
An inadvertent move that benefits the world's shovelers


Cat litter is a must-have for cats today, which can well cover up the smell of cat excrement, can make the excrement clump, and it is very convenient to clean up. However, many people do not know that cat litter was actually the invention of the last century, and before that, indoor cats were not so common because people did not know how to deal with cat excrement.

An inadvertent move that benefits the world's shovelers

When cat litter has not been invented, most people raise cats are free-range, and the excretion of cats is solved outdoors; a small number of cats that raise cats indoors can only put sand, wood chips, paper scraps and other things in the basin to make cats defecate, the smell cannot be covered up, it is not convenient to clean up, and the cats are easy to get dirty after they have been used, making the house a mess, making many people who want to raise cats prohibitive.

An inadvertent move that benefits the world's shovelers

Until the winter of 1947, a lady named Kai wanted to dig some sand for the family cat, but when she went out, she found that the sand outside had long been covered by ice and snow, so she had to ask the neighbors for help. The neighbor Edward happened to run a factory that made industrial adsorption materials such as wood chips and clay, so he gave her some clay produced by herself.

Unexpectedly, these clays are highly effective, not only able to absorb the cat's urine, but also have the function of masking odors, and Kay is very surprised and becomes a loyal customer of Edward. Edward also found a business opportunity, set up his own brand, and promoted these clays as cat supplies all over the world, which was the original cat litter.

An inadvertent move that benefits the world's shovelers

Today's cat litter has evolved over the decades and has evolved into many types. Tofu cat litter, grain cat litter, pine cat litter, etc. are all common new varieties, each with its own advantages, providing more options for shovelers.

An inadvertent move that benefits the world's shovelers

However, even if the cat litter is very advanced, there are still some shovelers who will wonder why their cats are not willing to use cat litter? This is often caused by a variety of factors, such as the cat litter box is not cleaned up, the cat is not willing to use; or it may be that the cat litter is not selected, the fragrance is too heavy, and the cat does not like it. Here to recommend this Willot cat litter, good clumping, natural smell, is a good choice!