound, 1 assist and 1 steal. With the two of them in succession, the Knicks played a 38-18 single-quarter score to take a 20-point lead.

The Nets have won again! King of Thomas's last quarter, Ade had an efficient double-double and made a 26-point comeback

Entering the second quarter of the showdown, the Knicks, who remained in a high state, were able to bite the lead and continue to widen the point difference. Zhuang Shen, who started the game, handed over 7 points and 8 rebounds in the second quarter. The Knicks, who played all-out, once again scored 27-26 to take a one-point lead. At the end of the first half of the game, the Knicks have led the Nets by a crucial 21 points! It is worth affirming that this situation continues to develop, and the Knicks will win the game and it is inevitable.

But YiBian fought again, and the nets' player status began to pick up, launching a strong counterattack. In the third quarter, new signings Curry Jr. and Zhuang Shen successively made efforts to help the team play a 29-22 score and recover the 7 points behind in the first half. Entering the crucial final quarter of the showdown, the players on the Nets side returned to their state one after another, and achieved a final reversal. Curry Jr. delivered 8 points and 1 rebound in the final quarter, Aldridge delivered 10 points, 8 rebounds and 1 assist, and Cameron Thomas played the momentum of the king of the final quarter, with an efficient output of 7 of 10 shooting, delivering a key 16 points, 2 rebounds and 1 assist.

The Nets have won again! King of Thomas's last quarter, Ade had an efficient double-double and made a 26-point comeback

With the team's players in succession, the Nets delivered a 38-19 single-quarter score and won the game with a score of 111-106. Looking back at the game, although the Knicks' home star sent the highest score of 31 points and 10 rebounds in the game, he still had no choice but to enter the empty cutting group. Fournier's 16+2+3 data in a single game did not work, and Quickley, who came off the bench, handed over 18+6+4 data and could not return to the sky. In contrast, the Knicks' single-game 3 players scored in double figures, or slightly chicken ribs.

The Nets have won again! King of Thomas's last quarter, Ade had an efficient double-double and made a 26-point comeback

Yes, although the Nets did not perform well in the first half of the competition, they still frantically chased points when they entered the second half of the showdown, completing a 26-point reversal. Curry Jr., the temporary commander of the stadium, played 36 minutes in a single game, shooting 6 of 9 from three points, and sent out 21 points and 6 assists, helping the team to win the opponent's key 27 points (the highest in the game) and play the technical level that the team leader should have. Drummond also became a rebounding idiot, playing only 23 minutes and contributing 11 points and 19 rebounds.

And Ade and Thomas, who came off the bench, are obviously the heroes who achieved a reversal, and their outbreak in the last quarter, and the data of 18+10 and 21 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists in a single game, are undoubtedly the most beautiful boys in this game.

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