
"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

author:Takeshi Akira

The famous "Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years during World War II, and the truth was revealed

In 1951, Japan, which had been defeated for 6 years, suddenly received news that there were Japanese surviving World War II on the distant island of Anatahan. At the same time, the ratio of men to women among the survivors on the island is staggering, because there was a woman and a man on the island at that time, and it is hard to imagine what happened to the island for six years. It all started with Anantahan Island. Located about 177 km north of Saipan, Anantahan Island is an island in the Northern Mariana Islands of the Pacific Ocean and is home to one of the most active volcanoes on the archipelago.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

Formerly inhabited by indigenous people, the island is now in constant danger of erupting because of a volcano at an altitude of 790 meters, so there is currently no settled population.

The island is oval in shape, 9 km long, 4 km wide and covers an area of 33.9 km2, making it a very "standard island". Before World War II, the island was occupied by Germany, and after the start of World War II, because of the rich products on the island, many countries wanted to compete for the island, such as New Zealand and Australia. However, due to the fierce quarrel, in order to settle the dispute, everyone finally reached a consensus and entrusted the former German Nanyang Islands to Japanese rule, and in this way, Japan took advantage of the fishermen and occupied the island. After the shrewd Japanese acquired Anatahan Island, they intended to use it to expand production to supply the industry they deserved in the country, and at the same time to divert the pressure on the domestic population. So they set up Nanyang Xingfa Co., Ltd. on the island and encouraged private capital, as well as Japan's own population, to go to the Nanyang Islands, including Anantahan Island, to engage in fishing and resource exploitation.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

It was also in this year that Kazuko Furiko, a 16-year-old Japanese woman who was in the midst of a flourishing life, traveled thousands of miles from Okinawa to Saipan to join her brother, who was working at Nanyang Corporation. However, at this time, Furi Kazuko, who was still very naïve, unexpectedly, was that this simple trip turned the entire island into a hellish abyss, leaving a painful mark on her life that was difficult to look back on. Kazuko Tomiri migrated to Bakan Island after coming to Saipan and took a job as a waiter in a coffee shop, because of her good looks, lively and energetic personality, the arrival of Kazuko Tomiri aroused the enthusiasm of the young Japanese guys on the island.

Facing a multitude of suitors, Kazuko Fury chose a young man who was also from Okinawa, Shoichi Higa. The industrious and capable boy won the hearts of the beauties, and soon the two married, and the 18-year-old Kazuko Tomiri changed her surname to Kazuko Higa.

In 1944, World War II came to an end, and Japan's defeat was already doomed. At the time, Mr. and Mrs. Higa were working at a Japanese company called Nanyang Xingfa, a company that mainly grows and deals in coconut products, and Kazuko and her husband employ 25 local aborigines to run the farm. They also work with Masaichi Higa's boss, Mr. Nakasato. As the U.S. military stepped up its offensive against Japan, the fighting spread to Saipan, which is not far from Anantahan Island, and many indigenous people began to evacuate the island. Worried about his sister on Pagan Island, Higa Masaichi said that he was going to pick up his sister, leaving Higa and Son alone on the island.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

Surprisingly, however, Higa Masaichi's ship was stopped by U.S. troops on Saipan and never returned. Two days later, Anatahan Island was attacked by U.S. forces. During the bombardment, Kazuko and Nakasato flee into the jungle in a panic, and although they are lucky enough to get their lives back, when they return home again, they find that the whole place is burned to a mess. Although the 40 pigs and 20 chickens they raised at the time also survived, their daily lives were greatly hampered by the burning of other supplies. At the same time, the communication equipment was also destroyed, and neither of them could contact the outside world. In this way, Kazuko and Nakasato began to rely on each other on the island. Because Kazuko's husband did not return, and Naka's wife and children were on Saipan Island, the two had a long-term relationship and lived a married life.

Due to the fresh water and abundant tropical fruits on the island, as well as the remaining poultry, the desert island life of the two is still very beautiful.

