
The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

author:Hui Run

Pay attention to the wisdom run, help you run as light as a feather, run without injury

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

In international competitions such as the Olympic Games, mainland athletes seem to have a history of yin and yang, specifically, women athletes perform better than male athletes.

Chinese women are smart, tenacious, hard-working, which is an important reason why they have repeatedly created good results, and the men's sports are more fiercely competitive, and European and American athletes often have more advantages in terms of innate conditions, acquired training, project traditions, etc., making mainland male athletes more difficult to compete with foreign players in international mainstream sports.

Therefore, although Su Bingtian and other male athletes did not stand on the Olympic podium, their breakthrough achievements in the 100-meter final of the Tokyo Olympic Games are no less than an Olympic gold medal, which is because the yellow-skinned figure appeared in the final of the international mainstream attention project for the first time, the gold medal is gratifying, but many projects have not won gold medals, and we still applaud the performance of Chinese male athletes!

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

In the two-day competition of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the mainland male players won gold and silver, repeatedly creating history, which is gratifying and congratulatory!

In the steel frame snowmobile event the day before yesterday, yan Wengang, a male player from the mainland, won the bronze medal, which was the best result of the Chinese team in the Winter Olympics, and it was also the first winter Olympic medal of the Chinese steel frame snowmobile, and another player, Yin Zheng, won the fifth place.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Steel frame snowmobile is known as the brave game, many people look at the steel frame snow car, see the athlete lying on a steel plate galloping, speed up to more than 100 km / h, think it is very exciting and fun, or think that the athlete is just bold, but just slide down the track, there is no difficulty, so it is a big mistake.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Because the risk is too great, it has been cancelled by the Winter Olympics twice, the steel frame snowmobile project known as "Ice and Snow World F1" is an extremely difficult sport, some people can not practice this project for a lifetime, because this project belongs to the "meat-wrapped iron", it requires athletes to glide at high speed without any obstruction fixation, the whole body is exposed to the air at high speed, when a certain speed is reached, many people will be very afraid, the fear of speed, so this is a brave game.

On the one hand, it requires athletes to have top explosive power, so as to obtain faster initial speed of coasting, on the other hand, it requires athletes to have extremely accurate and sensitive control, control the snowmobile to slide smoothly in the track, minimize the collision friction with the ice wall of the track, and avoid overturning.

Therefore, the athletes who practice this project are often tall and tall, often weighing eight or ninety kilograms, and the attention is not fat, but a muscular macho, because only athletes with strong explosive power and excellent physical control ability can become steel frame snowmobile athletes.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

The steel frame bobsleigh is a traditional advantage project abroad, and the mainland has carried out this project for a short time, you may not know, just a few years ago, the national championship of the continental project was held in Norway, because the mainland did not have a bobsleigh track at that time, and athletes could only train and compete abroad.

Chinese it is precisely by relying on diligence, specialization and wisdom, starting from scratch, striving to be strong, and finally not only achieving project participation in the Olympic Games at the doorstep, but also standing on the podium, which is a breakthrough! The significance is extraordinary!

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

In the men's 500-meter final of speed skating at the Winter Olympics yesterday, Gao Tingyu, the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation at the opening ceremony, broke the Olympic record with a time of 34.32 seconds and won the gold medal.

Unlike short-track speed skating, which is more emblematic of the confrontation between people, speed skating shows the competition between people and time, and speed skaters do not have physical confrontation with each other, compared to absolute strength and ability.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

The older generation of athletes, including Ye Qiaobo, Wang Manli and Wang Beixing, have achieved excellent results in international competitions, while Zhang Hong won the first speed skating Olympic gold medal for the Chinese team in the 1000 meters of the Sochi Winter Olympics, creating a new history.

And in the 500 meters of this speed skating distance of the shortest event mainland male athletes can win gold medals, which is basically equivalent to achieving a breakthrough in the men's track and field sprint event, because this is a project that requires absolute strength and explosiveness, and mainland male athletes have always been difficult to compete with European athletes in the project of showing absolute explosiveness, Gao Tingyu can break through the ethnographic theory and win the gold medal, which is undoubtedly a victory in scientific training, and the type of people has always been an excuse for the weak!

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death
The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Mainland male athletes Gao Tingyu and Yan Wengang achieved breakthroughs in the short-term explosive events of the Winter Olympics, breaking the monopoly of Europe and the United States on these projects, and highlighting the achievements made by the mainland in scientific training and scientific and technological support training.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

How do runners go from unarmed to proper weight-bearing strength training?

For most sports, explosive power is extremely important, the so-called explosive power is the ability to produce the greatest force in the shortest time.

Explosive power depends on two factors, one is strength, the other is speed, and strength is the basis of explosive power, without power can not talk about explosive power.

