
The results of the first grade are top-notch, the grades of the second semester of the second grade of the junior high school are declining, and the third class of the junior high school is at the bottom, what to do?

author:Yerba Buena perspective

The first half of the first semester of the second grade is also good, at least it shows that the child's learning habits are still good, and this child must be a good student in primary school.

The learning of junior high school is very different from that of primary school, and gradually weakens the single seriousness, diligence and hard work, and more needs to cultivate and improve ability, need to cultivate thinking ability, problem-solving ability, and establish a knowledge system. These require children to exert more initiative, initiative and enthusiasm.

The results of the first grade are top-notch, the grades of the second semester of the second grade of the junior high school are declining, and the third class of the junior high school is at the bottom, what to do?
The results of the first grade are top-notch, the grades of the second semester of the second grade of the junior high school are declining, and the third class of the junior high school is at the bottom, what to do?

The beginning stage of junior high school is a transitional period, and some of the things inherited from primary school can barely support for a period of time, and the advantages and disadvantages are not obvious. However, in the second year of junior high school, a new physics curriculum was added, officially entering a period of differentiation, and the learning style developed at the primary school level could not cope with the current problems. At this time, it must be the learning ability to play a role.

Therefore, in the junior high school stage, parents must first give up the companionship mode of the primary school period, let the child change the coping style in the stumbling exercise, improve the coping ability, and gradually establish the thinking mode and problem-solving ability of junior high school learning. This process of letting go can also find out the child's problems as early as possible, change early, and benefit early.

If the child's transition period is not ideal, the second year of junior high school will diverge and decline, and the enthusiasm will also be hit, and there will be emotional depression, passive avoidance, and lack of self-confidence. If it is not well guided, it will even allow development and self-abandonment. The third winter vacation is still playing, and I don't care about the road ahead, this is the situation.

At this time, parents should patiently listen to their children's inner feelings and demands, put themselves in their shoes and seek solutions with them. For example: Do I need to find a teacher to diagnose the problem? Need a teacher to answer your questions? Even if you need to ask someone to tutor the arrears of subject knowledge, catch up as soon as possible. Once the change plan is set, parents should help the child to persist in completing it and slowly change. You know, the middle school entrance examination is not ideal people, as long as the ta learning ability is cultivated, the high school stage will catch up, the whole middle school stage of learning is a marathon!

The results of the first grade are top-notch, the grades of the second semester of the second grade of the junior high school are declining, and the third class of the junior high school is at the bottom, what to do?
The results of the first grade are top-notch, the grades of the second semester of the second grade of the junior high school are declining, and the third class of the junior high school is at the bottom, what to do?

Change is tough, and not changing is even tougher later. Parents need to have a strong heart to help their children resist the influence of external evaluation and utilitarian requirements, keep the child's track, allow him to run out of his own rhythm, and eventually reach the high point. Believe that every flower has its own spring.