
Maradona died suddenly after leaving this sentence, why was he able to receive state funeral treatment?

author:China News Network

China News Network, November 26, comprehensive report, local time on the 25th, a generation of superstars in the football industry fell, Argentine legend Maradona died of a sudden heart attack at home, at the age of 60.

After the news broke, at the stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in San Andrés, in La Plata, even in Italy, in the United Kingdom, where Maradona had left its mark, fans wore shirts and masks painted with Maradona, spontaneously gathered together, shouting, talking, crying, holding hands and singing the song "The Hand of God"...

"Everyone is waiting for us to say something, but what else can we say about this pain that we are experiencing... Now is the time for tears. Serie A said in a statement.

Maradona died suddenly after leaving this sentence, why was he able to receive state funeral treatment?

Infographic: On November 10, 2001, at the Maradona individual farewell match held at the "La Bombonera" stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the king of the ball flew a kiss to the audience.

Maradona left this sentence and died suddenly

Originally, November 25 was just an ordinary day. British media reported that Maradona, as usual, took a walk after getting up for breakfast, and then lay down to rest because he felt tired.

Before the break, his last words were "Me siento mal" (Me siento mal). Near noon, his assistant tried to wake him up when he realized that he had lost consciousness. After that, 9 ambulances arrived, but he was still not rescued.

About 3 weeks ago, Maradona underwent head surgery for a subdural hematoma, possibly due to an unexplained impact on the head. On 11 November, he was transferred to his residence and began to receive alcohol abstinence treatment from doctors.

Since retiring in 1997, he has had several health problems. In 2004, he was hospitalized for a heart attack caused by a lung infection, and at one point he even experienced a heart beat and respiratory arrest. Later, he was hospitalized for stomach bleeding.

Maradona died suddenly after leaving this sentence, why was he able to receive state funeral treatment?

On November 25, local time, legendary star Maradona died of illness, and fans in Naples, Italy, spontaneously kept vigil for him.

After the news of Maradona's death, people in football have expressed their condolences and condolences. Brazil's "ball king" Pele said: "One day, we will definitely get together in the sky to play football. ”

Argentine soccer superstar Lionel Messi released a photo of the two and said "Diego is eternal".

Portugal star Cristiano Ronaldo said nostalgically: "Today, I bid farewell to a friend, and the world bids farewell to an eternal genius. "He left too quickly, but the legend left behind is infinite, and the shortcomings left behind can never be filled."

The Argentine Football Association expressed "the deepest condolences for the death of the legend"; FIFA President Infantino described him as "a legend, a hero, a real man"; the European Football Association said that the UEFA Champions League on the 25th and the 26th Europa League will observe a minute of silence before the match to pay tribute to Maradona.

Maradona died suddenly after leaving this sentence, why was he able to receive state funeral treatment?

On November 25, local time, in Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, police were on guard around the residence of legendary star Diego Maradona.


Maradona represented Argentina. ”

Argentina's presidential palace has announced that there will be three days of national mourning across the country because of Maradona's death. During this period, Maradona's remains will be placed in the Presidential Palace.

In his mourning remarks, President Fernandez spoke about Maradona's influence on Argentina. "Worldwide, Maradona represented Argentina," he said. He brought us joy, and we can't repay so much joy. ”

According to a number of foreign media reports, Argentina will hold a national hero-sized funeral and farewell ceremony for Maradona. The British "Guardian" said that at least 1 million people are expected to come to mourn on the 26th.

Outside the presidential palace, fans have gathered around the building's fence and hung relevant flags and slogans on the fence; others have lined up to attend Maradona's funeral and farewell ceremony.

Born on 30 October 1960, Diego Maradona has had a brilliant career as a player. He has played for Boca Juniors, Barcelona, Napoli and other clubs in Argentina. He played 91 games for the Argentine national team, scoring 34 goals; he also led the team to win the 1986 World Cup for Argentina. After retiring, he coached several teams, including the Argentine national team.

Maradona accumulated much richer life experience than he was his age. He once said that he has always understood that life must be full of fun.

Maradona died suddenly after leaving this sentence, why was he able to receive state funeral treatment?

On November 25, local time, the legendary star Maradona died of illness, and the fans of Naples, Italy spontaneously kept vigil for him, from 1984 to 1992, Maradona brought two Serie A championship trophies and two Italian cups to Napoli.

"The ronin, the genius and the contradictions of the football world

Which one is the real Maradona? ”

On October 30, 2020, Maradona celebrated his 60th birthday. The BBC has published biographer Gilliam Balag's account of the half-life of the unruly "football legend":

Diego Maradona is a ronin, genius and contradictory figure in football. Which one is the real Maradona?

Was it the little boy named Diego, a child from the small town of Fiorito's shack in Buenos Aires who had been a genius since childhood? Or is it the man named Maradona who carries dreams, aspirations, and ultimately convinces them that Argentina is the best country in the world? Perhaps, both.

Back in 1968, Francis Conejo, the coach of the junior echelon known as the "Little Onion Heads", affiliated with the Argentine Youth Club, came to the town of Fiorito to check the age of a child's identity certificate. The first time he saw this kid tryout, his first reaction was shock, "He's too young to be eight years old."

The child's mother, Dalma Salvadora Franco, took out Diego's birth certificate at Evita Hospital to confirm his age. Francis's performance in that moment was "like discovering a new continent." He found a gem that could be added to his team. Beginning in March 1969, the small team has been winning, setting a record of 136 consecutive unbeaten games.

Biographer Gilliam Balague also said of a 'hand of God' goal he scored: "What would have happened if Argentina hadn't beaten England in the 'Hand of God' match at the 1986 Fifacé in Mexico and hadn't succeeded in 'revenge' for its defeat in the Falkland Islands four years earlier? That game made him an immortal being in his homeland. (End)

Source: China News Network

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