
They all looked super happy with the look of Whycouldn't Ilookli


They all looked so damn happy to me.

They all look super happy

Why couldn't I look like that?

Why can't I be happy too?


Everyone has a unique value for his existence and always gives up prematurely before he can find it. Happiness does not come knocking on the door, it is we who knock on it over and over again, and the door of happiness will open to us.

If we encounter such a tragic situation in life, there are a few who can do so perseverance and keep looking for that answer, the answer in our minds...

Very inspirational, tear-jerking, "You're a good dad".

Lots of classic lines:

if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer...

If you ask the question I don't know the answer ...

I 'm gonna tell you that I don't know.

I'll tell you directly "I don't know" ...

But I bet you what.

But I promise you

I know how to find the answer, and I will find the answer.

I know how to find the answer, and I'm going to find it

Review it every year. #高分电影 #电影推荐 #威尔史密斯

They all looked super happy with the look of Whycouldn't Ilookli
They all looked super happy with the look of Whycouldn't Ilookli
They all looked super happy with the look of Whycouldn't Ilookli
They all looked super happy with the look of Whycouldn't Ilookli