
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant

Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant
Is the appendix really useless? The intestines of the people who have been cut off are repentant

Whether to cut the appendix or not:

If the appendix is not inflamed, it is best not to cut it off preventively.

If the appendix is inflamed, in most cases, the appearance is acute and surgery needs to be done immediately, otherwise there may be a risk of death.

And the pain of appendicitis and gastrointestinal spasms, it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish, so if there is unexplained stomach pain, go to the hospital as soon as possible, do not delay. As for whether it is necessary to cut it, it is best to follow the advice of a doctor (surgery is usually recommended) [4].

Review expert: Zhang Hongtao (pen name a section of ginger)

Associate Professor of Research, Department of Pathology and Experimental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA


[1] Kooij I A, Sahami S, Meijer S L, et al. The immunology of the vermiform appendix: a review of the literature[J]. Clinical & Experimental Immunology, 2016, 186(1): 1-9.

[2] Masahata K, Umemoto E, Kayama H, et al. Generation of colonic IgA-secreting cells in the caecal patch[J]. Nature communications, 2014, 5(1): 1-13.

[3] Zahid A. The vermiform appendix: not a useless organ[J]. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan: JCPSP, 2004, 14(4): 256-258.

[4] Im G Y, Modayil R J, Lin C T, et al. The appendix may protect against Clostridium difficile recurrence[J]. Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology, 2011, 9(12): 1072-1077.

Author: Yuan Su | Artist: Man Fei

Editors: Zhao Yanan, Ye Zhengxing, Wang Fengling | Planner: Hammer

Typesetting: Han Ningning | Proofreader: Wu Yihe

Operations: Li Yongmin | Coordinator: Wu Wei

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