
Why am I convinced that the next plate rotation will be GameFi?

Written by raymond Chng |

Compiled | 0xbread, TechFlow

The original title |Why do I believe GameFi will still lead the next wave?

The next plate rotation will be Gamefi, which is still in the early stages of the field. Even if the entire industry is currently languishing, Gamefi has the potential to become a tipping point for the industry and usher in explosive growth. This article may be able to bring you some valuable news to read to the end to get Alpha.

Over the past 6-7 weeks, the vast majority of tokens have been on a downward trend (with the exception of some small-cap altcoins), while the NFT market has been choppy during the same period. We are experiencing a market with decentralized funds.

We've seen many investors make huge profits in the NFT market through AzukiZen, BAYC and AdamBombSquad, and some of them have turned 5ETH into 100ETH or more. So where will this money end up?

I believe that some of this profit will flow into the game NFT, because they are used to buying NFTs, and we can also see that some NFTs have launched a complete game roadmap.

But this does not seem to be so friendly to DeFi, and through understanding, investors in the DeFi circle also believe that funds have indeed shifted to other sectors. Gamefi, on the one hand, is a good balance point for NFT+DeFi, and investors in both fields can participate well in Gamefi's projects. Gamefi's developers, on the other hand, have been working on builds over the past few months, and many projects will soon launch new products. In the last cycle, Gamefi was almost all p2e, and some people were already tired of this model of Axe. However, this is about to change.

Play To Earn (P2E) has already begun a shift in the direction of Play And Earn (P&E), and this shift is very popular in the Gamefi community. By reading a lot of articles and participating in discussions with other game economists, this transformation of Gamefi is already indisputable. P&E's game design will first bring some traditional competitive gamers into blockchain games and further bring more game genre players into the field.

More and more traditional game companies have also announced the entry of chain games, like Ubisoft, Microsoft, SoftBank and a series of traditional game companies and investment companies announced investment in chain games, and into the meta-universe, in the future, there will be more and more traditional companies to enter and invest in Gamefi. Of course, many crypto funds are also stepping up to recruit Gamefi investment team talents, such as A16z. In short, more and more capital is entering Gamefi, and Gamefi's transition to P&E will attract more capable, hot gamers - > may lead to a better crypto esports ecosystem, thus forming a positive cycle.

Why am I convinced that the next plate rotation will be GameFi?

In terms of the projects I'm mainly focused on, Cra and Magic have been very stable over the past month. Both have solid communities that are very helpful and very enthusiastic about their ecosystem, which is good for investors.

Why am I convinced that the next plate rotation will be GameFi?

Price chart of Cra

Why am I convinced that the next plate rotation will be GameFi?

Magic's price chart

So, if the next sector to erupt is Gamefi, how should we choose the target? I'll share my thoughts and actions (note, it doesn't constitute investment advice), so let's get started.

Avax's subnet is coming soon in the first quarter, and thanks to its faster responsiveness and greater scalability, the entire subnet has greatly helped Gamefi, providing everything you need for high-performance gaming. On the Avax ecosystem, I would focus on Jewel and Cra.

Jewel and Cra, as blue-chip Gamefi tokens in the Avax ecosystem, have a strong community pillar and attention. The only project I'm focusing on at Arbitrium is Magic, which has a complete ecosystem of games, NFTs, and projects, and I feel like Nintendo, looking forward to the future development of the community.

Why am I convinced that the next plate rotation will be GameFi?

Ecologically, crypto_raiders and crypto_unicorns are ecologically the most reliable p2e mode of chain travel. If you've been following Gamefi before, you'll know that there are many people who make a lot of money going from 0.2ETh to 2ETH in Unicorns.

Of course, there are too many chain games for you to choose from, but if you haven't been on this track for a long time, I think it's hard to choose a good game and follow the heat rotation game. So I personally think that for those who don't have the energy to learn about Gamefi, Guilds is one of the good investment options in this wave of Gamefi pulling.

Guilds like Ygg, Mc, GF, and Avg are Gamefi's index funds, and they participate in a lot of physical games. So investing in these guild tokens is like buying funds like SPY (an established index fund with a high profile in the U.S. stock market). Among these guilds, I personally think Guildfi is one of the best options, and I will share some personal thoughts.

GuildFi has a Guildfi ID platform that brings all player data together in one place. This platform is important as we move to the P&E model. For the current environment, the number of high-quality games that can make money is limited, and the competition for rewards is very fierce, which means that players face a choice: either choose games that can make money and do not like, compete with a large number of speculators, or choose their favorite games to give up their income. So is there any way to keep players from struggling with whether to choose to play a game that makes money or a game they like?

Why am I convinced that the next plate rotation will be GameFi?

The GuildFi ID platform solves this problem. Proof-of-Play is a reward system unique to the GuildFi platform that turns any game into a money-making game because all games run in the GuildFi ecosystem, meaning players never have to choose between the games they like and the ones that have revenue rewards.

There are also many benefits to holding a GF token pledge, during the time of the pledge, you can get a variety of airdrop rewards, imagine you will get a hundred times token like PTP, ensuring that your assets appreciate in value.

Guildfi also has a solid financial position. Guildfi's treasury has been divided into three distinct sections: cash reserves, tokens, and NFTs. The higher the national treasury reserves, the more stable and perfect the internal ecology. So if you don't know Gamefi, invest in guilds.

As far as the current operation is concerned, I have bought some Cra and Tus. I think Tus will become more and more useful with the release of new game modes. More players/guilds will use Tus to buy crabs, and perhaps more to buy land in the future. Currently, Tus is down about 30% from its price peak, which I think is a good opportunity to buy a position. As for Cra I'll keep it.

AXIE, as a pioneer and leader in the Gamefi space, I believe it will return to the uptrend, I bought some Axes and Slp and prepared to swap positions later to other game tokens.

Then there's my favorite, The D'Au, which is known as Dragon Coin. As an early chain tour project of Avax Eco, FDV is around 16 million, has a unique deflation, and is currently priced in three digits, if it can become four digits I would prefer it.

Final thoughts

No one can predict the future, I just personally think that the market that belongs to Gamefi is coming, there may be a lot of 10-50 times increases, who can say for sure? See what's happening in 2021 for Axes! In addition, based on the performance of Gamefi tokens over the past few weeks, they are also dynamic in bear markets and able to outperform the broader market. Is it very similar to the post-519 era in 2021, and is it possible that it will become the tipping point of the entire cryptocurrency rally like last year?

Note: None of the tokens mentioned in the article are financial recommendations. DYOR。

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