
One Piece 1040 words analysis: Why men like Kidd and Rowe broke their arms in the New World

After the one piece 1040 word comic update, many people are full of doubts about this issue of the comic, big mom was determined to be defeated, this news is even more outrageous, but think about it, in fact, big mom is in the wave, not serious, blindly masochistic, Kidd and Luo's critical attack for big mom, is also full of threats, and Luo's skills seem to be able to suppress big mom's soul fruit, so many people feel that Luo's fruit and big mom's fruit are in conflict, so that we only saw Luo's amazing performance, Now the question arises, why would someone as brilliant as Kidd and Rowe break an arm in the New World? Let's analyze it together.

One Piece 1040 words analysis: Why men like Kidd and Rowe broke their arms in the New World

Kidd had his arm cut off while hitting the redhead

First of all, Kidd, in order to get ahead, he went around looking for pirates of higher rank than himself as a target, and then went to defeat him, Kidd saw That Luffy go to the Holy Land to pay homage to Whitebeard, he was even more arrogant, but also in order not to lose to Luffy, so he went to challenge the redhead, of course, during this period, he also encountered a lot of strong enemies, but the only redhead that made Kidd eat up, and was also broken by the red-haired group, so that now he was replaced by a steel arm, although it was ugly, but it also enhanced his strength.

One Piece 1040 words analysis: Why men like Kidd and Rowe broke their arms in the New World

But after passing the Kingdom of Peace, Kidd's performance is remarkable, everyone thinks how Kidd can lose his arm in the new world, because Kidd is indeed a very capable character, he came to the Kingdom of Peace, first with Kaido, although he was defeated, but only he dared to shout with Kaido, and is not afraid of life and death, but also has the overlord color, which is a posture that a king should have.

One Piece 1040 words analysis: Why men like Kidd and Rowe broke their arms in the New World

In addition, he also defeated Big Mama with Luo, directly fruit awakening, taking turns to bombard Big Mama, so that Big Mama was seriously injured, Kidd's strength, it is difficult to imagine that he was hit by red hair to break his arm. However, Kidd's broken arm may be the arrangement of the plot, or the performance of the red hair and black belly, so Kidd is unlucky and loses his arm.

One Piece 1040 words analysis: Why men like Kidd and Rowe broke their arms in the New World

Luo was also cut off by Mingo's arm

There is also the same reason for Luo, Luo's strength is not weak at all, in the country of Peace, the key is that Big Mama can drop ghost islands, all because of Luo's skills, his fruit awakened, so that Big Mama's ability has no effect in front of him, dead to suppress Big Mama, such an operation, is already beyond the strength of the Seven Martial Seas, but even such a tough man, but in the Tokushima chapter, was cut off by Mingge's arm.

One Piece 1040 words analysis: Why men like Kidd and Rowe broke their arms in the New World

This wave of operations is really confusing, since Luo can defeat big mother, then why was he suppressed by Mingge when dealing with Mingge? Is Mingge's strength even stronger than that of Big Mama? Obviously not, Mingge can make Luo break his arm because Mingge knows Luo's skills too well, and also understands Luo's heart, so Mingge uses psychological tactics to win Luo, while the big mother is reckless and designed by Luo.

One Piece 1040 words analysis: Why men like Kidd and Rowe broke their arms in the New World

In summary, such an outstanding man as Kidd and Rowe is indeed rare in the pirate world, most people do not want to lick people's thighs without their faces, only the two of them have kept up with the footsteps of the straw hat group, worthy of being favored by Oda.

One Piece 1040 words analysis: Why men like Kidd and Rowe broke their arms in the New World

Well, this issue of One Piece will talk about here, I hope that the guest officials can like Oh, the picture source network, invasion and deletion. If you like this article, welcome to like, comment and share Oh, thank you for your support, the later will continue to update the wonderful anime content Oh, if there are different opinions, welcome to leave a message Oh.

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