
The New Year walks the grassroots 丨 Yezhuang Village's love relay

author:Puyang Net

"The Year of the Tiger is auspicious, the New Year is happy, and the old people in our village are blessed!" Anyone who has reached the age of 65 can receive a love gift with your ID card! On February 10, the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, at the celebration ceremony of the fourth anniversary of the establishment of the Yezhuang Village Love Foundation, President Ye Yinguo excitedly announced.

As soon as the news came out, the applause was thunderous and the crowd was excited. The gift consists of a bucket of peanut cooking oil, a bag of stone-ground wheat flour, and a bag of Yellow River ecological organic rice, which is called a three-piece set. "It's better to be born sooner than not to be born coincidentally." A villager named Liang Qingtao showed the reporter her and her wife's ID card, and happily took over the stubble and said, "I and the child's father were born in 1957, just in time." There are two three-piece sets of gifts, enough for the old two to eat and drink for more than half a year. ”

Yezhuang Village is located 1.5 kilometers northeast of Qucun Township in Puyang County, close to the Yellow River embankment, and there are people and cultivated land outside the embankment, which is a typical riding embankment village. Because of visiting the changes in the Yellow River beach area, the reporter has come to Yezhuang more than once, and each time there are new changes. As far as the eye can see, the streets are flat and vertical, clean and tidy; the grass and trees at the head of the village are sparse and full of life; the former abandoned pits and ponds are gone, replaced by birds flying in the sky and fish flying at a shallow bottom. The newly built leisure park and cultural activity plaza are fully equipped with winding paths and fitness equipment. There are old people exercising, and there are children chasing and playing.

Ye Yinguo has passed the age of ancient rarity, 74 years old, deaf, blind, and spirited. He has been teaching at the village primary school for most of his life, and almost all the people under the age of 50 in the village have been his students and are highly respected. Ye Yinguo told reporters that the Yezhuang Village Love Foundation was established in November 2018, which is a public welfare organization initiated by the "two committees" of the village and actively responded to by all villagers, aiming to carry forward the humanitarian spirit, inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, respect teachers and re-teach, help the disabled to help students, change customs and customs, and lead the new trend of rural civilization. At present, the foundation has 100,000 or 200,000 yuan of liquid funds on its books all year round, which can not only cope with unforeseen needs, send charcoal in the snow, but also help the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, adding bricks and tiles, which can be said to be remarkable and far-reaching. During this period, there are constant surprises and good things: such as Wang Shaomeng relies on the love fund to complete undergraduate studies and successfully enter graduate school; for example, Chen Qingzhi, who suffered a car accident, was treated in time through the love fund and turned the crisis into safety; and during the epidemic prevention and control period, people enthusiastically donated masks and disinfectants to become volunteers. What made him happiest this year was that a group of young people joined the ranks of the Love Foundation, spontaneously combining into a love group, and together turning the Love Fund into a physical object that could be seen, touched and remembered.

There are 5 members of the love group, they are Zhang Shaozhen, Ye Kaiyuan, Gao Wei, Wang Haozhan, Wang Haoguang, most of them are in their early thirties and have just passed the age of establishment. Some of them are migrant workers, some are starting businesses at home, and they have achieved success in small sizes. While Wang Haozhan was busy handing out gifts to the elderly who lined up in a long line, he told reporters that at the beginning, he and his small partners were ready to contribute 2,000 yuan per person, making up 10,000 yuan in round numbers, which should be enough to send everyone a decent love gift. Door-to-door statistics, did not expect that there are more than 100 elderly people over 65 years old in the village, so they revised the budget plan in time and added the love donation to more than 15,000 yuan. "There is an old man in the family, such as a treasure. There are many elderly people in the village, and there are many lucky stars. They are the participants and witnesses of the development and changes of Liyezhuang, a village that rides the, so that they can live happily, healthily and long-lived in their later years, which is the filial piety and responsibility that we who are the younger generations should fulfill. Next year, we are also ready to update the form, organize spring or autumn tours for the elderly, and carry out fitness competitions such as planting new greenery with old hands, fishing at sunset, and flying kites in mulberry elms. Wang Haozhan said with great anticipation.

"I think," Gao Wei said, taking over the stubble, "that the most regrettable and painful thing in the world is that the son wants to raise and the relatives are not there." Take my personal experience, you can wait for anything, that is, you can't wait for filial piety. ”

Gao Wei's father died of illness the year before, just turning 53. He told reporters that when his father was seriously ill, he had not yet established a family, and he was strapped for money, and it was the Charity Foundation's major illness relief funds to help him tide over the difficulties, and pulled his father back from the death line again and again. His father suffered from an incurable disease, and in the end he left the world early. At that time, he had more than enough and insufficient strength, and he couldn't buy his father something good and delicious, but now that he had more money, it was time to treat the old people of the whole village as his own old man to be filial piety. At the beginning, they planned to set the object of this care for the elderly over 70 years old, but as the old saying goes, life is seventy years old, and you can't wait until the "rare" time to understand preciousness. So he proposed that 5 years in advance, all those who turned 65 years old, should pay attention to the group. Fortunately, the difference of 5 years, although each person has to donate 1,000 yuan more, but the friends have gladly accepted his proposal. "The old and the old and the old, the young and the young and the young." While honoring the elderly, we also intend to make some contributions to the children in the village. Without hesitation, from the beneficiaries of the Love Fund to the participants, I feel that it is much brighter in my heart. Gao Wei said with deep feeling.

At the celebration ceremony of the fourth anniversary of the establishment of the Yezhuang Village Love Foundation, Cheng Licai, the mayor of Qucun Township, was entrusted by the township party committee and the government to donate 5,000 yuan to the Yezhuang Village Love Foundation. She said: "Rural style civilization is the proper meaning of the topic of rural revitalization, and Yezhuang Village has set an example in this regard. The love fund is like a cultural symbol, carrying the village customs and folk customs, pinning on the nostalgia and nostalgia of the hometown, which helps us to better shoulder the mission of raising the banner, gathering people's hearts, cultivating new talents, revitalizing culture, and displaying the image. As a model experience, it is worth promoting throughout the township. ”

On that day, in addition to the long queue to receive love gifts, there were also long queues to the love donation box to donate. Those Ye Zhuang children who work in other places expressed their congratulations through telephone, QQ, WeChat, Weibo and other channels on the one hand, and enthusiastically donated in the form of bank transfers or WeChat red envelopes. Wang Liping, chairman of the Yezhuang Village Women's Federation, said that the Puyang County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau is the support unit of Yezhuang Village, and Wang Chao, the first secretary of the village, sent a donation of 3,600 yuan on behalf of the unit. In the past four years, they have donated more than 20,000 yuan to the Yezhuang Village Love Foundation.

Wang Xicheng, 54, the secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Yezhuang Village, has taken the lead in donating 10,000 yuan per year for four consecutive years. Zhang Fenglei, a member of the village committee, followed closely behind, donating 6,000 yuan per year. They unanimously said that what the Love Foundation wants to do is what the village branch and the two committees want to do, and they are helping the village cadres. As a village cadre, he should donate as much as he can, and he should also show his attitude and take the lead for everyone.

The love fund activates a pool of spring water and evokes the cohesion, centripetal force and affinity of the fathers and villagers of Yezhuang Village. Everyone has money to pay, things to give, powerful contributions, and neighborhood watch to help each other. Reporter Liu Wenhua