However, the good times were short-lived. As the war progressed, the Japanese army in the Pacific theater became more and more unfavorable, the Japanese Navy had to recruit fishing boats to step up the delivery of supplies to the military, three of which were sunk by The Us air raids, and the other one was also severely damaged, and soon after, the ship was completely sunk, and the survivors of the ship took advantage of the sinking time to swim desperately to the nearby Island of Anatahan. In the end, 31 men survived. They included 10 Japanese Army and Navy personnel and 21 accompanying crew members, most of them young men in their early 20s, the youngest was only 16 years old, and they were very fleshy. Their arrival shatters the world of Kazuko and Nakasato perfectly. After losing the return ship, they could not return to China, and had no choice but to start settling on the island. After circling the island, they found that the island was growing natural fruits and crops such as bananas, wild taro and papaya, and it seemed that it was no problem to fill the hunger as food.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

At first, they lived in different groups according to the ships to which they belonged, and after getting acquainted with each other, they gradually lived together. Later, they also met Kazuko and Nakasato, and the two who had not seen their compatriots for a long time were very happy, and actively shared the food with them and helped them heal their wounds. But because the island was small, there were only 47 people living there before the Aboriginal retreat, and now there are 31 more people, and food is soon out of supply. In order to survive, they used large metal cylinders made in the United States to receive water to ensure the supply of drinking water, and soon ran out of the poultry they raised. They then began cultivating fruits, fishing at sea, and catching everything they could eat, including coconut crabs, bats, and lizards. In addition, they also learned how to make sake made from coconut sap, and since then, everyone's drinks have been guaranteed.

Fast forward to 1945, when Japan was defeated. The U.S. military appealed to Anatahan Island, "Your country has been defeated, please leave the island now, and we will send you home." ”

At this time, on the island, several Japanese who had been thoroughly brainwashed by the Japanese government did not believe that the motherland would fail, believing that this was a conspiracy of the US military to capture them. At this time, the indigenous people who were also on the island saw that the Japanese trend had gone, and gradually left the island. At this time, there were only 32 Japanese men and 1 Japanese woman left on the island. In the beginning, several people had a very peaceful life. The 33 people are like a family, picking coconut fruits and bananas together, planting coconut trees together, hunting and fishing together, building houses, and cooking on fires. When they are happy, they will also hold a dinner party and sit around and sing and laugh together. The reality, however, is harsh. After staying on the same island for a long time, they will usher in a game of human nature and desire. Since the island is almost exclusively full of men except for Kazuko, they will inevitably compete with Kazuko, and due to the long desert island life, everyone's clothes have been worn off, and the men can only cover their private parts with leaves and other leaves, and only thin cloth is left on Kazuko's body.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

The men were gradually seduced by kazuko's graceful figure, so they often began to quarrel and fight over trivial matters. After smelling the danger, and in order to avoid conflict, the eldest of the several survivors proposed that Kazuko and Nakasato, who had originally lived on the island, be formally married, so that the only woman could be protected. However, although this ritual did enhance the sense of morality in people's hearts, higa kazuko's safety was not completely guaranteed. The turn of events occurred after the crash of a U.S. bomber. On that day, a U.S. B29 bomber fell from the top of the island, with 6 parachutes in the wreckage, and cans and other things that could improve life.

After bringing back the cloth from her parachute, Kazuko began to make her own clothes and skirts, and also made some clothes for others as much as possible. Finally, it looks decent in a way.

At this time, two people in the group quietly hid the broken pistol and 70 bullets found in the bomber and repaired it. The balance is broken. First of all, a man who had an old grudge with these two people was shot and killed by them and fell from the bread tree, although they argued that the man had fallen by himself, but the rest of the people did not believe it at all and began to feel chills. In this way, the nightmare on this desert island began, and the number of people on the island began to plummet. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the two to take the initiative to find a showdown between Kazuko and his wife, and nakedly demanded that Kazuko Higa become their woman, without conceit. Faced with the threat of a gun, the unarmed Nakasato only succumbs, while Kazuko Higa, a traditional Japanese woman, has no resistance and can only accept the play of these two people. In this way, the strange "one-wife, three-husband" relationship lasted for two years.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

