
Municipal leader Guo Feng went to Wannian to investigate

author:Ten thousand years of media

On October 23, Guo Feng, a member of the municipal government party group and a candidate for vice mayor, went to Wannian County to investigate. Dong Lihua, deputy secretary general of the municipal government, accompanied him. Mao Qi, secretary of the Wannian County CPC Committee, Xie Jun, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, and Li Jinchun, deputy county magistrate, accompanied him.

Municipal leader Guo Feng went to Wannian to investigate

Guo Feng and his party successively went to Wannian Cement Factory Off-site Technical Transformation environmental protection relocation project, Jiangxi Yilanwen Textile New Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Lianchuang Electronics (Wannian) Co., Ltd., Wannian County Konka Electronic Technology Industrial Park, Jiangxi Wannian Core Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Besili Science and Technology Industrial Park Project, Weilai Lighting Intelligent LED Lighting Production Project, Jiangxi Yidu New Materials Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Wanjun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Shandong Luhua (Wannian) Rice Industry Co., Ltd. Field Research. Everywhere he went, Guo Feng listened carefully to the briefings of the relevant responsible persons and learned more about the production and operation of enterprises, product research and development and sales, and industrial development.

Municipal leader Guo Feng went to Wannian to investigate

Wannian Cement Factory off-site technical transformation and environmental protection relocation project with a total investment of 2.178 billion yuan, covering an area of 1038 acres, is in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee "two first-class" (first-class process equipment, first-class ecological environment), to build an environmentally harmonious and friendly green factory. At the project site, Guo Feng carefully listened to the person in charge of the enterprise to introduce the operation of the enterprise, and came to the central control room to watch the monitoring process, affirmed the results made by the enterprise in environmental protection, and pointed out that it is necessary to continue to grasp the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise, improve the production efficiency of the enterprise, and adhere to the dual grasp of industrial development and environmental protection.

Municipal leader Guo Feng went to Wannian to investigate

Wannian Konka Electronic Technology Industrial Park project is invested and constructed by konka Group, a listed enterprise, aiming to create a modern science and technology industrial park integrating intelligence, informatization and refinement. Guo Feng listened and asked while listening, learning more about the project construction, asking about the scale and project planning of the enterprise, and discussing the development with the person in charge of the enterprise. Guo Feng pointed out that it is necessary to firmly establish a sense of quality and safety awareness, pay equal attention to safety and efficiency, grasp both quality and progress, and build projects with high standards, high quality and high level.

Municipal leader Guo Feng went to Wannian to investigate

Guo Feng stressed: It is necessary to deeply study and implement the spirit of the municipal party congress, implement the "three major and five promotion" development measures of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, keep a close eye on the pace of development of "large industry," base ourselves on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, integrate into the new development pattern, and strive to open a new journey of high-quality leapfrog development of industry; we must take the practical activity of "I do practical things for the masses" as an opportunity to deepen the service work of enterprises, improve the quality of services, make every effort to solve difficult problems for enterprises, truly do good things for enterprises, accomplish things, and help enterprises become bigger and stronger. (Wannian Rong media reporter Li Tianpeng)

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