
Obviously not pregnant, why didn't the great aunt come after 1 week? There could also be 3 reasons

author:Women's Encyclopedia

What happens to the menstrual period that reports on time every month if it suddenly does not come?

For some young girls, it will be extra worried, is it pregnant? Is there something wrong with the body? Looking at the menstrual cycle recorded on your phone, comparing the number of days, even if it is more than a day, you may be terrified.

Some women will choose a pregnancy test after the aunt does not come for more than a week to see if they are pregnant. But he was dumbfounded against a bar above. Obviously not pregnant, why didn't the great aunt come?

Obviously not pregnant, why didn't the great aunt come after 1 week? There could also be 3 reasons

The great aunt does not come, is it only possible to get pregnant?

For women, the menstrual cycle is relatively fixed. Every time the great aunt came, the interval was the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle of normal women is mostly maintained at about 28 days to 35 days, as long as it is normal to menstruate within a certain cycle. The duration of each menstrual period is also relatively fixed, generally about 3-7 days.

During the middle of menstruation, women will ovulate. The egg does not bind to the sperm and forms a luteum, which produces estrogen and progesterone. The corpus luteum gradually atrophises and the endometrium falls off, thus forming menstruation. However, after pregnancy, the estrogen will continue to secrete estrogen and progesterone, which inhibits the shedding of the endometrium, and menstruation will not occur. This causes women not to have menstruation during pregnancy.

But pregnancy is more than one factor that can lead to non-menstruation or delay.

Obviously not pregnant, why didn't the great aunt come after 1 week? There could also be 3 reasons

Delayed menstruation may be related to 3 factors

First of all, the recent stress is excessive, affecting hormone secretion

Women are often affected by emotional depression, anxiety, nervousness, etc., which may lead to endocrine abnormalities. Menstruation is also sensitive to the secretion of hormones in the human body, which may disturb menstrual disorders and even cause problems such as amenorrhea. For many working women, this is a relatively common factor that can disrupt the menstrual cycle.

Obviously not pregnant, why didn't the great aunt come after 1 week? There could also be 3 reasons

Second, over-dieting to lose weight

Many women have tried to lose weight through dieting, diet pills and so on. However, in the case of rapid weight loss, it may also lead to abnormal menstrual cycles, resulting in problems such as delayed menstruation. For example, in a short period of time, it leads to weight loss of more than 10%. Especially women who take diet pills to lose weight are more likely to disturb the hormone secretion in the body because of the ingredients in the drug, which is more likely to affect the menstrual cycle.

The delayed menstrual cycle for this reason can actually be gradually recovered, but it takes a while. However, menstrual delays that occur in the case of long-term dieting and excessive weight loss may also require medication.

Obviously not pregnant, why didn't the great aunt come after 1 week? There could also be 3 reasons

Also, ovarian disease may disrupt the menstrual cycle

Some women can affect their menstrual cycles due to problems such as POLYOS and premature ovarian failure. For example, patients with polycystic ovary syndrome may have menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, and a small number of patients will have problems such as incomplete menstruation and low menstrual blood volume.

When this kind of problem occurs, it is difficult for people to solve it on their own and regulate menstruation. The best way is to go to the hospital for treatment, and timely resolution of ovarian disease is more beneficial to improving the cycle.

Women's menstruation can be called the "barometer" of the body. Can always maintain a regular menstrual cycle, during menstruation can still maintain a good state, often women's physical fitness is not bad. On the contrary, when women always have irregular menstrual cycles, delayed menstruation, or every time they come to menstruation, they will be accompanied by back pain, painful menstruation and other issues, which also reflects from the side that there may be some problems in the body that need to be solved in time.

Obviously not pregnant, but menstruation has been delayed for a long time, perhaps related to 3 factors. When you face this situation, you should also check it in time to find the cause and adjust the symptoms.


1, a 30-year-old woman in Zhuhai has not been pregnant for half a year and has no menstruation, the doctor reminds: be vigilant of these symptoms · Southern Metropolis Daily · 2022-2-13

2, women should be careful! Menstruation is delayed, either stressful, or there are these 4 diseases · Guangming Network • 2019-8-27