The reason why Gao Tingyu and Yan Wengang can pick gold and win bronze, super strength, especially explosiveness is crucial, just like Su Bingtian's achievements in the 100 meters are ultimately his excellent explosiveness.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Although road running is an endurance sport, more than 90% of today's runners have realized the importance of strength training for running, and runners do not only run, but also need to do strength training.

The benefits of strength training for running are many, which can be summarized as four major benefits: increased pace, improved running efficiency, avoiding injuries, and faster recovery after injuries.

The benefits of strength training for running

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

In the way of strength training, freehand training for runners is definitely the first choice, but for mature runners, freehand training is often not enough, appropriate "iron" is essential to increase the training load, improve the training effect is crucial, runners often do not need to carry out large weight training, light weight, multiple times the number of training benefits the most.

Runners should pay attention to the appropriate increase of "light weight iron training"

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

The following are commonly used freehand and light weight training moves recommended for runners, generally 15-20 kg barbell bars are enough.


The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

One leg hard pull

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Lunge to the knee

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

One leg hard pulls on the raised knee

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Single-legged hip bridge

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Pedal legs to lift knees

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Weight-bearing squats

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Load hard pull

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Weight-bearing straight legs pull hard

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Heavy arrow squat

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Weight-bearing lunge

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Weight-bearing one-leg hard pull

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Weight-bearing lunges lift the knees

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Lift your legs and knees

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death
The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

How runners do explosive training

After strength training, it is necessary to transform into explosive power, which is the fundamental purpose of the vast majority of athletes to train strength - to enhance explosiveness.

Runners may be unfamiliar with explosive power, and it is not sprinting, it is all jogging or medium-speed running, what explosive power is required?

That's a bad thing to say.

Explosive training is indispensable for mature runners, explosive training on the one hand can avoid improper strength training caused your muscles to become too stiff, on the other hand, it is effective to improve your running economy, so that your pace can be improved faster.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

To improve explosiveness, the recognized more effective and rapid training method is rapid telescopic compound training, which has been recognized worldwide as one of the most important training methods to improve muscle contraction speed and explosiveness.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Rapid scaling compound training is the English "Plyometrics", which has been translated as many names such as augmented training, bounce training and super isometric training, until recent years we are more accustomed to calling it "rapid telescopic compound training".

Rapid telescopic compound training refers to the exercise of generating maximum speed or maximum strength in the shortest time, mainly through pre-elongation of muscles, using the elastic potential energy of muscles and tendons and traction reflexes to achieve faster and stronger centripetal contraction movements.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Rapid telescopic compound training is one of the most effective training methods to increase explosive power, and it can also improve neuromuscular coordination and intermuscular synergy, thereby improving your running economy and making you run more energy-efficient, easier, and of course faster.

To understand why rapid stretch compound training helps to run, first of all, you have to understand such a concept, muscles not only have contractility, but also have elasticity, the so-called elasticity is the ability to rebound after being stretched, just like the leather band, the muscle after being stretched, the same has resilience, rapid stretching compound training can effectively train the muscle circulation elongation and shortening ability, so that you can effectively use the elastic potential energy stored in the elongation process of soft tissues (muscles, tendons), This reduces the energy consumption of direct muscle contraction and improves running economy.

The essence of rapid telescopic compound training is to require the trainer to minimize the contact time with the ground, so the trainer needs to learn to hit the ground buffer stage and actively react to the ground.

During the running process, when the support foot lands on the ground, the muscle centrifugal contraction enters the buffer stage, and then the active centripetal contraction pushes the body forward. Therefore, the rapid telescopic compound training muscle working mode is the same as the muscle contraction mode in running, and it is also a running special strength training.

Typical elongation and shortening elastic movements occur in the calf muscles when running to the ground

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

The scientists assessed the effect of 9 weeks of rapid telescopic compound training on the neuroskeletal muscle system and athletic performance of middle-distance runners, and the results showed that after 9 weeks of training, the athletes' 5 km running performance, running economy, 5-step distance and 20-meter running performance were significantly improved, while running landing time was reduced (the shorter the running landing time, the smaller the speed loss, the better the use of elastic potential energy of muscle tendons).

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Here's what runners must do for quick stretch compound training

1. Crouch and jump

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

2. Lunge jump

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

3. Anti-bow jump

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

4. Raise your legs high

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

5. Alternate steps

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

6. Step jump deep

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

7. Jump continuously with both legs

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

8. Continuous jumping on one leg

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death
The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death


Strength training is of course very important for runners, when too much slow strength training is easy to make the speed of movement slower, but also may cause muscle stiffness, strength training must be effectively combined with explosive force training, in order to play a role in promoting running.

The Chinese male players of the Winter Olympics strongly counterattacked the European and American players! Attaching importance to strength training is a weapon of death

Doing some strength and explosiveness training on a regular basis is very helpful for runners to run faster and easier! Strength and explosiveness have always been twins!

Strength training (including upper limb, lower limb, core, and hip training) requires strength training if you want to be uninjured, shape a perfect body, and have explosive power.

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