However, the possessiveness of the man is also very terrible, and the two men who first possessed the gun quarreled, and the two sides engaged in a duel, one of whom was killed and the other won to continue to monopolize the son. This man is temporarily referred to as the "original shareholder" male. At this time, the remaining 29 men understood that having a gun meant being able to possess a son. Only 3 months later, the only remaining "original shareholder" man with a gun also died, and two witnesses, Kazuko Nakasato, said that the "shareholder man" fell into the sea while fishing and died. Naturally, people did not believe this, and they agreed that Nakazato and Kazuko were the most suspicious, because at this time Nakazato had a pistol in his hand, while a veteran named Iwai was holding another gun. In this way, Higa Kazuko returns to Nakazato again, and at the same time, Iwai, the three of them form a family again.

But Nakasato obviously overestimated his own abilities, how can a company member be compared to an experienced veteran? So when he was living a happy life for less than a month, he was solved by Iwai, who said that he was food poisoning. Naturally, his gun also became Iwai's weapon.

In this way, Iwai holds a double gun and lives a truly happy life with Kazuko Higa. After another two years of living like this, Iwai was shot and killed. No one knows who the killer is, but the pistol has since become Kazuko Higa's personal belongings. She also resumed her single life. But it wasn't over. Since then, there have been unexpected deaths on the island, some people have been poisoned to death, and others have fallen from high places and died. By this point, a total of 9 people had died, and the original 32 men had become 23. In order to balance this relationship, the older man stood up again. He said that Higa and Zi should be allowed to find a man who is favored and marry him, and as for the others, they should not disturb the lives of the newlyweds again.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

Despite possessing a pistol, Higa Kazuko is unable to control her own destiny, and she can only agree to this offer and choose to marry one of the men. Meanwhile, witnessed by others, Kazuko Higa threw her pistol into the sea. So is it really settled here? Apparently not. It wasn't long before someone on the island died unexpectedly again, and even one was missing. Five years later, the 23-man team became 19. At this time, the group of men pointed the finger at the only woman on the island, Higa Kazuko. Once, they fought for her, but now they have put all their sins on her, believing that all the conspiracies and murders are because of her, and only by disposing of her can the island be truly safe, completely forgetting that she is the one who has been most brutalized.

In fact, for this group of selfish people, everything of value except women will cause them quarrels.

In this way, the 19 men held a collective meeting, and they unanimously decided to kill Higa and Kazuko. However, when they were ready to throw Higa Kazuko into the sea, one of the men was overwhelmed and informed Higa Kazuko of the news in advance. Higa and Zi were terrified and fled to the jungle overnight. Later, she spent 33 long and nightmarish days in the jungle until she met a ship from the United States, and she climbed up to a tree and waved the cloth in her hand vigorously, attracting the attention of the ship. After that, she walked out of that terrible uninhabited island. By this time, it was already 1950, and after the rescued Higa Kazuko returned to Japan, she gave full account of her experience on the island. The Japanese government and the U.S. military who heard the news sent many people to the island to prepare to rescue the remaining men.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

At first, the men did not believe it, until four years later, when one of the men received a letter from his wife, that he believed in the fact that Japan had been defeated. After returning home, the men found that some of their wives had remarried, and some had new lovers. Kazuko Higa's husband, Masaichi Higa, had already returned to China, and because he thought his wife was dead, he formed a new family on his own. The men return to normal life, but Kazuko Higa falls into a new abyss. Added to the media, Kazuko Higa's legendary and tragic experience was completely discredited, describing her as "the queen of Anatahan Island", "the witch who seduces men", and the forced Higa Kazuko as a wandering, demagogic witch with no sympathy for her.

"Anantahan Incident": 32 men and 1 woman in Japan were trapped on an isolated island for 6 years, and the sinister nature of human nature was exposed

Kazuko Higa felt helpless about this and soon became a stripper. After that, she married a husband, opened a shaved ice shop called Anantahan, and died of a brain tumor at the age of 51, ending her controversial life.