
Former Real Madrid defender: Can't understand Barca letting Messi go, Andraporta loves Barca & knows the ball

Former Real Madrid defender: Can't understand Barca letting Messi go, Andraporta loves Barca & knows the ball

Live bar On February 16, former Real Madrid and Milan defender Panucci was interviewed by Marca and talked about Serie A, Laporta, Messi and other topics.

Where does the Serie A champion belong?

Panucci: Unless Inter don't, they're in the top of Serie A.

Former Real Madrid defender: Can't understand Barca letting Messi go, Andraporta loves Barca & knows the ball

What advice would you like to give Harvey?

Panucci: Xavi doesn't need any advice from me, the only thing I want to say is that Barca don't take it lightly, Napoli is a good team.

What do you think of LaPorta?

Panucci: He is a president & fan who knows football and loves Barca and will make the best choice for the club. Settling the club's years of debt is not an easy task, but sooner or later Barca will once again be one of Europe's greatest teams. La Porta takes time, but big clubs like Barca need to succeed every season, and that's a problem. Barca and Real Madrid were born to win something.

Former Real Madrid defender: Can't understand Barca letting Messi go, Andraporta loves Barca & knows the ball

What do you think of Barca without Messi?

Panucci: It's all weird... Barca let the best players go, this is Messi's home... Seeing these weird things happening, you can't know what's really going on.

(CC croquettes)

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