
He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

author:Fourteen says history

More than a hundred years ago, China was the darkest period in the history of the Chinese nation, with warlords and compradors inside and imperialism on the outside. That generation of Chinese benevolent men and women went forward to succeed each other, threw their heads and spilled their blood, only to save the survival of the people, and only wanted China to rise. Cai he and Sen are one of them, he died for the revolution at the age of 36, his deeds deserve praise.

As one of the early leaders of our party, he was called a double hero with great men. Cai and Sen were the first to propose the "formal establishment of the Communist Party" in China. He and the great man were classmates in the student era, and they forged a deep friendship during the revolutionary period. His family also actively participated in the revolution, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, his sister Cai Chang was the chairman of the Women's Federation to the vice-state level, and his brother-in-law Li Fuchun was appointed vice premier to the level of zhengguo.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

First, the origin is extraordinary

Cai Hesen's hometown is Hunan, which is a famous revolutionary hometown in history, and a large number of Communists such as He Shuheng and Peng Laozong appeared at the same time as him. But this is only from the current point of view, when Hunan was still under the rule of the feudal officials in the late Qing Dynasty, the society was dark, the officials were corrupt, and the people were not happy.

Cai Hesen's mother, on the other hand, was very advanced in her thinking, and her mother, Ge Jianhao, was an early female revolutionary and educator in China, who spent her life running for the Chinese democratic revolution and the equal rights movement for men and women. When Cai he and Sen were young, his mother often told him the story of the revolutionary heroine Qiu Jin, which planted the seeds of concern for the people and society in his heart.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

At the same time, Cai Hesen's mother also attaches great importance to the education of her children, Cai Hesen is determined to study under the influence of his mother, successively studied in Yongfeng National Primary School and Twin Peaks Higher Primary School, and then was admitted to Hunan First Normal School.

2. Study revolutionary theory

After being admitted to the Hunan First Normal School, he met the great people who studied at the same teacher's training, they were like-minded, formed friends, and not only often studied the content of literature, history and philosophy together, but also often discussed social issues. During the warlord melee, the people of Hunan were so miserable that the two and several other friends decided to start their own society to propagate advanced ideas.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

Therefore, in April 1918, under the impetus of the organization of Cai and Mao, the Xinmin Society was established. This is one of the earliest revolutionary groups established before the May Fourth Movement, with the purpose of "transforming China and the world", under the promotion of the society, a number of progressive organizations and publications such as the Hunan Student Federation and the Xiangjiang Review have appeared, and the revolutionary situation in Hunan is thriving.

If the study time in Changsha was the most energetic day of Cai Hesen's life, then studying in France was the time when his thinking was sublimated. At the beginning of the establishment of the Xinmin Society, Mao and Cai actively organized work-study in France. In December 1919, Cai and Sen traveled to France, accompanied by his mother and sister, as well as his fiancée Xiang Jingyu.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

Cai and Sen, who came to France, came into contact with the most recent trend of thought in the world at that time, Marxism. At that time, Europe had just emerged from the clouds of the First World War, and the October Revolution in Russia gave people light in the darkness like a bright light, and Cai and Sen also keenly grasped that Marxism was the truth on earth and became a staunch communist.

During his stay in France, Cai and Sen not only translated the Communist Manifesto and other Marxist-Leninist works and sent them back to China, but more importantly, in his correspondence with great men, he proposed to establish a Communist Party Chinese himself, which was undoubtedly an epoch-making initiative.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

Moreover, Cai and Sen gave professional and detailed suggestions for the guiding ideology and program of the founding of the party. Later, Cai hesen carried out the preparatory work for the founding of the party in France, and the European branch of the Chinese Communist Youth League came into being, which was one of the early organizations of the Communist Party.

Now people know that Li Dazhao was the earliest propagator of Marxism in China, and introduced and elaborated on it in detail, but in fact, some of Mr. Shouchang's theoretical sources are the works translated by international students represented by Cai Hesen, without their hard work, there would be no spread of Marxism in China and later sinicization of Marxism.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

3. Return to China to devote himself to practice

The good times did not last long, because Cai hesen organized students to go to France to carry out a revolutionary movement, they were forcibly repatriated by the French authorities in 1921. After returning to China, he was introduced by Chen Duxiu and officially joined the Communist Party. Engaged in the Party's propaganda and theoretical work in the Central Committee, he was an important propagandist and theoretician in the early days of our Party.

And the weapons he propagated were the herald and the guide, the two major newspapers. In July 1922, Cai he and Sen participated in the formulation of the party's program, organized and published a large number of articles to publicize Marxist-Leninist ideas and the party's program, and spread the program of "eliminating civil strife, overthrowing warlords, driving out imperialism, and unifying China as a genuine, independent democratic republic" into society.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

In addition, Cai Hesen also used Marxism-Leninism to explain the basic problems of the Chinese revolution, systematically expounding the future and goals of the Chinese revolution and the role and status of the people of all strata in the revolution. He also wrote "History of Social Evolution", which is the first history of social development in China based on the materialist view of history, and relevant works have emerged in succession in later generations.

After that, Cai and Sen continued to engage in revolutionary movements in various places. In 1925, Cai and Sen led the May Thirtieth Movement. At the end of the same year, he proposed that the proletariat is the "leading class of the revolution" and that the peasants are the "allies of the working class", which clearly defined the basis of the alliance of workers and peasants in our Party.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

As Chiang Kai-shek and other Kuomintang rightists compromised with imperialism and the revolution faced defeat, Cai hesen made serious criticisms of the erroneous line within the party and repeatedly made suggestions to face the moment when the party was at stake. At the Eighty-Seventh Conference, he supported the views of the great men, advocated an agrarian revolution and carried out armed struggle away from the Kuomintang, which reflected his foresight.

After the Nanchang Uprising, the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party broke down, and Cai hesen's work gradually turned underground. In 1928, his wife was arrested for betrayal by a traitor and later killed. After hearing the news, Cai Hesen wrote "A Biography to Comrade Police" to commemorate his wife and comrade-in-arms, and strengthened his determination to go to the front line of the revolution.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state

Shortly after the death of his wife, Cai Hesen summed up the lessons of the early stage of the agrarian revolution at the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and at the same time believed that it was possible to carry out armed struggle in the countryside, build up the Red Army, and open up the situation of base areas, thus laying a theoretical foundation for the later establishment of the Central Soviet Region.

A few years later, he was appointed secretary of the Liangguang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, where he led the revolutionary work. However, shortly after taking office, in June 1931, cai and sen were arrested in Hong Kong for betrayal by traitors, and were immediately extradited back to the mainland by the British government. On August 4, 1931, Cai Hesen was tortured in Guangzhou, but still maintained his integrity and bravely became righteous at the age of 36.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state


After the sacrifice of Cai Hesen, his sister Cai Chang took over the banner of revolution, and after the arduous new democratic revolution ushered in the establishment of new China. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, she contributed to the cause of women, and Cai Chang's husband Li Fuchun participated in the formulation of the national economic work. It can be said that Cai Hesen's family is a family that establishes a life for the people and opens a peace for the world.

Cai Hesen is undoubtedly a great communist fighter, who not only made outstanding contributions in ideology and theory, but also left valuable wealth for the development and progress of our party's ideology and theory, and his great feelings of worrying about the country and the people are the most dazzling shining point in him. His image is always established in the hearts of the people; his thoughts are with the sun and the moon and will never fade.

He was once known as a double male with a great man, died at the age of 36, and after the founding of the Country, his brother-in-law was at the level of the state and his sister was at the level of the vice state